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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. From what I've seen, I think Heath Ledger captured the Joker very well in the Dark Knight. The avatar is nicely done. * * * * * *


    Its a strange one of Danny the dane trying to look like Neo. I've had many a nightmare due to this avatar alone, and the poor camera skills don't help matters. :heh:




    It was a random quick-shoot with a friend's webcam. I have very few pictures of myself, and this is the best I have (I really gotta get myself a webcam ). Obviously, the other photos suck MAJOR big time. :p

  2. Yep, the dream preceded real life events.


    Now, then, THAT's freaky!


    I often dream very weird and meaningless stuff. The funny thing is, just when you wake up, the dream is quite clear in your mind, but I've found that dreams disappear quicker from your memory than normal thoughts, probably because they originated in your subconsciousness.

  3. what seems wierd to me is that women having masculine qualities, such as intrest in sport, foundness of over drinking, being up for one night stands are now being seen as a positive thing, yet males possesing female qualities, are unsualy more harshly treated by society?


    Indeed, it seems weird, as the female qualities are often seen as positive and the male qualities negative.

  4. Probably one of the greatest proverbs ever:


    Those who matter don't judge, and those who judge don't matter.


    I'm heterosexual, and I can really relate to your personality (and that of Chris the great). I've never been the stereotypical male, but I'm not overly feminine, either. Like you guys, I'm floating around in the middle, having so-called feminine traits (in touch with my emotions, romantic, empathic, not much interested in sports, intuitive thinking etc.), but also so-called masculine traits (loving action films, martial arts and swords, thinking logically and scientifically etc.).


    So it all comes down to this: Today, it's simply impossible to sort people by means of hopelessly narrow and prejudiced definitions of so-called masculine and feminine behaviour.

  5. I recently dreamt that I started school again, and I was happy to be back, but the school's interior had completely changed, so I was lost. But I was still happy. Guess that means I'm looking forward to come back, though I don't know if the changed interior means anything.

  6. I've had several quite disturbing dreams lately, almost like premonitions.They've had such strong groundings in reality too, which makes them all the more disturbing. It's always the same, a person I know, and care deeply about, is always very sickly, and she has an incurable disease in real life (MS in case you're wondering), and whenever I try to get people to help her all they're interested in is this other person I know. The worrying thing is this other person has become something of a favourite in certain circles we all mix in, and lots of people won't hear a bad word said about them., and this group of people are all set to move in to a large house together, very similar to the venue of my dreams. I'm not saying I'm psychic or anything, but dreams have been known to come true.


    Hang on, to me it sounds like the dreams merely reflects what happens in your life. Did you have these dreams before you knew of the real-life events?

  7. Like with all these threads involving the question "Would you [insert action] if [insert situation]?", none of us can eally know for sure how we'd react in the situation. I find it hard to imagine what I'd do in such a situation, if I'd even have the guts to risk my own life.


    But, like others, I believe I'd find it hard to live with the knowledge that I chose to save my own life at the cost of someone else's.

  8. Surely it would make more sense to compare real sports, where fat lazy bastards actually have to get off of their arse in order to do something.




    Either that's a big mistake or I'm missing something. Is there a guy in Wisconsin called Nintendo Will? Maybe he's some sort of super geek reknowned for his computer game abilities.


    Nope, it's Nintendo new secret console, the Will Console. It utilises the newest brainwave technology to let you control games with your will.

  9. Good luck!


    I wish the world would explode. That way it would kill me, and I wouldnt feel guilty about the people I leave behind, because they'd all be dead too! And it would end world hunger and poverty.


    Nah, you're not depressed at all![/sarcasm]


    Seriously now, cheer up, man. :)

  10. Okay, I heard back today. I thought there were 2 highly likely options (Either nothing, or they'd hold my bonus but allow me a pay rise)


    And the second option occured, so they said no bonus, but they have allowed me a pay rise.


    And now I make a big decision. Hmmmm. Are all full time jobs meant to be shit and depressing, or should I look for another one and see if thats shit and depressing?


    Regarding your last questions, I've always believed that the job you want to do the rest of your life should be a job you enjoy doing.

  11. School uniforms are meant to prevent bullying. But bullies will just find something else to pick at. Of course, it's one less thing to be bullied about ...


    One thing I never understood about school uniforms: Why do they have to be so excruciatingly ugly? I've seen school uniforms bordering on the ridiculous. Jedi robes would actually look more neutral.


    I never understood the strictness, either. If the uniforms are there to prevent bullying, it wouldn't matter how the uniform's worn, would it? Whether you button the top button or not, everyone's got the same options. Also, would it hurt to get a more weather-friendly uniform that changes to match the seasons?


    That being said, I hate it when people gets unfair privileges for unfair reasons, but I'm too tired to go into detail about it right now.

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