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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Nintendo won't go all high-end with the graphics, they'll do what'll be reasonable by next generation. I think from now on is to make their new consoles be the most powerful format of LAST generation. In other words, the Wii 2 will push better graphics than PS3, but not be close to PS4. Technology evolves, and by next gen the price difference between GC and PS3 technology will be so little that there really wouldn't be any point in bringing out a console with Wii-level graphics. If you look at computer parts, you cannot find what I was looking for for a car-computer I wanted to throw together:


    32MB RAM

    500 Mhz

    Some weak ass 3D-card

    5GB harddrive


    Why? Because they wouldn't be that much cheaper to make than the weaker modern stuff, and because I'm one of the few people on the planet whom want something like that.


    The Wii 2 will be more powerful than the PS3, and that probably won't make it much more expensive than the Wii. Maybe even cheaper since the motion sensing technology will be possible to manifacture in more cost-efficient ways.


    Yeah, I think Emasher was trying to explain the same thing. I admit that's a new perspective on the subject for me. I'm suddenly a lot more positive about it. :)

  2. ... realising they could be making a ton of cash on Wii with titles that appease core casual gamers ...


    My die-hard optimism slipped away for a sec there. But seriously, we need more devs like the Conduit guys who realises the Wii's full potential. I admit to not having seen the Conduit in action, and thus I can't judge their work, but what I'm hoping other devs to copy from them is their attitude towards the Wii.


    I didn't think the moveset was built into the engine. OoT ran on the same engine as Mario 64 but I didn't see link bouncing around hyrule.


    The image in my head ... :laughing:

  3. But by then, there will be a higher standard for consoles. Its not like Nintendo just re-releases the same console every 5 years and makes good games for it. Each console improves. If thats what a powerhouse console got 3 years ago. Why can't Nintendo do it in another 4 years or so for cheap.


    Look at the evolution from the GCN to the Wii.


    Enhanced Definition as standard

    More video output options

    The whole controller thing

    Built in flash memory

    USB 2.0 ports

    Built in wireless "G"

    More powerful than the original xbox but not the PS3 and 360

    Virtual console rather than the occasional port included with a new game.

    more awesome games

    proper online system

    makeshift media player and web browser.

    only $279 (cnd)


    Everything on my Wii 2 list was upgraded between the Wii and GCN.


    By the way, I'm not saying that more power and features make a better console, I'm just pointing out things that are the logical next step for the next generation.


    Hm, didn't think about it that way. I guess you're right.

  4. Wii 2 will probably be close to how we wanted the Wii to be.


    And Emasher's list is not ambitious at all. 80 GB+ hard drive, 1080p, 1 GB+ downloadable games, better online system, HDMI... There's a three year old console called Xbox 360 that supports these features already....


    But this isn't Microsoft, it's Nintendo, and their focus is entirely different. They don't focus much on hard drives, horsepower, graphics etc. but instead rely on the gameplay. It's in keeping with their strategy of minimizing the price to cater to the casual audience.

  5. It being fair because it's equally shit for both is not a good defence. :p


    Nope, 'cause the lag changes the gameplay. Button smashers might actually get an advantage over people who use precise attacks, as they will be severely hindered, while button smashers will just keep smashing. It also brings in a new element to master, and I for one am not very good at adapting to the lag.

  6. On the way back from York today, wearing rather alot of pink stuff. Me and the guy in the back bought a pink t-shirt and belt and then had these pink pokeball things. All this was occuring whilst Rick Astley was blaring out of the cd player courtesy of the 80's compilation CD I just bought.




    I can just picture the situation ... :p

  7. Woohoo! I got my results!!


    Got an A in Intermediate 2 Maths, English and Latin and I got 1s in Standard Grade Physics, Computing and Drama!


    Couldn't be happier really! :yay:


    Latin AND Drama! You guys have some awesome subjects! :yay:

  8. I think solipsism is the philosophical term for how I feel about the situation ( ::shrug: )


    Not exactly. Solipsism is the philosophical view that nothing you see, hear, or experience (i.e. everything outside your own mind) is necessarily real. No one can know for sure that anything else exists. Everything outside your mind may just be thoughts planted in your mind.


    Wikipedia reference-linkSolipsism (Latin: solus, alone + ipse, self) is the philosophical idea that "My mind is the only thing that I know exists." Solipsism is an epistemological or metaphysical position that knowledge of anything outside the mind is unjustified. The external world and other minds cannot be known and might not exist. In the history of philosophy, solipsism has served as a skeptical hypothesis.

  9. This isn't funny at all.


    I think we should have stuck to the "What you wouldn't hear at a <insert place".


    I'm gonna have to agree with you there. The "Scenes we'd like to see" part is always hysterically funny because all sorts of different funny and unexpected scenes can be created. This is just ... too restricted, I think. There's only so much fun you can get out of a row of letters and a picture.

  10. ok, thats litteraly the most retarded thing any one has ever said.


    it bassicly discredits all the people who have fought and died in wars, people who have saved the life of a loved one, or just said no to people doing the wrong thing.


    id not walk past some one kicking the shit out of an old person, i might die because of it but id rather give my life for what was right then die a coward who would rather hide away and just let the world turn to shit, so long as i was alright.


    id really not have a problem with your view, if you didnt dishoner the noble and heroic deads of people by calling them retards. read up on the british comando mission to St Nazarie in france, operation chariot, theres a great bbc documentory on it. if you could honestly say that any one of the brave men who died fighting oppression, died for their homeland and their loved ones, died for freedom, is a retard, then you sir, are the retard.


    Bravo, sir. Bravo. :bowdown:

  11. I do pretty much ALL these things! Whenever I'm doing something that only requires my mental attention (often reading), I begin playing around with something. Depending on what's nearby, I ...


    - Open/close the battery lid of remote controls/my cellphone.

    - Play with my pen, Boris-style.

    - Throw my pencil case up while it spins around and catch it, seeing how many spins I can make it do before I catch it.

    - Twiddling my facial hair.

    - Twisting my hair around my finger. I once managed to tie a knot that I couldn't undo. I had to cut the knot off.

    - Twisting my necklace, making the little links break and fall apart. I've already managed to wreck one necklace that way. I'd hate for this to break, too, but I do it almost unconsciously.

    - Click open and close my metal wristwatch.

    - Twiddling my lips with my fingers. Yes, I know it sounds weird, and it's hard to describe. You have to see it to undertand.

  12. No in the show the letters are the first letters of the words making up the headline. He's given us letters and we have to use those letters to make a humourous caption/headline.


    It is similar, but still different enough I feel to warrant it (also as we will be using news and NE members photos, it gives it a different spin also) plus Ima try and incorporate as many of the TV shows rounds as possible.


    (PS Points to funniest, and to correct answer...if it is guessed :))


    Ah, okay, my bad. I've never seen that part of the show.

  13. And the points this round go to Fish, Gaggle and Sheikah.


    Now its time for our next round.


    (Aswell as news items I will pick random pics from Arab gallery....mine just so happens to be most suitable from the last few pages! Honest. ;))






    But then it's just picture caption like the other thread ...? :confused:

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