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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I disagree in all ways possible with the Character Builder idea. Smash Bros. is about famous and unique characters coming to together, playing in their own special way with their trademark abilities. Making a Character Builder will completely rip away the essence of Smash Bros. and make it a generic fighter game.

  2. I experience this very often. I really don't know what to think about it - psychic powers or very weird coincidences? But it is interesting none the less. And you have to wonder how such strange coincidences happen.


    A prime example: Last night, I was seeing a play by an amateur goup of performers. Before the play began, one of my friends mentioned our drama teacher whose name is Katrine (Danish name), but she accidently called her Christine (those two names sound alike in Danish). In the play, they mention a person called Christine, but it turns out she was actually called Katrine.


    It's a coincidence, but a very weird coincidence.


    Also, my parents and I often think the same things at the same moment, but that is more likely because we think very much alike.


    I have had numeorus experiences like this, though I can't remember any specific events right now.

  3. and I'd rather avoid an attack, get away and avoid the fight altogether than have one and 'win'.


    Completely agree with you on that one. Like I said, I haven't got a fighter mentality, but I like practising martial arts for the "arts" part, not the "martial" part. Being able to defend yourself is way more important than being able to attack, and a succesful evasion of an attack or a situation turning violent is for me a victory.

  4. Who knows? I don't plan to plan too much, or fix too much on anything, so I've got a few dreams to see where things'll take me, and what doors'll open up. I'd say my main one is the martial arts though, as I see it being totally feasible. I'd like to go to Japan one day too, live there for a year or two.


    If you use it enough, you can make it funny due to the sheer randomness(I hear some of you shudder at 'random' comedy...WEASEL!). But yeah, I've heard some pretty random your mum jokes, which I find brilliant.


    Sure, getting 1st Dan in 4 types of martial arts and becoming a famous and rich actor isn't planning too much. ;)


    There's some kind of curve with the "ya mum" jokes. In the beginning, it's funny if they are random, but when you get too used to them (especially from the same person), they get stale.

  5. The woman at my chinese take-away is actually really good.


    You say "Can I have a 32, a 41 and a small portion of 9"


    and a second later she goes "That's £12.75"


    Actually uncannily fast at arithmatic/recognising which numbers correspond to which dish.


    She's probably autistic. Computer-like memory and calculation abilities.

  6. I have another theory on the reason why we don't react towards human deaths the same way we react to animal deaths:


    We've gotten used to hear about people getting killed and tortured. It just doesn't touch us in the same way because we've pushed it at a distance. We know war, we know people get killed, and no matter how horrible it is, it has become impersonal to us when the war isn't raging ouside our windows.


    But puppies and pets in general, that's another thing. In our minds pets have some kind of untouchable status. We do not as often hear about pets being treated badly. It's more personal to us when they are.


    That's at least part of the reason in my eyes. Another part of the reason, I believe, is what martinist said about animals being helpless, contributing to the way we look at pets. Notice how we only think that way about animals we keep as pets, as they are the animals we have developed a special bond with.


    Oh, and just to avoid generalising, when I say "we", I mean the people who, proud of it or not, are more touched by the puppy story than by the numerous killings and amount of torture in the war. I am sadly one of those people and I believe it to be because of the reasons mentioned above.

  7. What are you talking about? "Ya Mum" jokes can be awesome when said at the right time.


    The biggest problem is when people or maybe even one person uses it too often, it gets boring really quick. It has to come unexpected, preferably in a situation where you wouldn't have thought of it.

  8. I'd rather see Nintendo utilise their dev teams to create a wider, and more innovative range of products.


    If you start wishing for things like this, you'll soon end with the Big N pimping out its stars for all kinds of toot. Mario's Super Pasta Plate Spinning, Zelda Etchasketch, Metroid Pinball:heh: . Be careful what you wish for.


    Metroid Pinball has already been made. But judging from the smiley and the proverb at the end, I assume you know. :)


    Wasn't Pokemon Dash a kinda racing game? There was not much positive about this game. It shows that Pokemon and Racing do not mix well together.


    Nah, it just shows that Nintendo can rack in money if they slap the Pokémon logo on a game with terrible gameplay. It wasn't the idea that went wrong, it was the gameplay itself.


    My own opinion is that although the thought has entered my mind, an all-star kart game wouldn't work. As previously stated, mixing universes works in a fighting game like Smash Bros. - it works very well, actually - but I don't think it would work in a racing game.


    I'm more keen on the Pokémon racing. But not in karts or any vehicle, more like a running contest. They'd have to split the Pokémon into "weight classes" to make it fair (and realistic), though. I know you're all thinking about the disaster that was Pokémon Dash, but as I mentioned it wasn't the idea that lacked, it was the execution.

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