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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. This game is brilliant. I bought it despite my lack of a wii so I can only play it round at my friend's house (this makes me sound about 12 when I am, in fact, 25). There is a story but I won't bore you with it. I have only managed to play multiplayer, and I went out and bought a GC controller for it too, the local Wondergoo shop has just got loads in, presumably for smash bros. It plays a lot like melee, but I'm not an expert so if you are linking, waveriding or anything like that then maybe it will play differently. Luigi's "let's go" makes him sound like a paedophile.


    I did that once too. :p Except it was another game and console.

  2. He is saying, basically, "These are two ways that you can quickly change into ZS Samus if you want to start a fight as her, as she isn't available direct from the character select screen." Doesn't sound that vague to me.


    Didn't notice he had put it up that way before. That isn't vague and strongly supports the one-way theory. :) The vague thing is this:


    It’s not easy, but how awesome is it that you can make Samus coolly switch between two completely different fighting forms? Try it out next time you feel like showing off.


    "Making Samus switch between two fighting forms" - doesn't the "between" seem to imply that it can be used both ways? Reading your post makes me believe you, but Sakurai is almost being contradictious here. Again, he has before used wording that was either vague or hard to interpret.


    Oh and I didn't mean to sound stressed before, when I said "No you can't!" I meant it in a :heh: kind of way, not a :mad: kind of way! :)


    No worries, mate. :)

  3. Somehow the new Battlefield really appeals to me. I just love the background (it's nice that you can use it for your own stages in the Stage Builder :)). It's so open and wide. I guess I didn't really like the darkness of the Melee one. What can I say, my mood is really affected by light. :)


    I also look forward to try out New Pork City. Large and with a colourful background.

  4. I really think its one way as if it wasn't, it would make the hunt for the smash ball when you are Zamus, almost pointless. Also, the way she sheds the armour makes me think it has lost its power, which is returned when she gets the smash ball.


    It's not certain she uses the crystal flash to change back. But I might be wrong. Sakurai has again been very vague in his wording.

  5. I might be wrong but when I played it yesterday the armour only comes off when you use a Super Smash with Samus or hold R on the GC Controller while selecting her and you can't get the suit back on. So it's kind of a one way change - until you respawn I think.


    According to today's update, if you taunt up, down, and up really fast, you can change into Zero-Suit Samus. (Whether you can switch back is at the moment up for discussion.) When you get KO'ed, you start out in the same form you had when you got KO'ed.


    No you can't!


    When he says switch, he doesn't mean backwards and forwards at will, he means from suited-up Samus to ZS Samus.


    Relax. :) No one can know for sure what he means, but we can all try to interpret it. Unless you have solid proof that it only works one way. Personally, when he says "switching between two fighting styles", it sounds very likely that you can switch both ways.

  6. Yeah but obviously once you've done that you need a smash ball to change it back...


    Nope. :)


    It’s not easy, but how awesome is it that you can make Samus coolly switch between two completely different fighting forms? Try it out next time you feel like showing off.


    You can use the technique to switch back and forth anytime you like.

  7. You can't just get one kill and then be passive for the rest of the match in timed matches. Then you lose. They require you to be active all the time or you'll fall behind in kills. It IS annoying when someone scores a cheap kill because of the damage you have dealt to someone else, but that is a part of the random aspect of the game.


    Just like items. Sure, no-item matches test people's skills in a fight, but I believe true skill is also about adapting to the environment. If you play as Marth and your opponent gets a hammer, you use counter - and suddenly YOU have the upper hand. It's about adapting to random events and turning them to your advantage - THAT's true skill in my eyes.

  8. Hah. I've been playing stock matches without items and on FD for two years roughly. Then I lay off the game. Now, however, I've tried to use random characters and stages in a four-minutes time battle with items and I'm having so much more fun. Stupid me. XD


    Timed matches are MUCH more challenging.


    I never realized spamming moves in Smash affected their power.

  9. The Pokémon grow tired after some time, their attack power decreases, they get slower and such. If you change them more often than not this will not be a problem. I guess it was made so no one overuses a Pokémon (Charizard, I reckon).


    As far as I know, it's based on time. I think it's something like 1 or 1.5 minutes, after which the Pokémon slowly take damage.


    I've heard reports say 2 minutes which explains why it was never a problem at conventions where 2 minute matches were the only option. I believe fatigue also occurs if you switch out Pokémon too often. Bottom line: Use each Pokémon a fair amount of time, then switch.

  10. What is this Dual Layer Disc problem I'm hearing about?


    My favourites? I think I'm going to mention only newcomers. It's more fair.


    5 Most Interesting:

    1. Pit

    2. Ike

    3. Sonic

    4. Lucario

    5. Pokémon Trainer


    5 Least Interesting:

    1. Toon Link

    2. Dedede

    3. Lucas

    4. Diddy

    5. Wolf


    Pit, Ike (together with Marth) pretty much share first place. Marth's moves look even cooler than they did in Melee. Meta Knight comes right after Pokémon Trainer.


