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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Regarding RS1, I agree with IMJ.


    A funny little thing I noticed: In MP3, you couldn't keep your view upwards and point around. As soon as you moved the crosshairs downward, the screen view followed (I hope this makes sense). This actually annoyed me. And it wasn't a problem in RS1. Just a funny little tidbit when MP3's FPS-part is considered to be vastly superior to RS1's.

  2. Have a Pokétastic day! :yay:


    He wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.

    To post news is his real test, to spread them is his cause.

    He will travel across the net, searching far and wide,

    all Pokénews he's gonna find and post them on his site.

  3. Everytime someone votes rasin i'm voting twice for Coffee.


    I have nothing in particular against chocolate with coffee taste. My mum makes a great chocolate cake with mocca. :) Just to point it out, I don't know the specific candy we're discussing. I'm just going by what I think about flavoured chocolate in general.


    Wait a sec...? How come Maltesers score so low? I love them! They're MY favourite cinema snack!

  4. UbiSoft, I have mixed feelings about them. In perspective of the 360/PS3, they are an amazing publisher that generally brings out great games.


    In perspective of the Wii, though, they can go straight to hell. EA has done more, in my eyes, for both core and casual markets than UbiSoft flooding the market with shit for both sides of the spectrum. Their casual titles are crap and their core titles are crap and I wouldn't be surprised if their games on the platform started to steadily slow down in sales.


    But that's the problem, isn't it? Many of the casual gamers don't know the difference between good games and Ubisoft games, so they just lap it all up. There'll always be naïve people who buy crap titles.

  5. My Wii's on a 37" Matsui HDTV, my 360 is on an old CRT in my room. It should be the other way round but I can't play online and talk to people on the 360 in my living room without having my sister coming in every five minutes screaming "WHAT DID U SAY???"


    Now I'm curious ... what DO you say? :P

  6. Simon's Cat trilogy (very cute)


    Yeah, I've seen those. They're extremely cute! :)


    Best music video, EVARRR!


    I hope that was sarcasm as in "it's the best 'cause it's the worst". Seriously, the song is nothing special and nor is she, but the worst part is that she can't even hit the right notes.

  7. I should probably point out that no statistician (correct me if I'm wrong Odwin :wink:) takes IQ seriously. It's a random measure of... something, which isn't intelligence, though is arguably vaguely related to some sorts of reasoning skills. The idea is to make a statistic that is nomally distributed with mean 100 and variance 225, meaning that the outliers have IQs above 130 (historically "geniuses") and below 70 (historically "morons"), the 98th and 2nd percentiles respectively. Of course, the tests never work this accurately, and all end up giving different results, and as they're all asking different questions, what do they actually end up telling you? It's neither a measure of intelligence nor an accurate measure of IQ, whatever that actually is. In my opinion, the worst fallacy is that IQ suggests that intelligence is linear.


    I don't get all the statistics, but that last quote is great.

  8. I got 133 on that one :p:p




    Well, that means your intelligence with logical sequences matches your overall inteligence in the other fields. About half way through the test with only logical sequences, I began to find it difficult to find the pattern and started giving more or less qualified guesses. So that's roughly 50% correct answers. The Tickle one tests your logical abilities in many different fields, but the general difficulty isn't as high. It's actually weird that two so different tests produce so different results for what should be the same number, but that just shows the accuracy (or lack thereof) of Internet IQ tests - and IQ tests in general. Intelligence is a very complex thing that is hard to measure.

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