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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Yeah, I'm gonna try out the Nunchuk option, too. I want the game to have a Wii feel (i.e. no GameCube controller). At the same time I don't want to give up the Control Stick (the Wiimote alone seems too simple) and I don't own any Classic Controllers, nor do I like them. Of course I want to try them all and I'm keeping an open mind, so if it turns out one of the other control schemes fits me better, I'm gonna use that.

  2. They never said that did they? They just said you could use them once, we didn't know if it was per Smash Ball or per match. It's per Smash Ball otherwise you could never return to Samus when playing as ZSS.


    The Final Smash is a secret skill that can be performed but once.and only after obtaining an item called the Smash Ball, which is a precious item indeed.


    I would say it's up for interpretation whether it's one per match or one per Smash Ball. I hope it's the last, as the other seems ... very limited.


    Oh, and has it been confirmed that Zero Suit Samus's Final Smash will turn her back into Power Suit Samus? It's a brilliant idea. (I wonder why I didn't think of it. :D)


    And has the boxart been confirmed as official? A tad disappointing, maybe.

  3. I'm getting multiple orgasms with all these news and videos! It's so awsome! ... And so much more depressing when I realize we'll be waiting even longer for this game. :cry:


    BUT! I'm happy they're doing so much work on this game. They could easily release it right now and people would still buy it en masse. But instead they choose to try and make this game as perfect as they can.


    The photo mode is a great idea. Whenver you by coincidence caught a funny still image, you couldn't take a picture of it in Melee. But in Brawl you can!


    Oh, and don't worry, Gizmo, it's just Mario's green costume with orange overalls. I'm positive Luigi will be in.

  4. I'm very sure I've read somewhere that Sakurai wanted to slow down Brawl a bit to make it easier to do aerial attacks, but I can't seem to find it right now. Maybe he changed his mind? 'Cause to be honest, compared to the earlier videos, the newer clips seem much faster, so it's quite possible the game won't be slowed down after all, at least not as much as it was first intended by the developers.

  5. I have completely fallen for Ashley's Theme. I listen to it over and over again. :)


    It seems almost confirmed that stage entrances are back. (Yay! :yay:)


    On the topic poses, I have the idea we'll be seeing 4 different taunts for each character - one for each directional button, one for each message.


    It has been confirmed that Brawl has been slowed down a bit from Melee to make it easier to do aerial attacks and combos.


    Regarding the delay ... yes, it's annyoing - it's VERY annoying ... but I have seen great games being rushed out. The results are terrible: more bugs than on a hot day in the summer time and so much content cut from the game that the ending doesn't make any sense. I would HATE for Brawl to be like this - so I will patiently wait for it, knowing it won't be flawed in the same way as that other game.

  6. Allow me to express my feelings regarding the inclusion of Sonic the Hedgehog:




    This is really a surprise. I didn't think they would include him. Guess I was being too pessimistic. And with 2 new movies thrown in, this update really made my day.


    On the other hand, the fact that the game has been delayed in Japan and the US makes me nervous that we Europeans will also see a delay.

  7. Today's update is the best since online mode was confirmed. Actually, it's better, as we already knew online mode was going to be in. This is a complete surprise - and a cool surprise at that! The fact that the adventure mode is actually a real adventure this time just makes it even better.


    To quote kav82:

    Me want, me so so so want!
  8. Like Petey, I REALLY wan Krystal in this game. Even more so than Sonic, even though he would be cool to have in. He seems so perfectly suited for Smash, but I have this feeling he's not going to make it. As for Krystal, I'll be pissed if they don't include her, but I'll also be surprised. She has become a very important character in the Star Fox series, almost more important than some of the other team members (at least in my opinion), so I can't see why they wouldn't include her.

  9. I'm with King V among others on this one: I feel that developers still don't take the Wii seriously. They just keep spitting out small pick-up-and-play games, and when they try something bigger, the results still could be better, everything taken into account. There are great games for the Wii, but most of them come from Nintendo themselves and very few from 3rd party devs. We must hope that Nintendo's big hits (SSBB, MP3:C, SMG) will help 3rd parties discover the full potential of the Wii.


    The devs seem to think: "Big, deep games -> X360/PS3; small, innovative games -> Wii." I just want to ask: Is it so hard to imagine a big, deep, innovative game for the Wii? We know the little machine of wonder can produce really nice graphics if the effort is put into it, an effort that devs don't seem to mind putting into PlayStation or Xbox games.


    Sorry about the rant, but it has been bugging me for some time now that developers seem so thick-skulled when it comes to the Wii and it's potential.


    About games I would like to see, Star Fox is at the top of my list. Assault was pretty disappointing, Command was improved, but if we can get closer to Lylat Wars, it would be swell. Being the romance lover that I am, I would really like to see Fox and Krystal's relationship expanded. When I heard the cut sound clips from Adventures, I literally became mad at Nintendo for not using them. The relationship aspect was also improved in Command, so it seems the Big N is heading in the right direction with the series. Here's fingers crossed.


    Another game I would love to see is a Kid Icarus game. If Zelda is going FPS, Kid Icarus could be the new adventure game series. (A little exaggerated, but you get the idea.)

  10. I was surprised how glad I actually became when I saw today's update. I loved collecting trophies in Melee, but since the stickers were announced, my hopes had gone down. This just made my day.


    Now we actually have three different collectible items in this game: Stickers, CDs, and trophies. This game is definitely going to be the game of the year for me (even if it isn't coming out till next year).

  11. I am probably the only one who completely don't care of online battle. IMO, that's not really different than playing with a advanced CPU (which can disconnect and leave) since you can't communicate with your opponents. IMO, Smash is way better with friends beside you. Anyway, the message feature with friends is nice (I will spam "Promizoulin!!").


    I'm so much more interested in other online features already hinted previously in an interview and confirmed today.


    And it seems we have all the starting roster considering the icons.

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but playing against another human, even if you're hundreds of kilometers apart, is NOTHING like playing against a CPU in terms of difficulty. You're right about the social aspect, though. It won't be as fun without the screaming and laughing all around you. Which is why I seriously hope it's possible to play more people at the same console against other people online like in Strikers Charged.

  12. Mokong, I've got to say that you make a lot of sense in that video.


    If I made a blog about this (btw I can't, I don't have a camera), I would be speechless at the parents' stupidity...


    ...it would just be me, staring, open-mouthed, not knowing what to say.

    I know what you mean. I don't know what to say to this, simply because it's so stupid. It's true what they say: "You can't argue with idiots - they pull you down to their level and and beat you in experience." I can't argue with these parents, because they are at such a low level that all forms of reason and logic have ceased to exist. I can't work under those circumstances.

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