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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I'm sure it's someone!


    Of course you are. It's like déjà-vu - it's a glitch in the Ma... *slaps himself* it's your brain telling you something that is really something else. Someone might tell you what it really is, but you're sure they're wrong and you're right, because that is what your brain is telling you. The brain can be easily tricked if one knows how to do it effectively.

  2. I know I have changed a lot during the past year. I went from "Folkeskolen" to "Gymnasiet" (one level up on the education scale here in Denmark), and that has affected me greatly. I really found my place in the world, and I have grown a lot personality-wise. I'm more open, less judging, more impulsive and more carefree. These are things I have had problems with in the past, but now it's gotten a lot better. I also practiced karate for half a year (I couldn't continue, even though I wanted to, due to time constraints), and that has also been a factor in my personality development. It also motivated me to finally become more physical and has resulted in me actually enjoying PE class.


    My time on the N-Europe forums has also changed me, primarily in the way that I've met new people. People with new opinions that I've had to try to understand, but also people who I've become friends with. Also, being active on the forums has kept my English skills up, both in holiday times and during the first half year of Gymnasiet, in which I had an English teacher who wasn't very good at English.


    About the "change" thing, I must admit I really haven't noticed. I stretch out my hand, the shop assistant puts the money in it, I let the coins slide into the coin department and then fold the notes and put them into the note department.

  3. Can't really say anything that hasn't been said. To quote Monty Python's life-important saying: "Always look on the bright side of life." Yes, it hurts as hell right now, but try to look at it this way: You have your whole life in front of you and there are no bonds anymore. YOU decide where your life is going to go from here. That thought has gotta help - just a little.


    By the way, I have the utmost respect of your way of treating the girl, not wanting to hurt her and trying so hard for her sake. I salute you.

  4. Why on Earth have they chosen to spell all the Pokémon's names with capitals all the way through? I know they do it in the handheld games, but there they spell all names in capitals. It doesn't make it right. Pikachu is Pikachu, not PIKACHU.


    (I know, I'm weird, but I hate grammatical errors.)

  5. a few people have said that to me, I can honestly say I never found wow as addictive as everyone seems to make it out to be.


    It puzzles me as to why. I can't pinpoint the reason for me liking RS but not so much WoW. They're both well-made RPGs, and I love RPGs.

  6. i believe they have been industry leading in java games for a few years, and their graphics have always been great if not the best.


    It's a pretty good game, too. To be honest, I've played both WoW and RS, and I seriously find RS more entertaining to play.

  7. Don't be sorry. I love a bit of competition. It makes things more fun.


    Good, good. :)


    But I'm gonna have to declare you the winner of this round. Yours IS the best, I just wanted to see a few more entries. And I did really laugh at some of them, though Moogle's is the funniest. Go ahead and post the next picture.

  8. Does no one else think this is revolutionary for a browser game?

    Im assuming its still going to be for browser, but its still in-explicable for java.


    Indeed, that's why all these comparisons between RuneScape and World of Warcraft are ridiculous. One is a full game that needs installation, the other is Java-based.

  9. If you find those reactions funny, go watch the reactions to the Pain Olympics: Hatchet vs. Genitals. Beware of the original movie, though.


    Oh, and that Star Wars dancing thing is worth it all just for Darth Vader doing the Jim Carrey What Is Love? head bobbing thing.

  10. When strangers are kind to each other and help each other out when it's obvious there's a problem. I once helped out a woman who was buying a game for her son (I don't work at a games store, I was behind her in the line). Having recently gotten myself an expansion pack believing it to be the original game, I noticed the game she was buying was also an expansion pack and then politely asked her if her son owned the original game. She told me he didn't and I then explained the situation to her. She was very grateful.


    So yeah, strangers being nice to each other and helping each other out. It makes me smile and gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. Makes me believe in the good in people.


    Also, cats. I absolutely adore cats. Watching Cory "Mr. Safety" Williams's videos of his cat Sparta alias Mean Kitty on YouTube always puts a smile on my face.

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