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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. That was just a rumour that grew WAY out of proportion. The people at Smash Boards found a few plotholes in that interview and labeled it as fake. Seems they were right.


    The full rumour said that I.Climbers and Mr. G&W were cut and Ridley and Bowser Jr. were added. It also said Y.Link was replaced with Cel-Shaded Link.

    But as we now know, that was just made up.


    Now that I think abou it, a Young Link update to the WW Link would be cool.


    By the way, Mr. Game and Watch clearly attacks with sausages.:wink:

    Never heard it was labeled as fake. Now I know. :)

  2. The Special Brawl looks awsome, though the options seem a little restricted. I hope there will be more ways to customise the battles, perhaps through unlocking more customisation options?


    I'm neither thrilled nor bummed that the Ice Climbers have returned, I'm just a little surprised. Didn't the guys at Nintendo's secret Brawl company say at some point that the cold duo wouldn't return to Brawl?

  3. I always wondered why it wasn't Magikarp instead of Goldeen.

    Indeed, Magikarp always was the useless Pokémon ... until it evolved, of course. How I hated it when I traded my Magikarp away to a friend only to see it become the strongest of his Pokémons, ultimately being the first of our Pokémons to reach level 100.

  4. This gif is so funny.


    HAHA! :D Now, that's funny!


    I don't really know about these news. At first, I didn't believe it. Next, I wondered what the heck Nintendo is up to. Just the name Link's Crossbow Training itself sounds so wrong. Link's? Link has never been in the title of an official Zelda game - could be a hint that the franchise is taking a turn. Crossbow? Crossbows have never actually appeared in the games - if it has to be anything, let it be a normal wooden bow. Training? Sounds a little too casual-game, Kawashima-like to me. Don't make Zelda a casual game, Nintendo. That would be shooting your own foot with a shotgun multiple times with the intentions of removing the whole foot completely.


    Don't get me wrong, the casual, family-friendly games are a great marketing plot and a true success - if only I hadn't got the feeling the idea wasn't being milked to the point where small, no-fun games were being produced all the time while we are still waiting for the huge sellers. I might sound a little grumpy, but I feel Nintendo isn't living up to the "we are going to focus both on the casual and the hardcore market" part of their plan. At least not as much as I had expected.

  5. Actually, there's 10 LEDs in the sensor bar.

    Really? But there are only two fixture points?


    In the list I posted, if you look at the url for the images you see that Fire Emblem is number 12 and Animal Crossing is number 15. So number 13 and 14 are still unknown. Wario's symbol is number 16 and Kid Icarus' is number 18. So number 17 is still unknown as well.

    Oh, now I get it. I couldn't figure out where you got the numbers of the icons. :P

  6. I think you misunderstood, I knew that but between those there are a few gaps where no icon is given.


    Between Fire Emblem's and Animal Crossing there's a gap of two. And between Wario's and Kid Icarus' there's one still missing.

    Ehm, gaps? Is there some place where there's a list of the icons? I'm a little lost here.




    About the sensor bar, there are a few ways to solve the problem of a weak "signal": 1) Go and change the sensitivity in the Wii's menu. 2) Check if there are any light sources behind the television or yourself - they can confuse the "signal". 3) Generally try to avoid strong light in the room.


    The thing is, the sensor bar consists only of two LED lights which the Wiimote uses as reference points. If you turn off all the other lights in the room, you can use two small candlelights as reference points - just space them correctly.

  7. Even though the box art is very cool and nicely done, I don't think it's official. I can't put my finger on exactly what, but it just doesn't look official to me. Very nicely done, but not official.


    I'm afraid to get my hopes up too much about the number of character we will see. I dare not hope for more than 30, otherwise I might get disappointed.


    About the clones, I think it depends very much on how it's done. Compare the Mario/Dr. Mario clone and the C. Falcon/Ganondorf clone: Ganondorf had very different physics (speed, power, weight etc.) than C. Falcon, whereas Mario and Dr. Mario had only minor differences. Fox/Falco is also a very good example of clone characters that play very differently, compared to Link and Young Link who could practically be played the exact same way.


    If they make the clones play differently enough, it's fine by me. If the clones are pretty much the same, I'd rather see the inclusion of characters with original move sets.

  8. I really like today's update. I have always liked the music of the Nintendo universe, I loved the collection and the Sound Test in Melee, and I really love the vast amount of fully-orchestraed Nintendo classics in Brawl. The fact that I can hunt and collect the music like I hunted trophies in Melee, listen to it whenever I want, and even decide the likelihood of different songs appearing on stage just makes it even better. Great work, Nintendo!