    Of all the newcomers, the ones mentioned on the 5 Least Interesting list are the ... well, least interesting. That's not to say I don't want to try them out, but they never really caught my interest.

  11. Theres something about the Light arrows that dont quiet tickle my fancy...It seems only effective when your enemy is close to the edge, particularly Sheiks' one whos arrow seems to take the enemy downwards. It also does below 50% damage.


    Maybe it does more damage on evil characters?


    Well, on Link, Zelda's Light Arrow does 44% damage, Sheik's does precisely 50%.

  12. True, but unless the person's lined up infront of him its hard to pull off, however i've seen him KO 2 people with it. Kirby's is also great too, it lasts long and sucks everyone in.


    Marth? He can KO 3 enemies at once if they are close enough together. Both his and Ike's Final Smashes have a pretty broad range. But you're forgetting Zelda/Sheik's Light Arrow - VERY fast, VERY powerful, VERY deadly. If enemies are in front of you - fire. The attack strikes immediately and they have to touch the ground sometime. It's only a matter of timing.

  13. I want Brawl now dammit :(


    Part of me is tempted to get a JP Wii and it but whats the point :/


    For a split second there, I thought you had just typed what has been burned into my mind the last few days.


    First of - I don't have the time nor the resources to bother getting a Japanese Wii.

    Second of - it's too bothersome. I wouldn't even be able to understand the text.

    Third of - honestly, it shouldn't even be necessary to consider importing a game that's coming out in your own region. What in the holy name of Mario's overalls and Captain Falcon's moves is going on with the European release date?! Come on, Nintendo! Get your bottoms off your seats and get to work! I really don't get why we have to wait. Is it a sales tactic? Translation trouble? Laziness? Only the almighty in the sky knows ... and yes, I'm talking about Sakurai.

  14. I haven't quite figured out what Jiggly's FS does. Does it hurt everybody touching Jiggly at the attack moment? Because it doesn't seem to hurt anyone when the puff ball is growing.


    (You may have noticed that I avoid using pronouns about Jigglypuff as I can't friggin' decide if our singing friend is a "he", "she" or "it"!)

  15. EDIT: Just listening to the music of the game....meh better then SSBM but no where near as good as Mario Galaxy music but still, it's good


    Consider the different amount of new music in the two respective games. Galaxy had a lot of new tracks recorded, all fully orchestraed. Brawl has a load of songs from the last many years of gaming, some of them rearranged, some of them in their original form. It's all about the eyes looking: Galaxy has new and fresh music, Brawl has old and nostalgic music. It's all great in my opinion, though.


    On a side note, the "space fighter" kind of music in Galaxy in the Space Junk Galaxy and Dreadnought Galaxy really made me want a Lylat Wars sequel on Wii - the real Lylat Wars sequel - back to the old formula.

  16. Could be random


    You guys seen some of the reviews on GameFAQs...they're laughable


    Here's a few funny tidbits


    "After you turn off all the items and ignore the graphics upgrades, you will soon forget this is Super Smash Brothers Brawl for the Wii. "


    "Gameplay is simply horrible compared to past Smash Bros. games. Right from the beginning, the game seems slower than Captain Falcon's "Falcon Punch" from the original SSB. Physics have changed the gameplay drastically. No longer can you expect to perform great combos from a distance. No longer can you lunge at your opponent. The game has become more aerial move-based, but it's bad in that sense too. For a close combat character, fighting becomes difficult. For a projectile using fighter, projectiles are easily dodged. Gameplay is very floaty and annoying. It's incredibly hard to get used to."


    "The control is just weak. I mean, you allow the game to be played with just the Wiimote. You understand that not everyone can afford controllers. Why offer the option if that mode just sucks? I can barely pull off a combo with this weakness. Sure, I could plug my nunchuck in and play using that, but I can't stand doing that. So I'm going to review it as if I only had the Wiimote, a mode they allow, but suck at. gg nintendo"


    "The fact that most of you will be using a Gamecube controller certainly won't help either. The only major difference between the two is the absence of wave-dashing, which is really hard to adjust to in the beginning. All the old techniques are still present, such as Directional Influence, L-Cancel, teching and anything else I might have missed. There are also other minor differences, such as an overall slower feel to the game, a toned down DI and an increase in difficulty to execute short hops, but that might be just me. I must add I also disliked how the Shielding feels in this game. It's very different from Melee and not in a good way."


    The last one was soon followed in the same review with:

    "What I really want to stress though, is that absolutely nothing has changed from Melee to Brawl. "


    They're hilarious. Most of them are clearly done by people who havent played it. One review gave it lots of praise except for controls and gave it a 5/10 just for that lol


    This really shows that these guys' expectations had gone to their heads. The great reviews seem more realistic and just. One guy notes that when Melee first came out, we didn't know any of the special techniques, and he points out that we will probably discover many techniques in Brawl with time. Of course we're biased in judging these reviews, but in all honesty, it seems the bad reviews come from people who somehow thought Brawl would be Melee - without being Melee.

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