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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. a cat that has its eyes open, is laying in what looks like an uncomfortable position with its paws out, not responding to the camera-holder - some sort of catatonic (lols) state. It's not really scary at all, if you ask me! Just odd.


    That actually looks kinda cool. I read in the comments for the video that it's a normal form of catatonia (jay already made they joke), in which animals/humans "freeze" in place, their eyes staring blankly at nothing. They'll react to touch, but freeze again straight afterwards. About the position, I don't think the cat finds it uncomfortable, as cats are quite flexible. I've seen our cats sleep in that position numerous times.

  2. I only need one companion: Supergrunch


    Why, you ask? Let me ask you this: Have you ever seen (or rather, heard) zombies make anything but primitive moaning sounds? No? So we can assume that if something possesses the ability to speak, it is not a zombie. Supergrunch, having super linguistic powers, could teach the zombies to speak. Based on the conslusion that zombies can't speak, the zombies cease to be zombies, and thus the threat is averted. Quod erat demonstrandum.






    That point is valid enough to win ANY case in court.

  3. The reason they show the red cross and the code is because the code is the alt text for the image displaying the smiley. For example, mouseover the "Quote" button in this post, see the text that pops up? That's the alt text. Its main purpose is to appear when the image does not load.


    The reason the images don't load? They're hosted on xsorbit servers because they're smileys we wanted to keep from the old board. They frequently disappear because the server is obviously iffy and although Ashley has promised a dozen times to host them on N-E, he never has :D


    Thanks. :)


    (I did know about the function of the code, though. :p When reporting a problem, always describe the precise details. ;))

  4. I respect the person, not the subject. If its something that CLEARLY leaves someone uncomfortable or angry, I try not to be an asshole. But I think anything can be openly discussed.


    Greay way to describe it, actually. :) Kudos to you.

  5. Nope, 'twas them (us) bluddy Danes all right. And to be honest it really split the population. Some people applauded the newspaper's move, other people were really embarrassed to be Danish. The Muslims who lived in Denmark actually weren't that bothered by the cartoons. The problems arose when the Imams brought the cartoons down to the deeply Islamic countries, getting the cartoons mixed with some completely unrelated images. But I don't want to get that discussion running again.

  6. Lots of the smileys don't work for me either. Except in the smiley box on the right it doesn't show red crosses it shows the code. e.g. : smile :


    But that may be different browsers. I'm on Firefox 3.


    Well, now that I look, the smiley box shows the red crosses AND the code. I use the latest version of Internet Explorer, but the problem with the smileys have only recently arisen and coincided with a severe Internet lag (which is in order now), so I was afraid something had happened with my computer.

  7. Yea Star Fox is by far my most favourite Nintendo franchise :D:D


    And I don't think you would lose the "Zelda-feeling", just think about it: heat-seeker arrows, high-tech boomerang which can leave tiny bombs on enemies, they explode on your command, a master sword which can be on fire, icy, electrified, etc., I mean that does sound appealing, doesn't it??


    Read my post again. Yes, all those things sound appealing (though personally, I'd much rather see a Zelda game in the steampunk genre *drools*), but it'd still not be the Zelda we know anymore. Now matter how great it would be, it'd still destroy the Zelda as we know it. Now, I'm not here to discuss the good/bad sides of change in general, but think about it: We already have a science fiction franchise (you of all would know! :p), but Zelda is the only medieval fantasy franchise we have. I'd still love a game in the steampunk genre, but I wouldn't want to sacrifice the medieval fantasy. Maybe a new franchise ...? *hint, hint, Nintendo!*

  8. I don't think there should be any taboos. But you always have to consider the who, when, and where when you consider bringing up a topic that is in some way risky. And I'm all for freedom of speech and beliefs.

  9. Some of the smileys do not work for me right now. Also, the Smiley box to the right of the message input box looks messed up, probably because the smileys that do not work have been replaced with those white boxes with red crosses in them (which are larger than the smileys), resulting in the smileys being pushed out of the box.


