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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. "I've got some bad news for you, honey. I'm into necrophilia. Say hi to grandma."


    Necrophilia is sexual attraction to dead people, not elderly people - that's gerontophilia.


    "Honey, have you met James Blunt?"


    Me = Wannabe

  2. Depending on how broad the term "business" is, I'd like to run small education courses. I love teaching. It'd be fun. :)


    If it has to be a store, it'd probably be a book store. With a huge manga department. And all sorts of different books, not just the average novels and factual books. It would be the greatest book store around. :)


    ... Hm, teaching and books go well together ... Maybe one could combine the ideas ... *wanders off plottingly, mumbling words like "brilliant" and "genious" etc.*

  3. Seriously....d'y'wanna stop with the funzies! You've been hilarious all week. :heh:


    You're steppin' on Moogle, EEVIL and I's turf.





    I am honestly honoured. :blush: But I could never compete with the Grandmasters of Funzies in here. I was probably just having a good week. :)




    Original theatrical trailer for The Bourne Ultimatum (for comparison with the video below)


    The Waldo Ultimatum

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