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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Michael Hunt






    ... I don't get it. :p


    But yeah, celeb baby names are terrible. I generally hate how everything about celebrities are blown out of proportion. The celebs can't handle it! No wonder they feel they have to name their babies something special (read: weird) to keep up.

  2. Ah yes, Egyptian is awesome too. =D

    Last year was my favourite in Art History, as we spent the entire year studying from the very beginning of art (Prehistoric) up until the Late Greek art (so we also did Egyptian and Roman art). I loved it. Even knew the different Egyptian kings and their reigning periods by heart. X3


    Also did Latin for 6 years because I loved learning more about the Roman culture. The trip through Italy was my highlight of secondary school because of all the great ancient art we got to see. =)


    The ancient cultures also always fascinated me, though my primary passion is linguistics. :)

  3. Daniel Blom Paulsen


    I like it. I've really come to identify myself with it. My username is one of the few nicknames I've been called. The "the Dane" part I added because it matches (and 'cause I'm proud to be a Dane :)).


    Also, my initials (DBP) are cool because they go well together. They're all vertical lines with half-circles to the right, and the pronunciations are quite close.


    Some annoying things, though:

    - People often joke with my middle name because "blomme" is "plum" in Danish.

    - People can NEVER spell my last name correctly. They always spell it Poulsen, which is the most common spelling in Denmark. But I'm NOT a Poulsen, I'm a Paulsen. It's like it's not me when they spell it with an O.


    Oh, and when checking in for our flight to London, I had somehow been booked under the name ... wait for it ... Irene. That's right, Irene. So that's sort of become my new nickname for the people we were travelling with.

  4. I once wanted to be a fighter pilot. (Blame Star Fox and Rogue Squadron!) I've completely changed my mind on that idea now, though. I've also dreamt (and still do :p) about being a performer, be it an actor, musician, or stand-up comedian. In the past few years I've known that I do something related to language, perhaps a journalist or a writer (I also still dream about writing a novel at some point). Last year was my first year in the gymnasium where I've begun studying Latin and Ancient Greek, and now I'm certain I want to get a Bachelor's Degree in Classical Philology and become a teacher in those subjects.

  5. - Talking to other people.

    - Beethoven's Archduke Trio.

    - Burnt Norton.

    - Nabokov.

    - Phonology.

    - Evolutionary arms races.


    Phonology rules!


    Chocolate is indeed good for cheering up ... heck, it's good for ANYTHING!


    Playing Smash has a double-or-nothing effect on me. Either I beat the living crap out of some high level enemy and finish him off with a perfectly landed meteor smash, giving me a great feeling inside ... ooor I get beaten the living crap out of by some high level enemy, not able to even land a single hit, pissing me off to such a degree you'll never learn how to spell it.


    Oh, and welcome to the forums, Link Six Hundred And Forty Nine! :)Ah, so that's why people use numbers ...

  6. I only got my N64 in 2001 but I agree it is brilliant. One word, Zelda. Brilliant. I have yet to play Zelda: TP though! Is it any good?


    TP is indeed a great game, one of the best on Wii, but it suffers from its expectations. People believed it to be the greatest thing since deep-pan pizza and it obviously couldn't live up to the hype. Do yourself a favour and get it, be it on Wii or GameCube.

  7. Guys, most of us will think the console we remember from our youth is the best. Why? Because we were new to gaming then, and as a kid you see everything with rose-tinted glasses. Or rather, when you grow older, you see everything from your childhood with rose-tinted glasses.

  8. See, the problems is that he thinks a gaming device needs to have all that fancy stuff he talks about, ultimately making it a multimedia platform in the same class as a computer.


    Wii and DS are the only "pure" gaming consoles left, and even they have a few multimedia functions. The difference lies within the focus. Nintendo focus almost 100 percent on their games, whereas Sony and MS are beginning to focus more on other features of their consoles. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but those comments from Sony are simply ridiculous. But hey, they have to shoot down their competitors, don't they?

  9. Apparently there's a Demo available for Chuck Norris Bros, but the Video alone would be funny enough :D




    What happens if the Hulk gets angry. He becomes Chuck Norris.



    Edit: Kid, Cat and Pool



    Serves him right, the little bastard. NEVER mess with a cat!


    Reaction effect game Quite fun and addictive. My max score is 1484. I managed to get overy one all facing the same way before I got that score.


    I got 1941. :p

  10. You guys better pray that Jack Thompson doesn't read this thread! :p


    About offending people, it's all about the time, the place, and the audience. In this particular forum, I'd say that kind of dark humour it acceptable because most people here finds it acceptable. Yes, the internet is a public place, but we can't censor the internet. It's people's own responsibility to stay off sites with content they don't like. A forum is a tricky matter, as its content depends on it's core userbase. This forum is primarily made up of young men (and the odd female ... yes, bluey, you're odd! I kid!) in their teen years and twenties who play videogames. People coming on this forum have to expect that sort of content. Of course there are also some people on the forum who find some of these things offensive, but we all have different levels of what we find acceptable. At this point it's all down to respect for each other's personal borders. Respect should dictate what one is allowed to say, not censorship.


    Well, that's my five cents.

  11. Kudos to him for his creativity. I admire his will to do what he really likes, not caring what everybody else thinks. That's what's so cool about nerds. The problems arise when hobbies like these harm a person's social life/abilites.


    Geekiness is admirable, but it can be unhealthy for the mind if not kept balanced with a social life.

  12. I've never broken anything, but I have stepped wrongly on my toes a few times. The most prominent example was at karate training. We were training jumps over each other, and as I landed, my big toe bent forward, the toe resting on the nail and my whole body weight pushing it down. It took months before the pain was completely gone.

  13. I only got 2 questions right on Moogle's, which leads me to suspect that there's something fishy about the test ... no way could I know that much about the craziness that is Moogle's brain. :p

  14. i think it was a take on eating pussy.


    Ah, I see ...




    Well, this is awkward!


    Moogle, just get those regular, L-shaped bookends made from some light metal. The books at the ends of the row will be standing on the horizontal part of the L, effectively holding them in position. I can't imagine them being expensive.

  15. I remember that. Good times.


    It's actually a little ridiculous. Seriously, if he man wants to (and can) fuck his bike, let him. Since when is sexual weirdness a crime?


    The n-europe meetup was shaping up to be as wild and naked as anticipated


    Genious! Now I really wish I had been there ... ;)

  16. n502507553_1014711_6284.jpg



    *gasps!!* YOU PERVERT!!




    Bluey ... fork ... pussy


    Bluey fuck pussy ... right?


    The moral? If you're female, be careful what you say and/or imply on a forum filled with male gamers and/or other types of geeks.

  17. Here is a picture of a fish that is better suited to you:




    You know, that exact symbol of a fish was the secret symbol for the Christians in the time of the Roman Empire. It's still used as a symbol for Christianity today. The reason for the symbol being a fish is because the first letters of the Greek words for "Jesus Christ, Son of God, the Saviour" (or something along those lines) spell the Greek word for "fish".


    Just thought you'd like to know ...

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