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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Brawl doesn't need downloadable content. Brawl needs a release date in Europe. Fact. And yes, the absence of a European release date needs to be highlighted on every single page in this thread. Fact.


    Would everyone be happy if they announced June as a date?


    I would prefer it sooner, but it would still be an improvement over this pit of oblivion we're kept in at the momemt.


    (Sorry if I sound grumpy, but reading through the "Apologize to NoE" thread puts you in a bad mood.)

  2. Good thing Krystal isn't in the game. I wouldn't want to see want kind of talk there'd be in this thread in that case.


    It's a bad thing, BAD thing! I realize some people hate her (though I don't understand why), but I find her a great addition to the Star Fox series, just like Adventures (which some people hate, too, for reasons beyond my comprehension). When a love interest walks into the rough life of Fox McCloud, it opens up to a lot of pondering about values in life and such things.

  3. I have experiences a lot of different things in my sleep. Some of the things I've been told later by my parents.


    I've talked a lot in my sleep when I was younger. I also once sleepwalked into my own room (I was sleeping in our common bedroom at the time), and just sat down. My parents got me into bed again.


    I had a period where I was constantly being run over by a car, hurled through the air slamming into a bookshelf and stuff like that in my dreams, but I knew I was dreaming, so I didn't feel any pain.


    I've often woken up from a dream, sometimes twitching like mad because I was dreaming about spiders (I have arachnophobia - fear of spiders), sometimes with a jerk for some unexplained reason.


    I sometimes wake up after dreaming something that I really want to be true, only to get really depressed after finding out it was just a dream. The other night I dreamt that the girl I've been in love with for the past 3 years finally said yes to be my girlfriend (we're good friends, but nothing more). Imagine my mood when I woke up.


    I also once had a lucid dream (sort of). It started out as the classic nightmare where I was being chased by some evil guy. Then I realized the setting was so weird that I had to be dreaming, so I tried to change the dream. After that, the dream changed into something I don't remember, then I woke up I think.


    The weirdest thing I've experinced was when I had a precognition dream. My dad and I always share the grasscutting, we each have our specific areas, and we normally cut the grass on Sundays. One night between a Saturday and a Sunday, I dreamt that I had to do my dad's areas, too, for some unexplained reason. The next day when we were about to cut the grass, some of my parents' relatives comes by for a visit, and so I have to cut all the grass, including my dad's areas.

  4. I can't believe you guys are taking this so seriously. It's MAGIC, damn it! We can't know for sure what actually happens when Zelda tranforms! She changes her skin and eye colour and obviously does something to change her body so that it looks like it's male. What about when Link tranforms into a wolf in TP? What happens to his clothes? Why doesn't his earrings tranform? You all wanna know why? 'Cause it's MAGIC! If it could be explained rationally, it wouldn't be magic!


    What I'm most tired of is that both sides try to prove that Sheik is male/female WHEN NEITHER HAS BEEN OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED! It's been confirmed that Zelda changes into Sheik and that she can magically alter her eye and skin colour. She could be altering her body, too, but she could still be female. In the end, no one maybe except Miyamoto knows.


    Christ, people, it's the Brawl delay that's making you (and me) short-tempered!

  5. Lets think here.

    Lost Oddessy was created on the 360, it was translated from Japanese into English in under a month or so and released in the Asian market, region free.


    Its getting released at the end of the month in Europe. Thats a 40 hour RPG with thousands of lines of text and hunreds of which is spoken and all translated into: English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Italian and some form of Dutch.


    Sooo... whats with the 6 month wait exactly?


    Yeah ... Yeah, you're right! How the heck can it take that long to translate the trophies when those people can handle a RPG in such a short amount of time? How many trophies can be translated per day?

  6. It was confirmed on a few french and german sites, I think I read somewhere that it was announced in a press conference.


    But seeing as no official sites have revealed that date as true I'm doubtful atm.


    Though it's not official, I'm afraid it may very well be true. It seems unlikely they will release it sooner when we haven't gotten a date yet.


    Og, and don't worry, Deathjam, I love eighties music, too. :p

  7. I've heard the same thing about it being feminine to sit like in the posted picture, and it springs to mind every friggin' time I notice that I'm sitting in that position!


    But seriously, what a load of feces from a male cow. I know for sure I'm not homosexual, and though I may not be the most masculine person on the planet, I can't see why it is feminine to sit like that.

  8. whats this thing about people saying the release date is on the 21st? 21st of which month? Could someone explain :S please and thank you! :D


    Well, people just got a little excited because a gaming site changed the release date to the 21st of March. Normally they're just placeholder dates and not taken seriously, but since this, unlike the other placeholder dates, is actually a Friday (all Wii games are released on Fridays), people got a little more excited. The chances that the date is actually real are slim at best.

  9. As I'm a mixture of both, I'll highlight the points in each description that fit my personality.


    Introversion is "the state of or tendency toward being wholly or predominantly concerned with and interested in one's own mental life". Introverts tend to be quiet, low-key, deliberate, and relatively non-engaged in social situations. They take pleasure in solitary activities such as reading, writing, drawing, watching movies, listening to music, inventing, designing, programming and using computers extensively. The archetypal artist, writer, sculptor, composer and inventor are all highly introverted. An introverted person is likely to enjoy time spent alone and find less reward in time spent with large groups of people (although they tend to enjoy interactions with close friends, and are in many cases married). They prefer to concentrate on a single activity at a time and like to observe situations before they participate.


    Extraversion is "the act, state, or habit of being predominantly concerned with and obtaining gratification from what is outside the self". Extraverts tend to enjoy human interactions and to be enthusiastic, talkative, assertive, and gregarious. They take pleasure in activities that involve large social gatherings, such as parties, community activities, public demonstrations, and business or political groups. Acting, teaching, directing, managing, brokering are fields that require extraversion. An extraverted person is likely to enjoy time spent with people and find less reward in time spent alone. They enjoy risk-taking and often show leadership abilities.

    An extravert is energized when around other people. Extraverts tend to "fade" when alone and can easily become bored without other people around. Extraverts tend to think as they speak. When given the chance, an extravert will talk with someone else rather than sit alone and think.


    When comparing the two descriptions and the points that fit me, I'm mostly introverted, though I can be an extrovert in some cases. The crucial point that decides whether or not I'm extroverted in a situation is if I feel "safe" among the people I'm with. If we get along well together and share interests or ideas, I'll quickly change from quiet introvert to very talkative extrovert.

  10. I'd be some sort of researcher, very geeky. Knows everything about some things and nothing about everything else. Likes to read and would probably hang around LazyBoy a lot, as I would have a hard time with the girls, too.


    Sadly, apart from the researcher thing, it's all true. :p


    One word: Epic!


    Just figure you guys might get a kick out of this. Done the Kirby pasge




    It has all the Kirby hats and the effects when you have them :p


    Nice, Serebii.


    A demo/ tour of the stage builder (best I've seen so far)







    Great stuff


    Very interesting walkthrough of the Stage Builder.

  12. Nope. This one seems to be quite hard and complex (much to the dismay of reviewers).



    Try one of the GBA Fire Emblems. They're much more accessible.


    Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance is also good. Easy enough, and introduces you well to several FE features.


    Okay, I'll look into it. Thanks. :)

  13. I know I've asked this question before in this thread, but since I don't remember the answer 100% and am too lazy a bastard to go back and look for the answer, I'll just ask again:


    I've never played a Fire Emblem game before. Will it be wise to get Radiant Dawn as my first game?

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