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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. At work, do they make you sit alone in a corner? I only ask because I fail to see how the guys would get any work done with someone like you about to distract them.


    You know, this is something that annoys me. Whenever one tries to compliment a girl on the Internet, one always ends up sounding like some desperate geek.

  2. Man, forgive me, I'm feeling a bit lazy to quote everyone. Ok, about the eye thing, but it is pretty 'interesting' how it keeps creeping up. What does it mean? Has anyone ever explained?... Apart from these guys.


    Thanks Dannyboy, but its alright ;)... I haven't lost my mind just yet. My personality is not so simpleton to carve into some form of fundy (fundamentalist). It was just captivating to watch earlier on tbh. And nonetheless, some of their vids do hold relevant information... But yes, this is also a form of indoctrine. But who can say that materialism video was irrelevant and stupid?


    Didn't watch it, but I assume it's the general opinion that we've become too focused on material goods and less so on the soft values in life, an opinion I wholeheartedly agree with.

  3. Urgh. One of the things that annoys me the most about this sort of video is that it treats you like an idiot. I'm sorry, but if I want to find out information on something, I would like it presented as text that I can read at my own rate, instead of a video with a phrase flashed up every minute or so along with music and barely related pictures, shown in a montage to "build atmosphere". (which, incidentally, is tantamount to brainwashing - what other reasonable purpose could it have?) There's a reason this stuff looks absurd if you extract the meaningful information.


    Anyway, yeah. The proposition seems to be "oh noes the antichrist is coming", though what exactly this antichrist is, I don't seem to be able to gather. I'm told his coming has been predicted by most civilisations. I would like some actual evidence of this, and an explanation of how such a thing can be predicted in the first place. What is it supposed to be anyway?


    Regarding materialism/mass media indoctrination: I'm generally of the opinion that the only things in life that are really worth spending money on are books and food, though of course other things are often helpful. I thus spend most of my time reading about obscure things, so presumably by their criteria I'm not one of the ones who is being indoctrinated. Yet I still think they're spouting total bollocks. Funny that.


    I love you. Seriously, you are how I want to be. :)

  4. Whoa, I can't be bothered to go deep into this discussion, but I'll comment on a few things. Bear in mind I don't have as much scientific knowledge as some of you, but I'll try to argue with logic.


    Moogle: You're absolutely right. But Occam's Razor is the key here: Some theories are far more credible than others, and as long as another theory with just as few or fewer assumptions has been made, we really shouldn't doubt it for no apparent reason. Of course, science progresses and older theories get enhanced or replaced, but the further evolution of science goes, the smaller the probability of error becomes.


    Chris: I completely agree. The government and other high-official bodies are not always honest with us, but crying wolf won't do us any good. Of course, we should be critical, but Occam's Razor is the key again.


    Jayseven: I also agree with you. But I can't help but wonder: Could we imagine scenarios where it would be best if we weren't told anything or if we were told a lie? Of course, this only applies to lies that are for the good of the people. If, say, a new type of cheap and environmental fuel had been discovered, but oil companies paid the discoverer to keep quiet, it would never be all right, for that would only benefit the rich oil companies and have negative effects on everyone else.


    Supergrunch: What can I say? You're seriously my hero, idol, and role model in here! :bowdown:

  5. King V, do read my post in the thread about Nibiru. I can't stress this enough: Why should we be able to trust these people any more than the government? Try to be realistic: Yes, the government could be keeping things secret etc. etc., but do consider the probability of these people being paranoid. I know where you're coming from, I've been down that road myself. It's so easy to believe all that when you're in it, but when you step back and look at it with critical eyes, you realise how farfetched much of it is.

  6. King V, as much as I agree with your logic, you gotta keep a connection to the Earth. Sure, we can't even be sure of our own existence (The Matrix, anyone?), but in the end there's not much we can do about it. It's fun to speculate and discuss, but when everything has been said we can't do much else than live our lives as well as we can. Sure, I may be a brain in the vat, but life goes on for me whether it's "real" or not, right? I guess I have some Cypher in me: "Ignorance is bliss." :heh:

  7. Most of these organisations are heavily controlled by the government. Of course what they may find in deep space and the information we are told are filtered.


    Nibiru is also known to many astrologers.


    Astrology is hardly scientific, though.


    While it's true that we cannot know for certain just how much info the government is keeping from us, we can't just jump on every single theory out there. Reading about the circumstances regarding this theory, I severely doubt its validity.

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