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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. The codec calls are hilarious. I love how they're pointing out the unrealistic aspects of this strange gathering known as Smash Bros., plus some game-related jokes (Game Overs :p) and Snake's own faults.


    But how do the codec calls appear? I could imagine you activate them like you activate Fox's and Falco's communicators on the Great Fox stages, only you have to play as Snake on his stage which I have forgotten the name of.

  2. Thats like saying all people who are homosexuals are secure in their sexuality.


    That's not what I said.


    I never said that people who joke about sexuality can't be insecure in their sexuality, just that it's in no way a proof that they are.


    I should probably have added "some":

    "Even some homosexuals joke about their own sexuality."


    By which I meant that some homosexuals are so secure in their sexuality that they can joke about it. But of course, some homosexuals joke because they're insecure.


    I could have made that last part more clear.

  3. I'm known for:


    - Being very geeky because I know a lot of strange (and frankly, irrelevant) stuff (Wikipedia is my friend).

    - Being a smart guy because I find a lot of stuff easy (e.g. school subjects). A girl from my class once said that "I was probably hardcore at everything", to which I pointed out that I'm not hardcore at ballet, which brings me to ...

    - My terrible sense of humour. I think it's because it's very geeky ... and I watch a lot of stand-up comedy.

    - Having a lot of facial hair which I regularly shave 'cause I don't like it.

    - Being known by everyone and having some kind of cult status with some at my grammar school for looking like Harry Potter.

    - Thinking way too much about some things.

    - Having a very good memory (and remembering the aforementioned irrelevant facts). I'm Autistic, y'see.

    - Having some weird interests, among them video games and everything Japanese.

    - Being a little too talkative and perverted when it comes to talks about sex. Kind of ironic as I've never had sex nor been in a serious relationship. (See, I just did it again, blurting out my personal life on the internet.)

    - Being spoiled by my parents. I don't have any siblings and I had a hard time growing up because of my Autism, so I guess that's why.

    - Using the computer ... a lot.

    - Not being very masculine.

    - Being a good friend.


    That's it, I think.


    Hm, looking back at my post, I could probably add "likes to talk about himself".

  4. Have never been in a fight. I started practicing karate in Summer last year, but I still don't have that fighter mentality. Being slapped very hard in the face by a girl does seomthing to you, though ...


    Sorry to bring it up again, but just wanted to point out: Jokes about sexuality does in no way mean that you are insecure about your own sexuality nor that you are homophobic. Even homosexuals joke about their own sexuality.

  5. Danes making fun of Counter Strike. I've translated the lyrics (except the chorus, 'cause it's in English, duh):


    Now I want to play Counter Strike

    'Cause I've got a lot of abstinence

    I really wanna shoot you

    Even though it could have consequences


    'Cause I shall try to knife you

    I hide behing many boxes

    I throw a big grenade

    And hope that it hits you, jerk




    And cola I also need

    Or else I get sick in my stomach

    I play both night and day

    'Cause I've nothing else to do




    My mum comes in and says that I shall stop playing

    But just a single bullet and now she's lying completely still (repeat)




    I have idea if you'll find this funny, but I thought I might as well post it.


    For later reference, how do you imbed a video instead/picture instead of linking to it?

  6. I've done about ... nothing today. Started playing Final Fantasy X again after a long time and been rehearsing for the school play. Should have done some of my homework, but like usual on Saturdays it all gets pushed till Sunday.

  7. Damn BrawlCentral...trying to steal my thunder...bastards


    Hmm, after the item page is done...how can I one up them


    *considers a Complete Sticker Section :p*


    Here's an idea that I'm sure no one will try to steal: Make a complete guide of values for all the characters' traits, e.g. speed, jump height, mass, fall speed etc. Sakurai said there are over a hundred, so you just gotta get started. :p

  8. I've pondered this myself. I often think about how I would react in extreme situations.


    I've had problems with my conscience before over petty things, so I think knowing that I had killed another human being would make my life living hell.


    Could kill in an extreme situation? I can't say for sure. Maybe I could be pushed over the edge, but again I'm a wimp when it comes to things like that.


