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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Yeah. Dojo is fine, Japanese is not.


    People will come here to discuss their anticipation, reviews from big sites, European news (if we ever get any) etc


    Does 'Tag Japanese Spoilers' make it clearer?

    Yeah, that should work. :)


    Now for something completely different: Is this 200-page guide you guys and gals are talking about going to be translated to English? Or what is the deal about it?

  2. Why have nobody metioned Jeff Dunham, the ventriloquist? I'd give anything to meet him, Peanut, Walter, Achmed and of course José Jalapeño on a stick.


    If those count as one person, the other nine I'd invite would probably be (in no particualr order):

    - Emma Watson

    - J.K. Rowling

    - Keanu Reeves

    - Jim Carrey

    - Jackie Chan

    - Shigeru Miaymoto

    - Masahiro Sakurai (so I can worship him)

    - Anders W. Berthelsen (a Danish acton)

    - Thomas Hartmann (a Danish stand-up comedian)

  3. Well yeah, fair enough to put that stuff in tags but then why was Danny Boy tagging info from the dojo?

    Well, I hadn't quite made up my mind about how much I actually thought should be tagged, so it just seemed a little un-clever to be saying "Spoilers should be tagged!" when I had just commented on something spoilerish.


    Looking back on it, it seems kinda dumb. Anything revealed before release will not be very spoilerish when it comes to secret characters, Subspace Emissary plots etc. When the game is released and extreme Japanese gamers unlock everything in mere hours and start posting it on the net, THEN we need spoiler tags. Some people just don't want to know everything before they discover it themselves. They may meet secret characters online, but that's a risk they have to make up their minds if they're willing to take.

  4. I think anybody who comes into this thread from now on should expect spoilers; what is there to discuss other than the Dojo updates or playable demos at events? Why would anybody read this thread between now and release if they don't want anything further spoiled?


    I don't see why all discussion should be kept to spoiler tags.

    Well, there's always the odd one out who wants to discuss the game without being spoiled. But I see your point. It'll be tedious to tag everything. :)

  5. Up until now I've thought that the stickers were useless - how wrong I was. Have I not yet learned to trust the brilliant minds of Sakurai & Co.? Shame on me.


    This update rocks! When they mentioned a long time ago the ability to power up your characters in the Subspace Emissary, I wondered how they would do it. Now I see the brilliance. :)

    Regarding the whole spoiler thing, I'm not going to try kid myself: I know I won't be able to stay away from spoilers. If I get the surprises now or when the game comes out doesn't really matter to me. When the game comes out (whever that is going to be ::shrug:), I'll be so thrilled that I won't care if I know everything about the characters, stages etc. I'll just be enjoying the game that I have waited for for so long. :)


    I say it's OK to post spoilers in this thread, but they must be tagged along with any replies or comments regarding those spoilers. What do you guys think?

  6. The liquid physics engine was invented first. It was only after they had finished the F.L.U.D.D physics that they decided to put Mario in it. Sunshine wouldn't have been better without it. People just found it disappointed that it wasn't as good as the other Marios, mainly because it wasn't built 100% around mario like the previous games.


    ... Like Star Fox Adventures was built around Dinosaur Planet. And I loved both games. Just because two games merge doesn't mean they get bad. Of course they are not what they would have been, but we might as well have ended up with none of the games at all.

  7. I love the PT as well, but I'm just concerned about that thing where Pokemon lose their health.


    It's just a way of making sure people don't play as the same Pokémon all the time. Since they have made everything else in this game work great, why wouldn't this?


    I'm almost certain Pokemon Trainer will be my main, I adore the whole concept of having to switch between pokemon, however I would like to try out Metaknight, Sonic and Pit to see how they play as normal fighters.


    Yeah, I wanna try out those, too ... Heck, I wanna try ALL the characters out. But I'm most excited about Pit, Ike, Meta Knight, Sonic, Snake, Pikmin & Olimar, and Pokémon Trainer and will probably try them out in this order.

  8. It's astonishing how original they have made Olimar! Sakurai is no mere God anymore, he's an überbeing!


    I like how all the characters are very original, but my favourite is and will be Pit - for several reasons:


    1) He was the hero of my very first video game: Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters

    2) I've always had an interest for mythology and especially Greek mythology and culture has interested me.

    3) His bow/sword combo is really cool.

    4) He seems to have extraordinary recovering skills - floating, mulitple jumps, and Wings of Icarus.

    5) If what I've heard is correct, he has a Reflector-like Down B move called Mirror Shield that alledgedly protects against attacks (I've always liked the Reflector ability).

  9. I think Snake's FS is brilliant! The FSs are supposed to be very personal, yet Ike's and Link's are essentially the same - same goes for Pikachu's and Sonic's (by the way, does anyone know what happens if Pikachu's or Sonic's FS ends while you're in the middle of a building?).


    Snake's FS is very unique and original, which I like very much. :) Besides, it takes the game from 2.5D to ... well, 2.75D. Like the Dragoon Glider.

  10. I never expected Captain Olimar to be playable. Which just proves that my expectations about characters are worth absolutely nothing. :p


    About the Fighting Alloys, do their models really have to be those of other characters? Can't Nintendo have gone a little original and made specific models for them? And if they are indeed based off other models, couldn't they have been based on some of the Subspace enemies? Unless THEY'RE based off OTHER character models ...


    I guess I'm just trying to say I couldn't care less. :p

  11. Video games are responsible for obesity? Jeez, according to the media, video games are responsible for ALL the world's problems! (And yes, that includes global warming.)


    To be serious for a moment, I'm sick and tired of people blaming God and everyone for obesity: "It's the food chains' fault, it's the games' fault, it's TV's fault, etc."


    Obesity is a lifestyle problem! It's caused by the way people live their lives, for F's sake! You can play video games, eat food from McDonald's, watch TV and still live a healthy life with a healthy body shape! Those things don't make you obese - unhealthy amounts and combinations of said things, combined with minimal amounts of physical exercise - THAT makes you obese!


    Stop throwing the responsibility at everyone else! It's YOUR life, YOUR decisions and therefore YOUR responsibily!


    Phew, rant over.


    EDIT: I just realized someone beat me to it posting that conclusion. I didn't read the other posts because I just had to get my anger out. Sorry. :)

  12. It's so unfair that you guys have weapon stores nearby. Weapon stores in Denmark are virtually nonexistant. I'm screwed.


    Actually, the surviving population will probably be nerds, because they (we) know everything about defeating zombies. Plus, if there are a few science nerds among them, they have the knowledge to stop the zombies.

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