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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I'm surprised some people see shower as a luxury, filling a bathtub full of water is certainly more expensive no? And those that bath because they have no shower, can't you shower in the bathtub? I did it for years before moving in my current house.


    I shower as I have a cabin and its always warm inside, and I like having hot water raining on me for 10 minutes. I only bath like 3 times a year, and its more as whim just to change a bit.

    Well, when you enjoy standing in the shower for as long as I do, I'd have to say no: Filling a bathtub with water is less expensive.

  2. Was just saying as it is relevent to the topic. As you said, marriage sucks and if I ever getting married its going to be with a woman. Men annoy me :p

    I think he meant: "Don't move to California."


    I find Prop 8 sad. Narrowmindedness 1-0. :(

  3. It was aimed at him as well.


    Plus I agree with the people who are saying that the reason some people voted for Obama because he was black. Kinda like how California got Arnie because he was a pr0 actor.

    Does it really matter why they voted for him? Many Americans don't know jack about politics or even what the candidates stand for. Some people voted McCain because "Obama would take the money from those who work and give it to his friends and those who don't want to work". Talk about narrowmindedness ...

  4. My point of view is here that i've never said anything because I constantly fear an uprising from the 'minority' groups on the board towards me. I can't actually say anything without upsetting/pissing people off regardless of how nicely I try to be or as much of a bastard.


    I'll just stay PC and say nothing I guess.

    I see your point. And it's totally fine. The question is how the rules in here are regarding what pictures can be posted, if someone is offended, etc.

  5. It's totally fine to have an opinion regarding something, but there should be room for everybody, right? :)


    About cheese: I do like it, but I'm a sissy when it comes to the stronger flavours. Cheese almost has to taste of nothing before I can eat it.

  6. To be fair, this is the User Image Gallery. Soag is a user - he posted some pictures of himself. No need to get all psychological with reasons for posting or that kind of thing.


    Oh, and Soag ... damn, I almost find you hot! And that's coming from a straight guy! :p

  7. Daneyboy-the-Dann: That theory should be made into a Blockbuster trilogy. In the climax of the trilogy, King Vee could travel to the tree city, to make peace with the trees, after having carved up one of their own. The trees could revolt, and throw him into the waters of Isenguard.



    The script is already in the works. I'm trying to reach a deal with Arnold Schwarzenegger right now. :p

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