    In the end, I don't think it's possible to imagine what you'd actually do. You think completely different in that kind of situations, so I'd say it's nearly impossible to say beforehand.

  9. There was no hidden stuff in Harvest Moon or Bioshock, well what I played of Bioshock. Don't think ive even done half of it. It wasn't about finding whatever was hidden there. I could have enjoyed the game if I hadnt known that the game would have ended in 7 game time years. The places of everywhere in the game, what gifts each girls liked, Harvest moon was spoilt after reading up way too much about it.

    I dont ever plan to do it again, as tempting as smash bros it.


    But that's still stuff that you're supposed to find out yourself. There's also that kind of stuff in Brawl, but it's not a central part of the game. It's all about how important the "finding it out yourself" is for the game and for the player himself, if you know what you mean.

  10. I lost hype shortly after the dojo thing started. I used to read it daily, then stopped. What's the point in knowing everything about a game before playing it. It's what spoiled Harvest Moon on the Cube, Bioshock and many more games. Games I've read nothing on and only just bought I get more fun out of. DMC for instance.


    It all depends on the type of game. Sure, there are hidden stuff in Brawl, but it isn't so much about finding out the stuff as enjoying the gameplay. For me it isn't, at least.

  11. It wont be Autumn


    I can guarantee you it


    It will be July at the VERY latest


    But I'm hedging bets now on May to Early June


    Insider knowledge or dead-strong optimism?


    So why the hell did NoE say that was the reason then? Its even in this months issue of ONM in the ask Nintendo section. So not only are they not giving us Brawl at a decent time they are also lying about the reason why.


    I think the word used was localization.

  12. Screw Mario kart; seriously is anyone on here even buying that?


    I'm thinking the same thing. I might buy it if it's really good, but lately racing games just don't do it for me anymore. Mario Kart means nothing compared to Smash Bros for me, Wii Fit even less. I'm sticking with my "rocks and gold nugget" comparison. Mario Kart is for me a flat rock than can be used to play ducks and drakes with which can be fun at times. Wii Fit is a big rock than can't be used for anything fun.

  13. I really don't think we'll be waiting for the autumn. All signs are still pointing to 6/6 from where I'm standing.


    Also, I don't know what it is, but I refuse to believe it's sales strategy. You could release Smash Bros at the same time as every major title in the Nintendo cannon, in the midst of a nuclear winter as fire and ash rained from the skies while lightening bolts struck down marauding dragons, it'd still shift a million easy.


    You're right, that is why Reggie's points and Nintendo's credibility are slamming to the ground like Bowser after hit by Mario's Meteor Smash.


    I believe it is a sales strategy. You only have so much of X supply of hardware for each region and it seems Nintendo, at its max, can produce somewhere between 2M - 3M units. Fairly close to 2M is going to launch with Wii Fit and Brawl to ensure max sales. So that part makes sense.


    Disk production also makes sense, it takes serious amount of time to produce Brawl disks along with other games from their own stocks and other publishers as well. It is all about supply and demand.


    It sucks Europe got fucked on this one, but on the plus side, Nintendo at least tried to compesate you guys with Mario Kart Wii. It could be worse, they could do jackshit like they have been doing for decades now.


    Hm, that also make sense.


    You know what, I don't really know what to believe. I just can't help feeling that even though they're treating us a little better that they have in the past, it's still not enough. Dang it, if you're gonna do something, do it properly!

  14. This can't be about translation time anymore. They could release the European version in March if they wanted. It's purely sales strategy, according to Reggie to even out the big releases and to make sure there's enough discs, as the game's been ripped from the stores. It still doesn't change the fact they're screwing Europe. They very well know that Smash Bros. is far more popular than Mario Kart and Wii Fit. But people will be buying these games anyway, and we'll buy Brawl when it arrives. It's a win-win situation for Nintendo.

  15. God no, how can Nintendo get away with fucking Europe so hard? Seriously, they think just because we get Mario Kart and Wii Fit now, we'll happily wait for Brawl? What kind of metality is that? We shouldn't even have to wait more than the time it take to translate the game. And they even dare to compare Wii Fit and Mario Kart with Brawl. As I've said, two rocks don't make a gold nugget.

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