    Is this a problem with the forum or my computer?

  10. As stated before by others... In TP Kakariko Village looked like a ghost town through out the game... why couldn't they make the whole world of Hyrule "more bustling of life" when you get deeper into the story???

    They also desperately need some new characters... I'm getting quite sick of the gorons and the zora's with mainly the same problems in each game... They could add a new twist to the game...where you e.g. can fly through Hyrule with some kind of hoverboard or wings, hell even a bicycle xouldn't hurt...Epona's always seems so hard to turn, pretty slow and...old fashioned... why can't they make a modern zelda with up-to-date weapons instead of all that medieval shit??


    Your Star Fox love shines through. ;)


    While the idea that Konfucius posted appeals to me, I'm afraid it might become something completely different than Zelda. Zelda has always had a medieval setting. While alternate ideas appeal to me (some more than others - I remember drooling over obviously fake leaks about the next Zelda game being in the steampunk genre, a genre I've fallen in love with), it just wouldn't be the Zelda we know anymore. Nintendo has on the other said stated that the next Zelda would be somehow different, so maybe it's still a possibility (though I doubt it).


    Oh, and having just looked over some other examples of cel-shading on realistic characters, I found that it can work quite well. As it apparently isn't the cel-shading itself I dislike about the Dragon Ball Budokai characters, I guess it's because the art style itself is too cartoony for my liking.

  11. "Hardcore", "core", and "casual" are terms that originated to distinguish games such as Zelda, Mario, and Metroid from games like Wii Sports, Wii Play, and Wii Fit. The problem is, there exist no specific definitons, only different people's interpretations. It's obvious there's a difference in content and audience of these games, but it's hard to define what exactly determines those things. This debate is both evidence and a direct result of that: The need for a definiton of the difference between "core" and "casual" has grown since Nintendo took the first step down their new direction and culminated in this year's E3. The problem is, at this point, there exists so many interpretations of the terms that finding a true definiton seems almost impossible.

  12. Probably won't leave this forum for a looong time. (Sorry, guys! :p) I love this place too much. I've been a member of two other forums. One of them died pretty quickly following low activity, and I realised the other was full of immature, narrow-minded, selfish brats, so this is definitely the best forum I've ever been on.


    I just remembered I had a strange dream last night in which I met some of you guys in real life. One of them was bluey (in a Japanese school uniform! -.-') and I never found out who the other guy was. I don't even know what you guys look like!

  13. We have to remember that it wasn't the cel-shading itself that gave WW its wonderful charm, it was the art style. The cel-shading just added to that. To be honest, I don't like cel-shading added to otherwise realistic characters like for example in the Dragon Ball Budokai games. It looks ... ugly, in my opinion. But I loved WW's art style and general take on the Zelda universe. It was like a different genre within the Zelda series, and I would actually love for them to keep both genres, maybe alternating between them. Not combining them, though.

  14. its out in 2 days how short is your attention span? :heh:

    but yeah! i too am very excited for the exciting conclusion. it looks to be.. exciting!! O___O!


    Wah, why did it have to end on such a sad note? :weep: Certainly not the ending I had anticipated. It seems awfully moral for a comedy movie.


    EDIT: Hm, some of the smilies have stopped working for me (among others the one I tried using above). I just get the empty box with a red X in it.

  15. Oh holy christ, my head is pounding.


    Sorry about last night guys. Went out for a staff dinner. And someone kept ordering bottles of wine with the meal so I was on that at first. Then after dinner went down the pub and onto my regular drink. Jack Daniels.


    Think I learned mixing wine and whiskey = bad things.


    Came home and spotted I left the laptop on and I think ye know the rest.

    Tried to play Brawl online too last night (me drunk=bad Brawl player.....well worse than my normal badness anyway)


    I don't think I did too much damage... could have posted more but many of the threads I opened I remember thinking "too many words don't know what this thread is about" and left it :heh:


    Once again.... my bad :(


    Well, it DID fit quite well in with the topic at hand. :p

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