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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. This thread is so awful on weekends :p


    Agree. :p


    Seriousely boys I really don't like that Safe Zone thing they've stuck on there, I would have been happier if it was the same as before, but instead of lava falling it was phazon.


    On the contrary, I think the safe zone makes this level even more frantic, as everybody competes to get in it first. It'll be like the good ol' fights over a Poké Ball, only in this case losing means instant KO in 99.5 percent of the instances.

  2. Why do people hate Star Fox Adventures and Krystal so much? I know the game was a huge and an awkward jump from the old formula, but remember it was originally not a Star Fox game. And for an adventure game, it was quite good.

  3. I'm taking offence over a computer game?




    Also danny, i don't see why you're apologizing cos you've done nothing wrong. Seriously, A LOT worse has been said. TBh you're were just stating something; sorry if i sounded as if you upset me, cos it didnt rele bother me.


    Now ignorance...that annoys me.


    Well, when someone says "shut up" to me, I take it they've got something against me or something I said. Maybe I'm just sensitive. No matter, I was merely surprised by the reaction my comment spurred, and since the reaction seemed to be negative, I wanted it cleared up immediately. I simply hate to be on someone's bad side. :)

  4. It's exactly the reason why those people should be mocked, if they take offence... Stop taking computer life so seriously!!!! :indeed:


    I was thinking particularly about Goron_3's comments. And just because I'm not facing the person in real life doesn't mean I shouldn't worry about his or her feelings. I know some people would take advantage of that, but I won't be pushed around. :)

  5. A Wii wish list? Nice idea, let's see if I can come up with some.


    Star Fox: Back to the Roots (tentative title) A Star Fox game that goes back to the old Lylat Wars formula, just with Wii-fied controls and sticking to the current storyline (with Krystal - you all how much I like her :p). Since Nintendo tried it with Assault (just without luck), the likelihood of such a game seems to be: Very Likely


    Shooter: Red Steel/Corruption Combo There are already a number of shooters for the Wii, and although I enjoyed Red Steel, I think it can be done better. What I really want is a shooter that doesn't just sell on the Wii-shooter controls, but also has nice graphics (at least better than Red Steel) and an interesting storyline. Corruption does it well, but it's also a sci-fi adventure game - I'm thinking a shooter in a Red Steel world done on Corruption level. Since both the idea and the technical aspects have been done, it shouldn't be very hard to combine. I deem the likelihood: Very Likely


    Fantasy Fencing The idea has been touched upon by Red Steel - the technical aspects just needs to be vastly improved: Better sensitivity (not stronger - better), more accurate controls (complete real-life movements are not needed, but it can be done a lot better than in Red Steel), and RPG-like storyline and possibilites. Boiled down to four words: Oblivion on the Wii. Likelihood: Likely


    Wow, I'm starting to sound like some spoiled brat. That was not intended. :p

  6. No worries, mate.


    : peace:


    ps. You don't need to apologise, you have done nothing wrong.


    A few people just seemed to be offended by what I said. Since I hate offending others, I wanted to apologize. I have gotten on wrong terms with members of a forum before because of misunderstandings, just like in this case.

  7. If I have offended anyone with my previous comment, I want to apologize. I was of the impression that not many people in here took the extreme Smash players seriously, so I saw no hurt in poking a little fun at them. My comment seems to have been taken more seriously and harsh than I intended it to, so I want to clear things up: I never meant what I said in a cynical or hurtful way, and I never wanted to offend anyone. And for this misunderstanding, I apologize.

  8. I really don't see why they would replace a character from the original Smash Bros. with a new character. The fact that Sakurai emphasizes the differences in their movesets also makes me think Ness is in. I don't see why not. The "up until now" line is just as vague as the one about the number of Smash Balls per match, so that doesn't prove anything.

  9. I don't know if it qualifies, but the ending to the movie Phenomenon needs to be processed a few times in your mind after seeing it.


    The guy (I can't remeber his name) is unhappy about his powers because people view him as weird. He is again zapped by the mysterious light and wakes up in a hospital bed where he is told that he has a tumor in his brain. It is this tumor that gave him his extraordinary learning abilities (though his telekinesis powers were never explained). He is told that he will eventually die and the doctors want to use his dead body for scientific research, but he rejects the idea, telling them that what really matters is what people can achieve if they just work for it.


  10. ... and the video reminds me of what excited me about the first Smash Bros: mixing various Nintendo universes. I mean Pokémon+DK+Starfox= Uber Win


    That's EXACTLY how I feel! :D Except you're much better at putting it down on paper (the screen) than me. :P


    Hmm... I'm thinking when they announced Sonic maybe? Or perhaps stage builder.


    Same for me. I literally jumped out out of the chair at both occations.


    I really want Krystal to be in the game.


    When someone mentions Krystal, it's physically impossible for me not to comment: I completely agree with you.

