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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. What is 'football' in Danish anyway? Hyakenflakenboll? I dunno, something like that. Probably not.


    Close ... not really.


    It´s fotball I think.

    You can bet on the danish to write it like that.


    Actually, that's more like Swedish. We call it "fodbold" with a lovely soft Danish D. I'd say it's like the English "th" sound, just without aspiration.

  2. Now, Hedwig, HER death was important because it symbolised the break away from innocent childhood.


    I still don't think the Hallows make you immortal. I always read "The Matser of Death" as a turn of phrase. All that about cheating death was merely the way the Hallows' powers were presented in Beedle the Bard's tale.


    And Jav, Harry didn't need the Phoenix Wand. As mentioned by Dumbledore, the magical connection between Harry and Voldemort goes beyond that of their wands, beyond any magic ever before. They have a piece of each other in themselves, so it doesn't matter if they use the twin wands or not. Draco's old wand recognises Harry as its master and so the connection works with it, too.

  3. minisn201873ir8.jpg


    At T4 on the beach ^_^


    The blonde is my bestest friend :D


    I'd like to be you in this picture ... and hetero-sexual. :cool:Well, I am, but if I was you, I wouldn't be ... so yeah.


    thanks n-europe and all you chaps and chapesses too, my essay is already a fail as a result


    You're most welcome. ;) N-Europe: Making people fail at school one day at a time.

  4. Seeing as my village is so small and boring, I decided to use the nearest relatively know city of Denmark: Ribe


    First Google image:


    Entitled "Hyggeligt bymiljø i Ribe" = "Cosy city milieu in Ribe" (Ribe is the oldest city of Denmark - and it shows. It is a very cosy milieu. :))


    Penultimate Google search result:


    The official website of Ribe County.


    First YouTube search result:

    It seems to be from some Russian movie. I have no idea what the feck it's about.


    First YouTube search suggestion:


    Apparently some football (soccer) player.

  5. Well it looks like nightwolf's used Dan Dare's copy of the Norton Anthology of Poetry, perhaps? I've got three books back in sheffield with that many pages. So yeah, books, not novels.


    But I was actually just thinking of a number, and that's DUBBLE LEET, I think.


    Ah, I see the brilliance. :)


    (I'm not in this, feel free to ignore my post.)

  6. Yay! Nerdy Potter questions! Right up my alley! :)


    First of all, possessing all three Hallows is not what saves Harry. The term Master of Death merely refers to the the fact that with all three Hallows, one can defeat anyone, see those who are dead, and "hide" from death (though the last is merely a turn of phrase). It doesn't make the possessor immortal or anything.


    Second of all, Harry's blood in Voldemort's veins keeps the protection alive, and as Dumbledore believes, Harry's sacrifice "may have made all the difference". This probably means that while Harry is still mortal even if the protection is there, his sacrifice for his friends most likely meant that his own protection saved him from the killing curse. As Voldemort wasn't protected, the seventh piece of his soul inside Harry was destroyed.


    There is one thing that doesn't quite add up, though. As we later see when Voldemort tries to torture Harry, the Elder Wand is rightfully Harry's and therefore can't harm him. Still, that would mean he would have survived no matter what.


    Of course, there are always small loopholes, errors and mistakes in such grand and complex stories.

  7. Amelie_Still02.jpg

    creme brulee. ^__^

    my boss at tokorozawa school already insists i'm amelie...


    Man, that picture always makes me hear Comptine d'un autre été: L'après-midi in my head. Has anyone seen the short film The Piano with that piece in it? It's absolutely great.

  8. When you're younger especially in secondary school for a better example, age is clearly a factor, especially when you date more than a year apart. As you get older I believe though that the age difference doesn't matter.


    On the subject of breasts, almost all if not all girls I know and have been intimate/ really good friends with enough to talk about their breasts are never satisfied with them and think they are either too small, too big (wtf?) or funny looking. Breasts are breasts, I'm a bum person anyway ;)


    I personally hate breasts that are too big. Tifa Lockhart is just about too much. I find breasts an extremely beautiful part of the female body, and thus I prefer them to be proportionate to the rest of the body.

  9. Off topic, I was at my friend's house yesterday and there was this woman with the most amazing breasts I have ever seen... I couldn't not look at them... for like a whole four hours. I just wanted to plant my face in them.


