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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. New theme idea!


    oh my god this one rocks.


    Most Emo/myspazz image you can manage.


    Photoshop filters etc accepted as they may enhance the 'lolDA' pretension.




    Gah, I don't think I could grasp that look if I tried.

  2. I never had that "need to look older" thing, I always thought time was/is going way too fast for my liking. Every time I realise I'm now on my way to 30 instead of 20, it gets really depressing.


    I don't really have that need to look older. It was just a suggestion from my hair dresser to let my beard grow and I've gotten positive reactions from people, so I kept it. :)

  3. Why are the bitchy straight men accepted into the main stream while bitchy gay men are not? Is it just because they do it in different ways? They can both be as equally destructive.


    Well, Dan Dare makes a point about that not being bitchy behaviour, but I'm beginning to doubt my definiton of being bitchy right now ...


    Whatever it is, the behaviour you describe is hardly accepted by the main stream community. I believe many of those who sympathise with discrimination are themselves afraid of homosexuality. Narrow-mindedness ... :nono:

  4. haha ^_^ it wasn't trying to be mean, I was honestly quite surprised. Shame I'm older ;)




    Oh no, I didn't take it in an offensive way. :) It's funny - at my age, it's great to be thought of as older, but when you get older, the opposite is preferrable.


    Oh, and I'll take that last comment as a huge compliment. :blush:

  5. Dude Animals of Farthing Wood! :D I used to love that show I remember it being my absolute fav growing up, and I also collected the mags :D


    And they had like plastic stickers, that you could re-stick, and a big forest background to stick them on. Oh god I loved it <3


    Animals of Farthing Wood AND re-stickable stickers? NOW we're talking nostalgia! :D

  6. o_O' ... I can assure you that I'm wearing my real glasses in that picture. You can see the shadow cast by the rims and the amplified light on my face.


    I dunno how I do that. I just ... gah, it's hard to explain what you actually do.


    haha ^_^, complete OT but I never realised you were 17, I thought you were older than me.


    Oh dear. :blank:


    Why would you think that? :confused:

  7. Funny you should create this thread, as yesterday I took a great dislike of wasps because of them ruining our outside meal (for me, at least). I freak out when they come near my food.


    It's a funny thing, me and insects. I find insects to be very cool, from their appearance to their abilites (like the example mentioned in the post above this), but at the same time I hate being near them, as I can't stand their creepy crawliness. It gives me the creeps.


    I'm especially afraid of spiders. I suspect I have arachnophobia (so please spoil-tag photos of arachnids), as the fear is completely irrational. I don't know what it is that's freaking me out about spiders, but it's certainly there! It's getting better though, partially due to me having to deal with a lot of the bastards in my room this summer.


    Moths I don't particularly mind, but we've had trouble with colonies this summer. I think we've found two or three colonies in total.

  8. ALL Beatles songs!


    Sorry but I just don't get it!


    Shame on you ... :nono:


    I've experienced a few songs that didn't really did anything for me, but after they had been played non-stop in the radio for two weeks, they actually started doing something for me: Igniting boiling in my bladder, shutting down my cerebral behaviourial center, etc.

  9. Do not fear Danny Boy it was a shirt of the band. I do not condone the actions of sexually offending demons. That would be immoral.


    'Twas not you I was afraid of. It was nightwolf associating you with a sex demon. ;)

  10. 3 fucking hot daughters. They have a pool in the "garden" (Only us, in the building, can see it, because the garden is full of plants in the side), the 3 of them get naked every Saturday at 12:00 AM, and go to the pool have fun, every saturday, i look at them with binoculars, they look like lesbians, but they haven't done nothing sexual, yet... (Praying for something sexual), some times, they bring fat boys and have fun with them (nothing sexual again, just hugs and being in the pool playing), for my luck, the fat boys use bathsuits (bathsuits? :X)


    4 (and last) - Mr Nerd: (Don't know his real name)


    When i grow up, i wanna be like him, he is the stereotype of the Nerd alive, he's fat, he has glasses, he speaks "iffy" and he goes with "Legend of Zelda" and "Halo3" Shirts all the way, i works at a Video Store close from here (one where we buy only for one day a movie, you know?), he sometimes call me to play, i play with him games like Street Fighter 2 Turbo (he kicks my ass), Guitar Hero 3, and some times, i help him in puzzles with games like Zelda and Zack and Wiki, he has all the three consoles, the two handlehelds, a great computer, and a room only with games and posters from nude chicks (most of them from videogames, but i don't know them, i think some of them i alread played in Street Fighter 2).


    These two neighbours sound awesome! :D

  11. Incubus is a band?


    silly moo.


    Eenuh great poses! I love that dog plushie! :yay:


    Ah, but from what do you think the band got its name? An incubus (Latin, pl. = incubi) is a male sex demon that was thought to rape women in their sleep and thereby reproducing. They were said to be known for their extremely cold penises. The female counterpart is the succubus (or succuba), who raped men in their sleep. It was believed that sleep paralysis (waking up and being conscious, but not being able to move your body) was a result of a succubus sitting on top of you, "riding" you, to use the popular term.

  12. Anyway another door along from them is a family with a fit 16/17 yr old girl who sunbathes on hot days in hot pants and a small t-shirt. Always nice to see when you look out of your bathroom window


    I wanna live where you live ... T_T

  13. I had that feeling of "I REALLY have to get this game even if I have to steal!" the moment I saw Mario kicking Yoshi in the leg, in the Smash 64 TV ad.


    I only saw that ad recently while waiting for Brawl (probably searching for Smash videos on Y'Tube), but I wish I'd seen it then. :p But alas, 'twas before I went on teh Internetz.

  14. I was annoyed for the rest of the evening. You don't often get a chance like that!


    and also Note to self: It's Pinky AND the brain. Sorry that was annoying me :p


    It's "Pinky and the Brain". ;)


    I'm one of those people who can eat anything and everything I want without ever gaining a single drop of fat on me. In fact, I'm possibly a little underweight.


    I could do with some exercises to build up some muscles, though. I'm quite a weakling, though my half a year of karate training did do me some good. I would've loved to continue, but my schedule was wearing me out and so I wasn't able to put the focus and energy I wanted into it. 'Twas a shame, really.


    Oh, and Llama Juice, you're awesome for being yourself in videos on the Internet. : peace:

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