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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I'm guessing it is from the Matrix Reloaded... did Monica Bellucci say it?


    Right movie, wrong person. The first one to guess the person who said it posts the next quote.


    Oh, and just to clear it up, you can name either the actor or the role or both, any of those three qualifies.

  2. Problem with this thread is Google. Like, I just googled yours and immediately got the answer.


    Hm, didn't think of that. I guess it'll be self-governing if you cheat or not. Like any game, cheating ruins the game for everyone. If it doesn't work out, well, that's too bad. Then we'll have to drop it.

  3. Hiya fellas.


    My first ever thread. I played this game on another forum and it was really fun. It's very simple: I post a quote from a movie or game. The first one to guess the correct movie/game + who said the quote posts the next quote and so on. Please don't pick too generic or hard-to-guess quotes ("I love you"), but don't pick the obvious ones ("Luke, I am your father") either.


    I'm pretty sure this falls into the category "good games". Otherwise, I'm sorry.


    All right, let's get started:


    "What do all men with power want? More power."

  4. Aalborg, we have many more fun place names in Denmark! Not all of them are grammatically correct, but still.


    "Lem", which means "penis" (albeit a politically correct term)

    "Tarm", which means "intestine"

    "Thisted", which means "pee place" when spoken out loud (not the way it's spelled)

    "Tisvilde", which roughly means "pee wild"

  5. So, what it all boils down to in the whole TP thing:


    If Zelda doesn't do it for you, why should you spend money on it? You like the games you like, who are we to judge?


    But don't judge all Zelda games on WW. As mentioned, the Zelda fanbase is sharply divided over that game, and it would be unfair to say TP is exactly like WW. If you're doubting TP because of WW, please reconsider and check out TP before you judge it.


    If you only want great graphics, you have probably chosen the wrong console, but even then TP is one of the best looking games on the Wii to this date. So that's not a valid argument either.


    And regarding the port thing ... Well, ports aren't necessarily a bad thing. TP on Wii saw the inclusion of Wiimote pointing and (albeit bad) Wiimote sword swinging. Granted, I haven't tried the GameCube version, but the controls on the Wii feel very natural, and I dare guess they feel more natural than on the GC.


    Please consider what I have said, but after doing that, it's still your decision. Just don't rob yourself of an experience because of what you think you know. 'Cause that's narrow-minded. :)

  6. When I'm home alone, I do some weird stuff. I can boil it down to acting like a camera was on me, commenting on some of the things I do like buttering bread, firing off jokes, walking in strange, caricature-like ways. And I have no idea why I do it.


    By the way, the last video cracked me up, particularly the banana eating and "He's watching!" bits. :p

  7. Ah, yes, the much hated Danish football fan who fucked up the match between Denmark and Sweden. Poor guy. Half the country probably wanted to kill him.


    By the way, could we try to be more original with the pictures? There is a limit to the number of penis jokes than can be made - and to the number of times they keep being funny (if they ever were in the first place).


    Anyway, might as well give it a shot:


    "Luckily, the confused fan mistook the player's testicles for handballs. Had they been mistaken for the type of ball used in the game at hand, the consequences would have been far direr."

  8. Same with me, I had already learned English from video games when we started having it as a subject in 4th grade (we were about 10 years old).


    Thinking logically in problem solving is a skill I believe to have gained from playing video games. To an extent, anyway.


    What really beats me is how games are still not taken seriously by the media world. Surely the benefits from video games, both in terms of practical and social skills (contrary to popular belief, multiplayer gaming CAN bring people together), should be apparent to people by now?

  9. random video COUNTER ATTACK!!! *wha-pow!*


    Blasphemy! It does not mention the Ryan vs. Dorkman cameo in Weezer's video!


    About the video itself, though, it's purified awesomeness. It seems they got a lot of the original persons to appear in the video.

  10. Come to think of it, the most daring thing I could do is to hold a tarantula spider. I have a very bad case of arachnophobia - hell, I can barely look at a picture of a tarantula (so please don't post any pictures - it's NOT fun). If I could ever get the courage to hold a tarantula - which I doubt I ever will - I would consider myself brave.

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