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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I will but that doesnt really work for Wolf's as he is fairly slow...only Falco's can do that


    Fox can also do it I believe. The trick was discovered before Falco was.


    But it isn't so much actually killing them by flying them off. It's more to stop them from evading your shots by staying on top of the tank.


    Or "don't start Wolf's final smash in the middle of Yoshi's Melee stage"


    Haha! Right. :p

  2. No, no... God himself will be praying for this. What comes above God?


    That date would be awesome, though I dare not get my hopes up.


    By the way, I have already promoted Sakurai to deity status. Though I have been close to degrading him again because of the missing release date over here. This new date could make his deity status permanent.


    And why yes, I actually have the ability to give people deity powers.


    That looks nice, Serebii. If you want to make it more unique, you could add tactics like the "fly your opponents up and off the screen" Landmaster trick.

  3. It IS the character I hate. From the people who play him, and win, to the taunts and the sounds it makes to the way it looks.

    Pikachu DOESENT sound PIKAPIKA! It' supposed to sound like in the Gameboy games.


    You have a problem with cuteness? :p


    Nah, that's fair. :) I guess we won't be seeing you in our Pikachu appreciation thread, then.

  4. Personally I think HAL should have added a rodent exterminator character in Brawl, because I HATE both Pikachu and Pichu. All the players who play those characters ever do is to summon that friggin lightningbolt...


    Yeah, like everybody who plays with the Hammer Bros. in Strikers Charged spam the hammer move. [/sARCASM] Seriously, people who spam moves do so because they can't figure out what else to do. You have obviously only played against people who weren't good with Pikachu/Pichu and just spammed that one single move. You shouldn't hate the characters, but the people who play them badly.

  5. I have been thinking about the UK release date. I reckon one of the reasons they have not announced it could be because it will be so far into the future that if they announced it it might cause more people than usual to import.


    I am thinking September/October/November time.


    God. No. I'll seriously have to smash someone's head in if that's the case.

  6. There really needs to be a Pikachu appreciation thread. Even though I prefer to play as Link, I love Pikachu. PikachooouwwWWW!! (final smash)


    Yes! You are absolutely right! I have a Pikachu plushie that I've owned for over nearly 8 years, and in reference to the "what would you save in a fire" thread, I would be very sad if I lost it. His new taunts are indeed cute ('specially his breakdancing "pikaaa" taunt), and I see you also noticed his bad-ass Final Smash battle cry.


    Though I'm a long time Marth user, I have been tempted to start playing as Pikachu. Dang it, I want to play as ALL the new characters!

  7. O_O, you spoiled yourself?


    Bah, now it will not be funny lol


    But ok, if you say so, i'l give it a try

    But first... [spoiler=:D]EVENT 37!!!!!!


    Yeah, I know it maybe was a little stupid, but I couldn't resist. Besides, I'll probably enjoy it anyway when I can finally play it myself.


    The gameplay itself is pretty much a more advanced version of Melee's sidescrolling Adventure Mode. I mostly watched the videos because of the story and cutscenes. I've wanted a story where the Nintendo characters team up against a common enemy for ages, and now it has finally come true. Therefore, I'm very hyped about it. :)




    Erasing data...:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:




    ... Is this really in the game?

  8. But they're not pro players are they? Exactly. it's pointless to attack people who play smash competitively, because it's not them who act all retarded; it's a small portion of idiots.


    I'm not attacking anyone. :) I agree with you.


    I've seen the first 3 levels of the Subspace Emissary, the first rulled, the others where "MEH"


    I've spent the whole day (from 11 a.m. this morning till ... well, right now) watching AnimeEater2's complete collection of Subspace Emissary gameplay videos. Personally, I think it looks awesome.

  9. No one thinks they are kings of the world. The moment you learn the advance techniques the moment you realise there are like thousands and thousands of people better than you.