  11. Well Dannyboy, I really respect your post, and your closing comment and I fully agree. I really am for freedom of speech, why should another human-being have the right to stop impose when another human articualtes themself? But is it really right to do soething just because you can? there are always resulting factors of actions, especialy actions like that. But I'll leae that there.


    Am I racist... well when I find myself getting annoyed for someone stereotyping to a group of people (e.g. all Afro-Caribbeans, South Asians and Eastern Europeans cause crime in East London) then I know I'm not. Prejudice of any kind tends to get on my nerves and some people don't tend to see the hurt behind words and minor actions unless they become a major victim of it themselves.


    Thank you for your nice comments. :) And I agree with you, too: I hate stereotyping and prejudice very much.

  12. As I'm from Denmark and followed the case from when the cartoons were first published, I feel I should contribute to this.


    See, it all started because some artists refused to draw some pictures of Muhammed for a book about Islam because it according to the religion is forbidden to depict Muhammed and the artists feared the response of some the more religious Muslims.


    This prompted the Danish newspaper JyllandsPosten (JP) to write an article about the right of free speech and how Muslims in Denmark needed to learn about the Danish tradition of making fun of everyone and everything from religion to the royal family. To emphasize this, the paper asked a number of artists to draw comical cartoons of Muhammed. Many refused, but some agreed and drew the cartoons that "The fish" posted.


    In Denmark, no Muslims really got upset about it. Some people (both Danes and Muslims) thought the paper had crossed the line, but many also thought the paper had done the right thing in bringing up the topic of free speech. The problems really started when some imams took the pictures with them to the Middle Eastern countries. From here it all went down hill, as they also brought a picture of a man dressed like a pig with them and said that it was one of the cartoons, when in fact it was a picture from some sort of festival in Germany (I'm not 100 percent sure about that, though).


    The Middle Eastern countries asked for an apology from the Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, but he refused as the newspapers are independent (i.e. have no connection with the government) and are protected by the right of free speech and press. From this time on, the debate in Denmark went on about if we should use the free speech to provoke in order to prove we had the right to do so, or if we should respect Islam's wishes about not making fun of Muhammed.


    The problems raged on in the Middle East as Danish embassies were being burned down and the imams who had brought the cartoons with them were being criticised here in Denmark for causing trouble for the country. It got even worse when one of the prominent imams had been caught in a French documentary saying on hidden camera "if someone wasn't going to bomb a certain popular Danish minister (who is a moderate Muslim) soon". After the airing of this documentary, the imam claimed that "it was a joke taken out of context". He was under heavy fire, but managed to evade being expelled from Denmark.


    Since then, the crisis has slowly faded out.


    My own opinion about all of this? I'm not really sure. I'm for free speech and against censorship, but at the same time I don't like when human rights are being misused. I always ask the question: "Is it right to do something just to prove that one can?" And that's where I'll leave it for now.

  13. Chess has always been a favourite of mine, though the lack of opponents and the recent lack of free time have no doubt reduced my skills. I also enjoy Sudokus, though, and I remember playing Mastermind, which is very good for training logical thinking. A good IQ puzzle book is also nice, though I usually find those puzzles a little too hard to do, probably because I haven't figured out how to solve them. :P

  14. yeah my wii still wont update


    EDIT: oh wait, the blue bar just got slightly longer...


    EDIT 2: okay so it only gets so far then i get an error message 32002. i can't even get on the wii shop channel, but i can get on the everybody votes channel. i can also play games online with my ds.


    someone tell me what the heck is up with my wii?



    i'm guessing it's my shitty internet

    Well, my internet connection isn't very fast and my Wii certainly feels the effect of that, so it may also be the source of your problem. I haven't got very much technical knowledge (pretty much none), though, so I might be wrong.

  15. Stage builder? ... did he say ... I mean, did I hear right? ... stage ... you mean we can ... stage builder ... so we can actually ... dare I say it? ... build ... our own ... STAGES?!






    This is ... I can't even find an appropriate adjective for this! I love you, Sakurai! I love you, Nintendo!

  16. Ahhh, forgot Hyrule Field at night! hen I first reached that section, I paused and played that high!...Now imagine if the Wii had an optical input for Dolby Digital, imagine how that tune would sound! :(...Also, listen to Majora's Mask Ikana Valley theme as well as Lon Lon Ranch and you will otice its the same Malon-like voice.

    Oh, yeah, that one's great, too.

  17. That was the best tune in the game for me! :smile:

    Cool! I felt it had so much emotion. I'm very sure that Midna's theme and the ending scene tune had some of the elements from that tune.




    Why did Midna have to leave and destroy the mirror? She was one of the most interesting and (in my opinion) best secondary (if you can even call her that) characters in the whole Legend of Zelda series, and I really started to like her. So did Link. :(


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