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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. We had a geography teach that always said "right" or "err" in between every other word. The register went like this:


    Teacher: "Err John."

    John: "miss"

    Teacher: "Right. Err Sam."

    Sam: "Right. Err [insert name here]"


    Every single lesson. We once counted how many times she said right and err in a one hour lesson. She said "err" something between 150 and 200 and "right" over 300 times. She used the word "right" as a full stop.


    I have a teacher who does the exact same thing. He uses both "right" and what is approximately the Danish equivalent of it: "ikke". "Right" is always dragged out ("riiight") and is said each time he has finished a sentence or a few related sentences and moves on to something else.

  2. Welcome to the forums. Hope you like it here. :)


    The obvious choice would be The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. I found the story great and interesting. Maybe not as good as some of the other Zelda games, but it's still good. As it can be seen by a thread on these very forums, it is debated whether TP lived up to it's promises. There is also widespread agreement, though, that the game had been hyped and is in fact a great game. People just expect very much from Zelda games and thus can be prone to disappointment. I would seriously consider giving it a try, especially if you're after great storylines.


    Other obvious choices are Super Mario Galaxy (for a Mario game, it actually has a rather deep background story) and of course Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.

  3. I have noticed your love for linguistics, Supergrunch. I also find it very interesting and I am studying Latin and Ancient Greek in my STX at the moment. :)


    My most prevalent hobby would be nerding. It's a term I have come up with to describe what I do: Surf the internet and Wikipedia for knowledge about random stuff that I'm interested in.


    An example: Yesterday, I read Wookieepdeia's articles on the seven forms of lightsaber combat, learning the basic principles of each:

    • Form I: Shii-Cho - The basic form. Taught to all Jedi even before Youngling training. No weaknesses, "its simplicity is its strength".
    • Form II: Makashi - The elegant form. Ideal for lightsaber duelling.
    • Form III: Soresu - The defensive form. Gives the Jedi almost impenetrable defense. Prolonged battles of defending while wearing out the opponent.
    • Form IV: Ataru - The agressive form. Makes use of acrobatics, using the Force to enhance almost all body movements. The acrobatics often leave the Jedi's defenses open and also quickly wear the Jedi out.
    • Form V: Shien / Djem So - The powerful form. An offensive take on Soresu. Has two different versions with same primary focus: To turn the opponent's attacks against himself and dominate him. Requires physically powerful moves and attacks.
    • Form VI: Niman - The diplomat's form. A balanced form with no weak sides. Emphasises equal training in all areas of lightsaber combat. Ideal for diplomats who spend more time on politics than on combat training.
    • Form VII: Juyo / Vaapad - The ferocious form. Juyo was the original form, considered by many to be incomplete, and rarely used. Mace Windu developed Vaapad from Juyo. Perhaps the most difficult form to master. Makes use of the agression, love for battle and other dark side feelings inside the Jedi and turns them into a weapon of the light side. Incredibly difficult to control without falling to the dark side.

    Why did I post a short description of the seven forms? I honestly don't know.


    I also nerd other topics, though usually typical nerd-areas of interest: The Matrix, RPG, Nintendo, games, and many things Japanese. I am particularly fond of Asian martial arts and have studied karate, though I do not have the time for it at the moment. I wish to continue when I finish my STX, though.

  4. I'm not particularly fond of pitch-blackness, not so much that I'm scared, but more that it's a sort of panicking feeling for me not to be able to see anything. Guess it's a little like claustrophobia in some way.


    I do have a tendency to make myself paranoid, though, which affects me mostly when it's dark outside.

  5. Well, TP had many characters with personalities, but compared to OoT and WW, they're in no way memorable. I barely remembered any of those names Hellfire listed. Also, TP had sidequests, but they didn't have charm.


    Reading this thread through had made me realise a thing: Despite my initial dislike of the WW look and my happiness about the TP look, looking back on both games, I actually liked WW better. It simply had a lot more charm.

  6. Course! i too believe it is not a cow and is infact an alien




    Good. ;P I couldn't detect the presence of sarcasm in your post and thus expected its existence based on the belief that you were able to detect sarcasm in the other posts.


    But yes, saying that the creature looks like a human baby is more a result of vivid imagination than actuality.

  7. You wont mind if I wear this "Im with homo" t-shirt then...


    Nooo, but that wouldn't exactly be judging by clothing in the general sense, would it? Technically yes, but it isn't about drawing conclusions based on assumptions. You're practically saing it directly to my face. Of course I won't know if the T-shirt's a joke or if it's honest, but that's beside the point.


    Oh, and I know everyone always makes assumptions based on appearance - that's a natural reflex to try to classify people and thereby making them easier to relate to - the important part is if you judge people's personalities by them or simply think of them as what they are - first impressions.

  8. "Looking back, he realised a pink kite and orange scarf weren't exactly the most hetero-sexual colour combination in the world."


    (Note: I have nothing against homosexuals, nor do I judge people's personality and sexual orientation by their clothing.)

  9. That's actually not true. I compliment my friends all the time and it never sounds like I'm coming onto them. As for the perv, well, I am, so...


    Well, I guess when you're closer with the person, there's more honesty between you, ergo the natural expectation of hidden, egoistic reasons is reduced.

  10. lol


    Can't believe any of you think it's not a cow, it has hooves! it's not the coming of dameon! It's just a badly deformed cow that stopped developing ages ago in the womb and was still born. No need to get this worked up about it! =]


    I hope you are kidding, 'cause everyone else is. :)

  11. How could you take it the wrong way? It's simple, I sound more like an online perv who's dying to have a taste of your juices than a fellow forumer who merely thinks you look perfect. (When I said no to take it the wrong way, I meant that it's not like I love you and want to have 10.000 of your babies, I just think you're very beautiful. That's what I meant, bloo-ee.)


    It's difficult to give a girl an honest compliment without the risk of sounding like you are coming on to her or just plain perverted (the latter especially on the internet). It's a shame, actually.

  12. Speaking of good commercials, we have a great series of commercials here in Denmark for one of the two big national railroad/train companies, DSB. The commercial features the lovable purple muppet Harry, who loves cars (especially his good ol' brown Ford Taunus), but doesn't really like trains. This is where his friend, the train-loving Bahnsen (played by Danish actor Søren Pilmark) comes into the picture, always trying to convince Harry of the benefits of taking the train instead of the car.


    An example from YouTube (in Danish, of course), in which Harry tries to prove to Bahnsen that you CAN make it to the airport from the city in 12 minutes in a car ...

  13. I'm not 100% but didn't The Oracle say that?


    EDIT: BTW, never cheated, I don't believe in that! It's just not fun :)


    Correct! :) You go next. And that attitude towards cheating is what this game needs.

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