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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Well when the site was first launched they could have had some kind of schedule for the updates, at least planning to reveal all starters before the release (December 3rd) like before Melee's release. And then after the release revealing unlockables.


    That could still be the case, even after the delay, or they could have padded out everything to reveal all starters before 24th of January (new release date for Japan), and unlockables after that.


    But now that magazine is claiming to reveal all characters or all starters on December 15th, it could be that we have or will have all starters on the site before then. That's why I'm wondering if we're going to see unlockables before the release of the game. I hope this makes it a bit more clear.

    Yeah, it did. Thanks for your patience. :)


    Never have truer words been said.

    Amen to that!


    Really glad we can switch off Tap Jump.

    Yeah, me too. I was always bothered by it.


    To be honest, I don't see why people don't like the Wii Remote and Nunchuk controls (I do about the Wii Remote alone, though). They seem pretty good to me, even better than the ones I had thought out for that controller scheme. My theory is that people have grown on the GameCube controls and can't imagine playing with other controls.


    I'm definitely gonna try the Wiimote/Nunchuk controls. I simply have to try out the Shake Smash. :)

  2. No they don't, they get it on 24th of January. But seeing as the original release was supposed to be on the 3rd of December, I'm wondering if they changed the update schedule to account for the delay. And if they didn't we'll probably see all starters (some say all character, but I doubt that) before then, and that could be why that magazine will show all starter characters in their next issue.

    Sorry if I'm a little slow, but I didn't quite get what you mean? :wtf:

  3. I'm still wondering if they haven't already started posting the unlockable characters on the Dojo. I mean, how many are there so far? 23? How many are there going to be from the start? And how many in total? And who will be unlockable? I'm so puzzled on this topic.


    Of course I would like to discover the hidden characters myself, but I doubt I will be able to stop myself from going online the 3rd of December to see what that magazine has to reveal.

  4. i think he still has the wizard hat becouse he said everyone has 6 different costumes

    I've seen in a video that Pikachu still has the pointy blue wizard/party hat. I just think they've included Pichu's hats in his collection of head-clothing. That makes 7 total costumes for Pikachu in total, including his neutral look, and as Sakurai said about 6 costumes each, it all makes sense.


    I would be happy if they changed the team colour system. I find most of the red/blue/green costumes a little dull compared to the black, white and gold colours that many of the characters have, and since it seems a lot of the characters have these colour sets this time around, combined with the fact that they have about 6 different costumes each, we may very well see some additions and/or changes to the team colour system in Brawl.


    ... well, at least I hope we will.

  5. How the hell is Metaknight unbalanced? Sure he can combo, but considering he has NO finishing moves apart from his up+B and final smash (which must be comboed into because it has next to no reach), i think it's pretty fair to say he's balanced enough. Also, with good DI, people will get out of his combos.

    I was just of the impression from hands-ons that Meta Knight was very unbalanced.


    I read on the smashboards (http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=121329) that Meta-Knight isn't as overpowered as seems, I think he's just one of the more easy to use characters. His Final Smash is also more difficult to connect so that balances stuff out a bit as well.

    I hope that is the case. It also explains why I got that impression.

  6. So, what are your guys' favourite Final Smashes so far?


    My favourite up until now is Ike's. It's awsome, it looks cooler than Link's, and it does more damage (around 10 points more). Also, I really like the swords 'n' magic-style fantasy universe that Fire Emblem is (never played any of the games, though I want that to change), and I'm curious as to what the fate of other Fire Emblem characters in Brawl will be. Will Marth and Roy return? Or will they be replaced by other new characters?


    Meta Knight's Final Smash also looks cool (and effective), but it just seems he's so overpowered that I don't know if I like him. I hope he has some serious drawbacks or that he is powered down in the final version of the game, as right now he seems very unbalanced.

  7. Guys, try to calm down. It IS, after all, only a game. :)


    Personally, I find Marth much better at one-on-one matches, as his long reach and speed makes him good at evading a single enemy and attacking him at a distance.


    Roy, on the other hand, is better at multiplayer brawls, as he's generally more powerful (i.e. deals more damage) and is stronger in very close combat.

  8. I wonder when they will announce Luigi and Captain Falcon.


    So do I. I'm leaning more and more towards the theory that they're saving some of the old characters for unlockables. Though I can't help worrying a bit. Mostly because we have no idea how many characters there are gonna be total, how many of the old characters will come back, how many of the new characters we have seen so far, and who will be unlockables (including the characters that have been revealed to date).

  9. But by far my most outlandish desire would be this: a full-blown Knights of the Old Republic RPG with real-time, motion-sensing light saber duels!


    It would be amazingly awsome, as long as the guys at LucasArts don't rush this one like they did with The Sith Lords.


    But one thing: How would you combine real-time lightsaber duels with RPG?

