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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I'm the complete opposite, things young people like are certain to be shite, and old men pubs are the best with local ale that nobody's ever heard of, clubbing makes me want to kill everyone there with their stupid music so you can't even talk and wasted people on drugs fucking in the toilets


    On your way to becoming everyone's beloved grumpy-old-man stereotype. :p

  2. Well here goes:

    I´m awesome because I live in Iceland and the closes neighboring country is Greenland (and we kick their asses at handball and being overall a greener country then them) and talking trash about the danish is a dying art.

    Also I´m awesome because I´m (near) ambidextrous.


    What are you saying about Danish? I don't quite get what you mean. :confused:

  3. Things start drying up around the 350 mark but if you save up your coins, you will get rarer trophies/stickers in the later stages. The green guage just tells you when to expect a "Blast Away" moment.


    Later stages ...? You mean I need to play for a longer time in the Coin Launcher or ...? I don't understand what you mean.

  4. There's no reason, really. "Sadie" gives me the impression of a woman with the sexiest skin possible.


    The only woman I've met with an english name is actually Venezuelan. Cindy is also a sexy name (she's my cousin, though, so don't go imagining stuff :heh:)


    Haha! Some might find it repulsive, but cousins DO sometimes end up. I kow I have a cousin couple in my mother's line of family.

  5. I don't understand people drinking to get drunk. But again, I don't drink. I dunno why. I just don't feel the need to. I don't like huge parties where I don't know people, either. I prefer small parties where I know people well. In fact, I love those.

  6. I'm awsome for including but not limited to the following reasons:


    - I'm a geek and love being geeky. :yay:

    - I own at StepMania. Not like those on YouTube, but still enough to amaze my friends.

    - I believe in the good in people and love altruism.

    - I study the most awsome (and possibly geeky) subjects, Latin and Ancient Greek.

    - I do martial arts (when I have the time).

    - I'm a freelance (read: wannabe) psychologist and philosopher.

    - I do what I want and don't care what other people think of me.

    - I'm a die-hard optimist.

    - I have a special (read: lame) sense of humour and laugh at most things even remotely funny.


    And my primary source of awesomeness:


    - I wear glasses.

  7. Yes that is true but their 3rd parties do make really good games for the system and there is some very interesting design headed that consoles way. Even the little PSN based games are pretty damn good.


    After seeing that Nintendo has nothing that interests me in the slightest coming for the Wii in the next 12 months then I'm very tempted to get a PS3. It has a growing catalogue of games and a free online service and some very nice features on the way.


    I don't want to have to pay (for wireless or for the XBL charge) to take advantage of what the 360 has to offer. PS3 will let me do that.


    Still doesn't stop this guy sounding like a penis though.


    Both PS3 and 360 are good consoles. It's the guys at Sony and MS and their attitude I don't like.

  8. 'Come on Dolce, come on Gabbana'. I think that wins on the worst choice of name's I have ever heard.


    :shakehead I would officially have to kill myself if I was named after a fashion brand. Getting a name change wouldn't do, not even if it was changed to Chuck Norris - which would also kill me because only Chuck Norris can survive the sheer awesomeness of his name.


    Sadie IS quite a hot name ... dunno why. Hm, come to think of it, how come some names are hotter than others? Psychology time! :D Let's see, 'A' implies femininity, being a feminine vowel, and '-die' has some cuteness about it, being a diminutive nickname-suffix. 'S' is possibly to a degree subconsciously associated with words like 'saucy' and 'sexy'. Well, I guess that answers my own question. :)

  9. Last year's timetable:




    Social studies (approximately)

    Social studies (approximately)






    Yeah, I only had double lessons that day. Apart from Drama (and sometimes Danish), all the subjects were pretty boring. Aaand it was the longest day of the week. So yeah, I didn't really look forward to it.

  10. Deep pan pizza is shit, way too stodgy, thin crust is so much better.


    Gah, I prefer regular pizza to deep-pan, too. I just had to come up with something. In Denmark we say "X is the greastest thing since the deep plate" (like those you eat Corn Flakes from), but I don't know how it is in English. Deep-pan pizza just sounded cool. :D

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