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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Now you know how I felt after your cake line... and it's not like I don't even have the game either.


    I like to think I'm a smart guy, but even that was too much for me.


    Edit: maybe I should have said some people are too clever for my own good.


    So, you're complimenting me? (Sorry if I'm really thick right now.)


    I don't even now where it's from. I've just heard it often and find it funny. It just popped into my head.

  2. Didn't think I should make a thread about this, so figured this was the most obvious place to discuss it.


    The whole "Proposistion 8" deal in America at the moment. There's a huge debate going on as to whether it should be passed or not. (It would give the right for same sex couples to officially marry in Calafornia. If it was to pass, it may pave the way for other states.)


    The catholic church says the bill isn't about homosexuality, but instead the "sanctity of marriage".


    I just watched a video about a Catholic Priest who had been serving for 23 years in Calafornia. He was doing a serman which will now "likely be his last" because he spoke against the Bishops and told his parishoners to vote "No" (I.e to allow Same sex marriage). In the end, about half of the crowd gave him a standing ovation but to counter this some left "crying" and were "shocked" at his words. Lol.


    Here's a video.


    What I don't like are the following two points:


    Marriage was around long before Christianity. Not in churches, but you don't have to get married in a church.


    I don't get Christian opinions like this. Christianity's prime message is: Love each other. Accept each other. Respect each other. How come so much hostility and hatred has come from Christianity through the years?


    Note: This is NOT about the belief in Christianity or any other religion.

  3. It's been a week..lol..but it's ever since meeting him..which makes me think he didn't feel attracted to me, but didnt wanna hurt my feelings so hasn't said anything to me..in the vain hope i would get the hint and stop texting him? but why lie to me? I mean..just tell me..i love it when people tell me the truth, if your not busy but you say you are to make me feel better, for the love of god tell me your not busy, i prefer the truth..lol




    Yeah i agree, see i'm getting annoyed with myself cause of the way i'm thinking..he has told me his busy with work..but his on facebook shit-loads a day..i just don't know..


    Stop theorising what may be the case and confront him! Tell him how you feel. Say that you don't want hints or anything and that you can handle the truth (lawyer jokes aside). :)

  4. Moving 20 minutes away might be a good idea. Like nightwolf said, simply changing the framework of your life will allow you to open up and think differently, even if it doesn't that have that much practical effect. You see, to me it sounds like you're stuck in your own problems and misery. You can't seem to get out of it and you are going around in circles. Like O_W said, even though it may be a big and hard step, grab life by the balls and change it. I know you are getting one overused, cliché-like, therapeutic piece of advice after the other thrown in your head from us, but fact is they're effective: Your life is yours, not theirs. Should they be allowed to make your life bad? Hell, no! In the words of well-known Danish ranger B.S. Christiansen: "I don't make promises for the new year. If I'm unhappy about something regarding my life, I change it."


    Also, your good guy attitude really shines through. You immediately think you're the source of the problems when you're obviously not. It's good to be nice to people. But if they're not nice in return, it's their problem, not yours. Confront them with it or quite simply drop them. It's a shame if there aren't many nice people around you, but then you have to get out and meet new people - again a benefit of moving.


    It may still seem to you that the good guys always lose. And if there are bad guys around, they sometimes will. But remember this: When you're around good guys and you're a good guy yourself - that tops all. Being nice to people who are nice to you in return is the best feeling there is. It's an incontrovertible truth.


    Hold your head high. Take control of your life. Know who you are, be who you are - and be happy with yourself. :)

  5. Hey dude. Don't put yourself down unnecessarily ;)


    Liars suck. People who let you down suck. I have friends who you know will never be on time, or will get all hissy if someone says the wrong thing... Everyone is annoying for one reason or another.


    I was a bit down last year. To rectify the feeling of isolation I started stitching myself onto other people; I got in touch with an old mate and effectively made 5 new friends. I started putting the london meet together with some other guys here. I joined the juggling society at uni and progressively, assuredly, I started feeling waaaaay better. Keeping myself busy with different people meant I felt like I had more to say to the other people. I've started appreciating the power of having a hobby...


    But that's self-help. That doesn't change the cocks in the world. Everyone and everything is so darned complex, and there are all these issues affecting it all, all of the time.


    Sometimes life can seem like it's been shit since forever, and that you're never happy. But there are some days where you're less unhappy than others. Focus on what makes the difference. It could be that you had three wheetabix rather than two... It could be that you woke up and your hair wasn't a mess. Could be anything.


    I don't want to preach or sound like I know the solution, because I don't; I don't completely know what the problem is :P But I do know that people can be twats, but the best way to deal with that is to not let them get to you - to find the strength within yourself to believe that it doesn't last forever; that life still has lots to offer! I think I'm rambling now...


    If you are, then do ramble on, for those are deep words of wisdom. :bowdown:

  6. I can regrade your downgrade to an upgrade that is of a higher grade than your current gradings' grade.


    It's free.


    Free? For mee? Can it bee? Reallee?


    Gah, who am I kidding? I can't compete with the awesomeness that is Moogle! :bowdown:

  7. I can ensure you that our insurance ensures that you are insured against any insurance needs that you may be needings.


    Can I be assured that you can assure that your insurance ensures my insurance against any insurance needs I need regarding the proof of the providings your provider provides being better than the providings my current provider provides?


    (Try saying it out loud, it's a lot of fun! :yay:)

  8. Well we've spoke on the phone a few times..but i prefer the person being next to me..i felt so good walking around with the him..went for a drink..went to tesco (have no-idea why, fun though, lol) and then he came back to mine..we watched a film and stuff..


    I've been talking to him for a while online..and i stupidly started to like him then..and then when we met i felt even more connected..though i know i gotta slow down a bit..I wouldn't say i'm the problem. I'm open, honest, i like the person i'm with to be too..i like to think we're both mature enough to have a chat etc..(and we did)..seeing as this is the first time i've felt quite attracted too someone i just don't wanna get hurt you know..it's amazing but scary stuff...lol


    Sounds like a real crush. :) I can't guarantee you won't get hurt, but if you believe he shares some of your feelings, you just gotta keep working on it. :)

  9. I found someone i really like..that person has told me they like me lots too..we met last week it was amazing, best company ever!..but my mind is all over the place..they live 2 1/2 hours away..i hate the fact i'm not able to see the person now..Can a relationship that distance work? :(


    'Course it can. :) My friend's in the same situation and it works out great for him. They both spend a lot of time online and call each other every hour (nearly literally). They meet up once in a while and have a good time.


    But it depends very much on the persons and the character of the relationship. It doesn't work for some people. It's very cliché, but you're gonna have to find out yourself. :)

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