  10. Not a very good escape route. Just admit you're wrong god damnit.


    And that is just about the thinnest argument ever (and you know that ;)). I'll never admit that The Matrix Trilogy is bad, because it isn't - it's amazing! :) But I know when I'm wasting my energy, and that's exactly what I'm doing when I'm trying to convince you guys that it isn't. Simple as that. :)


    Now, let's move on with the original thread, shall we?

  11. This game has always surpassed Galaxy, Metroid and Zelda in my mind. There's just something about the Smash Bros. series that I've loved since I first tried the original game, and Nintendo seems to be doing more to make this game perfect than they have done for any other game before.


    Maybe you hold down A and press the taunt direction you want with the Wiimote only?

  12. Daft's right. the matrix sequels are quite possibly some of the worst films ever made. Utter, profound gash on a massive scale.

    I'd say it's a subjective matter. One can't really say if one film is better than another. One can analyze the structure of the film, the flow of the plot, the skills of the actors, the camera work, etc. But in the end those things aren't what affects if one likes a film or not. You guys say the Matrix sequels are rubbish, while I loved them. The 1993 Super Mario Bros. film was very poorly made, but for me it has some kind of cult status. The same can be said about the Karate Kid films, which aren't exactly the best films ever made, looking from a pure film-technical point of view.


    You catch my drift?

  13. The actors are awful, they aren't helped by the fact that the script could have been better by my shoe and the whole crap with the architect is just a load of pretentious bull, vis a vis, it was incredibly boring, predictable and unnecessary. The original matrix expressed fairly complex ideas in an easy, stylish way, the sequels attempted to expressed probably more complex ideas in an overcomplicated way that half the time didn't make sense, and if they did they weren't very interesting.


    The worse thing is is that it could have been awesome. If you take the whole matrix franchise including the comics, the animatrix, (I have already mentally blocked out the games from my mind so they don't count) then these two sequels are just painful to watch. Its loaded with the usual hollywood cliches but executed in the most amateur ways.


    The best thing to come out of both those films were these two articles:






    Sorry, haven't got time to read the articles right now. Personally, I can't follow your critique points about bad acting, Hollywood clichés etc. Maybe it's just me. You're right, they're complicated, but I don't think they're too complicated.

  14. Don't drag us all down with you. Those films sucked worse than Jar Jar Binks!! (Not the first one, just the two sequels)


    I happen to both like Jar Jar and love The Matrix Trilogy. :)


    Why is it that you don't like those movies? Tell me, maybe I can convince you otherwise. ;)

  15. From my all-time favourite movies: The Matrix Trilogy!


    Smith: "Mr. Anderson. Did you get my package?"

    Neo: "Yeah."

    Smith: "Well, good."

    Outside the Matrix

    Morpheus: "Smith?"

    Link: "Whoever he is, he's not reading like an Agent."

    Inside the Matrix

    Smith: "Surprised to see me?"

    Neo: "No."

    Smith: "Then you're aware of it."

    Neo: "Of what?"

    Smith: "Our connection. I don't fully understand how it happened. Perhaps some part of you imprinted onto me, something overwritten or copied. It is, at this point, irrelevant. What matters is that whatever happened, happened for a reason."

    Neo: "And what reason is that?"

    Smith: "I killed you, Mr. Anderson, I watched you die. With a certain satisfaction, I might add. And then something happened. Something that I knew was impossible, but it happened anyway: You destroyed me, Mr. Anderson. Afterward, I knew the rules, I understood what I was supposed to do, but I didn't. I couldn't. I was compelled to stay, compelled to disobey. And now here I stand because of you, Mr. Anderson. Because of you, I'm no longer an Agent af this system. Because of you, I've changed, I'm unplugged. A new man, so to speak, like you, apparently free."

    Neo: "Congratulations."

    Smith: "Thank you. But as you well know, appearances can be deceiving, which brings me back to the reason why we're here: We're not here because we're free. We're here because we're not free. There's no escaping reason, no denying purpose. Because as we both know, without purpose we would not exist."

    Smith Clone #1: "It is purpose that created us."

    Smith Clone #2: "Purpose that connects us."

    Smith Clone #3: "Purpose that pulls us."

    Smith Clone #4: "That guides us."

    Smith Clone #5: "That drives us."

    Smith Clone #6: "It is purpose that defines."

    Smith Clone #7: "Purpose that binds us."

    Smith: "We're here because of you, Mr. Anderson. We're here to take from you what you tried to take from us - purpose!"


    One of the few conversations in the Matrix Trilogy that I've memorized. ;)

  16. No it wasn't.


    No they wouldn't, it was terrible.


    A very bad Zelda clone.


    Subjectivity, my friend, subjectivity. :p As we're obviously never going to agree on this topic, let's drop it in favour of the original thread topic. :)

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