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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Thing is it needs to be more than nintendo bringing the gamer stuff to the console. We've been playing nintendo franchises for 20 years and so the other developers need to step in, but they aren't. I have had enough of Metroid and Mario for this generation. There are too few 3rd parties releasing anything remotely interesting so I turned attention to a different console where many things seem to be catered for.


    I don't think they have lost it i just think their games are getting old. Get some more franchises out there. I'd like to see more potential, games like Disaster is a good start.


    But that's exactly Nintendo's strategy at the moment: Letting the 3rd parties have their time in the sun. :)

  2. I'm fully aware that they have said that they will announce games first 3 months before release. But that still doesent prove me wrong. ONE core game announced over a period of nearly two years. Don't you think that's a tad little? I mean, all will be forgiven if Nintendo will announce a new AAA title every 2 months from let's say october, but that isn't going to happen. My guess is that we'll get lucky if we get one every six months.


    That it is or isn't so that Nintendo have abandoned us isn't the deal. It's that right now, noone can prove the one or the other. We don't know if we'll get a new Zelda in four months, or if we'll have to wait for Starfox until the last year of the Wii. THAT is my point.


    All you seem to care about are announcements. So SMG, TP, MP3 etc. doesn't count against the core-abandoning theory because we knew about them from the beginning? And you go into apocalypse-overdrive because we don't know when or if we'll have more core titles?


    Looking back at Nintendo's history, I just don't see the abandoning of the core fans happening (I mean today, not then).


    EDIT: To comment on the highlighted part of your post: Nintendo's alledged abandoning has been the deal for you all the way through. Don't come and deny it afterwards.

  3. You knew about every single core first and second party Wii game by the time of the Wii launch, bar Mariokart, right? That means that in nearly 2 years Nintendo have made ONE core announcement. That's what I've proven. That can be interpreted as if Nintendo stopped planning core games as soon as they realised that they had succeeded in getting the casual audience. In other words, they've abandoned us. Any core Nintendo announcement can prove me wrong, but to be serious I expected this announcement LAST E3. That it didn't happen this time arround basically made me, like I've already said, gone ballistic.


    Dear lord ...


    Where did you learn logic? Nintendo has said that they won't announce games too early because it builds up hype which eventually hurts the game. Saying that the lack of announcements means Nintendo has abandoned us is conclusion-jumping at its best (read: worst).

  4. I would argue that, once again, the difficulty of the game was nerfed for the casuals pleasure. I would also argue Galaxy was long in production before Nintendo acquired this hidden casual army who are willing to trade good money for dire games.


    Is it so? I've heard differently about Luigi's coin challenges. The last part is true, but it doesn't prove that Nintendo doesn't care for the core gamer anymore.


    @ darkjak:


    You ask us to prove you wrong. But you haven't proved anything yourself. All your so-called arguments are just as much speculation as ours.

  5. They sure arn't appealling to me.


    Exactly. Notice how much of your criticism is entirely subjective.


    ...One game in 1.6 years should be proof enough to suggest Nintendo are trully aiming to cater for the needs of it's core? ...Excuse me for a second...Gahahahahahahahaahh LMAO LOL....ROTFL.....


    Nothing personal.


    There isn't just one great game for the Wii. SMG alone is proof enough that Nintendo still has the core in mind. Otherwise, they wouldn't have bothered. Which they quite as easily could have.

  6. I love Hellfire :D He's more of a fanboy than me, and I'm a big fanboy! Keep fighting the cause :bowdown:


    Amen to that, brother! :bowdown:


    I agree with Hellfire in that people are so selective when it comes to discussing this. They focus so much on the negative that they forget the positive, constantly ranting about what we should have gotten by now instead of looking at what we have got. Nintendo has done well in the past (and still is, mind you), but now that they have turned SOME (can't stress that enough) of their focus away from us core gamers, people suddenly become greedy and egocentric. Has Nintendo so far this generation not delivered perhaps the greatest games ever in some of their franchises? Have they not done this within the first two years of the Wii's lifespan, barely giving us time to finish one game before the next great game comes out (bar speedsters who rush the games)? Then, as soon as there is a pause, people immediately get out their torches, pitchforks, and angry-villager-clothing.


    Where hath thy faith gone, my brethren? Have faith, and thou shall be rewarded.



  7. I'm thinking:


    1080p (Since by then alot more people will have HDTVs)

    Composite, Component, and HDMI right out of the box.

    S-Video, DVI, VGA available but sold separately.

    SCART available separately in Europe and D-Terminal in Japan.

    Both Accelerometer and multi axis gyroscope built in to both new Wii Remote and Nun-chuck.

    Nun-chuck will still be wired.

    Wii Remote Will have rechargeable batteries.

    Updated classic controller with rumble, wireless, and rechargeable batteries in the box.

    80 Gig Plus HDD.

    4 USB 2.0 (or maybe 3.0 by then) ports.

    Built in Wireless "N" and Gigabit ethernet.

    More powerful than the PS3 but not the 720 and PS4.

    Game Cube, Gameboy, Gameboy Colour, Gameboy Advance, Maybe Saturn and Dreamcast Games added to Virtual Console.

    Awesome Casual and Hardcore games at launch to get Wii owners to upgrade and to attract more people.

    Better online system.

    Proper Media Player.

    Under $400.


    Well, I'm glad to see that people aren't getting their hopes up too high. XD

  8. as the American's tend to be as stupid as they are wide, they think that "Britain" means "Great Britain", which is actually just a part of Britain.


    Or maybe it's because it's do damn confusing! You can't really call people stupid for having a hard time figuring out something as majorly confusing as this. Especially because so many people THINK they know and spread the wrong info.

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