    Oh yes, there are lots of annoying people out there who gets big in their mouths when they've learned how to L-cancel or wavedash or whatever. And those are the people who have given pro-players a bad name.

  10. I really really wish this was in it, I think this was my favourite piece from Wind Waker (I admit it doesn't really fit with the fighting theme though :( )



    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure I've seen the Dragon Roost Island theme on a list of tracks in the game. And heck, it fits the fighting theme better than Midna's Desperation, which I by the way simply love. I'm even trying to learn to play it on the piano. I just can't imagine myself brawling to it.

  11. I hope the Perfect Shield is a bit easier to pull off than it was in Melee, because the CPU's were always able to do it perfectly and I wasn't.


    I know exactly what you mean. But I thought it was called Powershielding? It's also the technique whereby you can reflect projectiles back at opponents, right?


    I'm loving the Song of Storms remix, as it was always one of my favourite tunes in Ocarina of Time. Actually, I would have loved to see the remix as a seperate song without Ganondorf's Theme and the Serenade of Water (though they're both pretty good), but it's all right as it is.

  12. Fox was my character of Choice in Smash Bros 64. He was way too fast in Melee though, so i went with Young Link.


    Since Brawl is apparently the same speed as the original Smash bros, i might go back to Fox.


    Oh no, it's still faster than the original, though a little slower than Melee. It seems the speed will suit me very well. :)


    ...That said, there is one character who has a rather unusual method by which they can distinguish friend from foe...


    You have probably all figured this out, but I believe he is talking about Lucario. Remember that cutscene with him, Snake and Meta Knight? They all had a blue aura, whereas the Primid had a red aura.

  13. Fox is the most fun to play to me BECAUSE he is so quick and wacky. I swear when I first played as him i didn't actually know what I was doing..


    Funny enough, I tried playing as Fox earlier today. I just couldn't get the hang of him :p He falls so dang fast. But again, I'm used to play with relatively light characters.

  14. that's deep man, pretty much how i feel. Here's your meta-cookie *gives meta-cookie*


    Yay! Cookie! :yay:


    *eats meta-cookie*


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there someting about the Ballad of the Windfish that you could play in Majora's Mask being different from the original Ballad of the Windfish in Link's Awakening?


    I really liked the one in Majora's Mask.

  15. I was also being sarcastic about Peach's and Luigi's moves.


    The problem is, in my eyes at least, that the hardcore and softcore Smash players don't seem to understand or accept the other group of players. And that is probably the glory of Smash: That it can be played both casually and professionally. That the two parties don't often get along well is the backside of the medal.

  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiRG9VY9JdE&feature=related


    can you say tourney forbidden? lol


    Isn't it a little ridiculous that everything random is tourney forbidden? What about Luigi? His Green Missile misfires 1 out of 12 times. Doesn't that make him too random? And Peach's Vegetables. The amount of damage they do is random.


    Custom Robo was also successful yet only the DS version has been released over here. Very annoying.....But yeah, there is no way brawl would be delayed over here. I remember reading the smash bros jap review and being worried that it would not make it over here.


    Don't worry. If Sakurai didn't plan on releasing it over here, would he really bother translating the Dojo into German, Italian, and Spanish? :)

  17. EDIT: Bit more complicated. Spike's are supposed to send you downwards and are nigh impossbile to recover from if you are above 40%. Meteor smashes is "a spike that can be recovered from through a meteor cancel" in that the person presses jump but at higher %, the window of recovery is smaller. Handy source for all technical aspects of Smash Bros


    And it sucks that whenever I use Marth's Down Air on a level 9 CPU, they're able to Meteor Cancel out of it. Just like they're able to Power Shield most of the time. I can't even Power Shield if I try!


    But enough whining from me.


    Brawl will never be delayed a year over here. Remember, the original Smash Bros. wasn't even meant to be released outside Japan, but since it was successful, they decided to do it anyway. Brawl is such an anticipated title that they won't release it that much later over here ... I hope.

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