    Sorry, had to get that out. They were a sight to behold.


    /dirty rant


    I know how you feel. Sometimes I'm shocked as to how hard it is for me to focus when there are human mammary glands nearby.

  10. This is offtopic to the sex thing slightly.. but a friend recently told me he was dumped because his now ex didn't like the porn he watched, apprently she thoughted it was disgusting for any guy to have porn in any forms.


    She's going to be single for a while, in my opinion. It makes me laugh how porn is so frowned upon espcially with the girls, I mean wtf? it's not like they'll pop out the screen and start having sex with them, the girl also liked celebrities.


    Ironic :P /rant


    On the contrary, I know a guy whose girlfriend has her own porn collection.

  11. I don't see the problem- if you both want to, who gives a shit about when you do? it's all pretence if you have rules that contradict what you actually want.


    Gotta agree with this. If both want to do it, why the hell don't? I hate those so-called unwritten rules that dictate what's right and wrong regarding relationships, sex, etc. And here I'm of course talking about stupid rules like "the boy must be taller/older/whatever" and "you can't date someone who's X years younger/older than yourself" and other examples of feces from male members of the subfamily Bovinae.



  12. Man, it's so strange to hear you guys talking about the Jubilee line, the O2 and so forth when I was there myself this Summer. To me, you all seem to far away and cyberspace-like. But I've actually been to the areas where some of you live. I know, it sounds stupid, but it really is a strange feeling.

  13. hhmmm....cake.


    Quoted for truth.


    Bread and butter pudding, but when you use croissants instead of bread :D


    Its lovely, but you die from it.


    Wait a minute ... you're a ghost? A cyber-ghost? :eek:


    AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! *runs away*

  14. A Matrix one I always act out when someone ducks down enabling you to grip them in a headlock:


    *Smith headlocking Neo*





    *Neo leaps up and dodges an oncoming train missing him by millimetres*



    I love The Matrix quotes, and I can recite many of them off the top of my head, for example Smith's monologue before the Burly Brawl and (almost) the Architect's monologue. For some strange reason, people call me nerdy ... ::shrug:


    There are also some simpler ones that I find really great:


    What do all men with power want? More power.
    You see, he's just a man.
    Why, Mr. Anderson, why, why do you persist?
    Because I choose to.
    Free your mind.
  15. Bill Hicks and George Carlin - how lame can you get? Seriously, their way of handling those hecklers were so immature and low. Jimmy Carr's method was better, as he had self-irony.


    Super Mario World - Song Player



    The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (Hare Hare Yukai, Ending)

    Touhou (It stops at the affected area and melts quickly - Lunatic Undongein, by IOSYS)

    Touhou (Help Me, EIRINNNNNN!!, by COOL&CREATE)

    MADLAX (Nowhere, by Yuki Kajiura)

    It's Always My Turn! (Yu-gi-oh, aka ずっと俺のターン)

    Super Robot Wars Alpha 3 (GONG, by Jam Project)

    Super Mario RPG (VIP Teacher, by Javi Agenio)

    Digimon Adventure (Butter-fly, Opening I think)

    Megaman 2 (I can't defeat Airman, youtube id -OuGkjPxNVU)

    Prince of Tennis Live Musical

    Bokurano (Uninstall, Opening)

    Air (Tori no Shi, Opening)

    Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (you)

    Touhou (Marisa Stole the Precious Thing, by IOSYS)

    Megaman 2 (Omoide wa Okkusenman)

    The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (God Knows)

    Lucky Star (Motteke! Sailor Fuku, Opening)


    Sousei no Aquarion (Sousei no Aquarion, Opening)

    Word Puzzle Mojipittan (Futari no Mojipittan)

    Touhou (Tsurupettan, by Silver Forest)

    Super Mario World (Land BGM)

    Nursery Rhyme (Kishimen, Opening.)

    Code Geass,


    Final Fantasy (Main Theme, by Nobuo Uematsu)

    Figure@Mate (Gacha Gacha Cute * Figure@Mate, Opening)

    Prince of Tennis Live Musical (He is also the Prince of Tennis)

    Power Instinct Bonnou no Kaihou (Let's go, Onmyouji!, Opening)

    Makka no Chikai from Busou Renkin.


    I never understood what that was about. Could anybody explain it to me?



    Gold - pure gold.

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