  9. I think the problem is that (some) people still don't realize the potential of the Wii. If one company sat down and said: "OK, guys, we are going to make a great FPS for the Wii. Nice graphics (because it is possible to get pretty graphics - look at Brawl and Galaxy), great single player storyline, fun multiplayer, well-used Wii controls etc.", I believe it would be a big seller. Red Steel had all the elements, they were just executed poorly. Don't get me wrong, I liked that game very much, but it could have been so much better.


    Now, I'm not trying to be a Solitanze, but if developers realized the potential of the Wii, Sony and Microsoft wouldn't be able to see anything but Nintendo's heels. Wii still has the reputation of being the weak console, but I think we've seen enough evidence that it is more than capable at producing nice graphics (again, Brawl and Galaxy), deep storylines (Metroid, possibly the other two as well), great Wii controls (Metroid again) and fun multiplayer (Red Steel had fun multiplayer, Brawl are most likely going to, and a lot of the mini-game-games are fun).


    Nintendo said they would be making games for all audiences - both softcore and hardcore (sorry, dazzybee). I just think the balance is very uneven at the moment.

  10. indeed it doesn't scratch it but in the long term what will the results be of that noise

    Well, as it doesn't scratch it visibly now, it won't in the future. If it does leave a minimal amount of scratching, it will have to scratch the CD the exact same place every time before it gets serious. I can't think of other side effects, unless it's a sign that there's something wrong with the Wii. I doubt it, though, as I think it's quite common that CD's might spin a little extra sometimes. It just makes a very disturbing noise, just like when you're at the dentist.


    Anyone please correct me if I'm wrong. I don't really know anything about CD technology, so I might be way off.

  11. my Wii makes a terrible sound sometimes when it auto reboots when turning back from a game to the Wii menu. it sounds like the discdrive suddenly stops but the disc it self is still spinning. i am glad it doenst scratch it but still the sound it shocking. it doesnt happen every time but once in a while. 1/30 ratio +/-


    dit this problem happen to some one else to?

    is it worth checking out by Nintendo?


    please let me know.

    Hm, I might have experienced what you describe there (though I'm not sure) and I think you're right about the disc-spinning thing. I don't think it's anything to worry about, though, as it doesn't scratch the discs.

  12. I don't think they ever really grabbed the spionage feel of GoldenEye. I mean, that was one game where I was literally sitting at the edge of my seat, bathed in sweat, as I was fighting for my life inside the recently infiltrated enemy base. For me, they haven't been able to recreate that feeling. They got close in TWINE with the Nightwatch level, but that was as close as they got. I haven't tried some of the other games, though, so I might be wrong, but I really doubt any of them beat GoldenEye. There's potential with this new game, but like danny, I won't hold my breath just yet.

  13. Krystal is easily my most wanted character. For a fox she was damn fine in adventures

    Completely agree with those two statements. ;)


    Yoshi's Final Smash is pretty cool and the music's really good. I have a strong feeling there will be a playable character from Animal Crossing in this game, as the stages, music and items that are related to playable characters so far have gotten their own logo instead of the standard Smash logo in the updates. Unless they changed the tradition.

  14. So, Diddy Kong, huh? Hm, well, I kinda feel like he's a fill-character like Waluigi and Toadette (with you on that one, Zell), but let's wait and see. It would seem like they made him more original this time around.


    About the Hookshot thing - let's just end the discussion by agreeing that we disagree about whether it was hard or not to get it right.

  15. Hellfire > OK, let's say I'm crazy. Now, if you'll explain to me WHY you think I'm crazy? ;)


    Marthuser > I don't think it'll be too easy. Like Demuwan, I'm confident Sakurai knows what he's doing.


    Zell > Well, I found it particularly hard to time it right.


    Today's update > I nearly wet myself - again. It happens every time they reveal something about The Subspace Emissary. This game is gonna be SO great.

  16. This update is pretty cool.


    Contrary to the average opinion in here, I think the homing Clawshot is a good idea. The Hookshot was simply too useless in Melee, as you had to time it perfectly to get it right (failure resulted in a guarateed death), and considering the Spin Attack was more efficient, the Hookshot was completely unnecessary.


    I don't think the Spin Attack will be any less useful for recovering. Looking from a pure technical view, the only difference will be that we have to let go of the stick and button for Link to starting spinning.

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