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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Our definitions of right and wrong are decided by society. Some of them are good (e.g. don't kill people), but some of them are just ridiculous and prejudice. Especially those that define what a man can do and what a woman can do.

  2. Still, there's tits and willies flying all over the place in this place. Its like "ooo, watch out, here comes another breast."


    This cracked me up! I have a tendency to visualise metaphors! XD


    Chris, confidence is important. I recently realised that myself. I gotta go out and socialise with the girls!

  3. Damn tricky sitch dude. Well....not hugely tricky...in fact its a pretty good sitch lol. ;)


    You totes need to think about who you prefer. Just...who can you picture yourself with more, and who do you...well like/etc. :)


    Not that Im...good at advice...ever...etc. ;)


    Yeah, I second this. I haven't got much experience (read: none) myself, but I know one thing: Choose. Don't start anything before you make a choice. Otherwise, people are going to get hurt.

  4. I'd like to forget all about Zelda OOT or Mario Galaxy. Except how much I like them.


    That's ... that's GENIUS! We all know the first time is the best - sexual jokes aside. We could relive all out favourite moments of life for the first time again!


    About the news, I also have some doubts about how this actually works. Also, the ethical issues have to be taken into account. Already I can hear the conspiracy theorists' minds working at full steam.

  5. my cat is getting bigger.



    Your cat looks happy. 'Tis very cute. :)


    You mean like, lesbian porn?


    Well, I was commenting on your use of women as a singular word when it is in fact the plural form.


    But lesbian porn is always good. :)

  6. Pffft. I've had many sexual relations. And once or twice with a women.


    Ah, yes, a women. A creature we do not know much of yet. So far, research has only shown that this mysterious creature is capable of being both singular and plural at the same time. Very intriguing, indeed.

  7. thank god super grunch got in first, im terrible about the whole schizophrenia thing. ive been known to launch attacks on people who do the whole "i used to have schizophrenia but now im in two minds about it!" joke, telling them they are uneducated cretins. reeeeealy awkward christmas.


    on the thread topic, i propose a 3rd type of wordy cock up, when you say a word so many times it loses its meaning. happened to me with money today.


    I know that, too! Repeating a word makes you begin to look at it as a bunch of sounds instead of something meaningful.

  8. Can you have a video of you both at the same time talking about n-e?


    And then mention how sexy I am.


    And then molly can strip.


    *sigh* You couldn't keep the clean line very long, could you? :p

    We are all thinking it, though ...

  9. Telling the truth? The punishment for a duplicate account is a perma ban, so i'm kinda hoping you're speaking shit and that it is in fact your GF's account ;)


    Which is it?


    Hm? Didn't some guy elsewhere just admit that he had two accounts in here? He didn't seem to get in trouble because of it. :confused:

  10. Hm, let me see ...


    Heh, I could actually use that sentence of yours.


    "The latter, apparently English and Danish are two of a very small number of languages it's possible in. (heh, ended that one with a preposition)"


    "Den sidstnævnte, engelsk og dansk er tilsyneladende to ud af et meget lille antal sprog, det er muligt på. (heh, sluttede den med en præposition)"




    "på" is the Danish preposition "on". It's used when talking about something that is possible "in a language"/"på et sprog".


    "two of a very small number" needs to be translated using two prepositions in Danish: "to ud af et meget lille antal", which means "two out of a very small number".

  11. Talking of Danish, could you possibly end a Danish sentence with a preposition for me, ideally with a word-for-word translation? I suppose it's kind of related to this thread...


    Hm, I'm not quite sure what you're asking. Do you have a sentence that needs to be translated? Or do you want me to come up with a sentence in Danish that ends with a preposition?

  12. I would of thought the presence of many immigrants would have made it worse. I mean, it seems to of over here. People can be so utterly racist toward them. Also, America has millions upon millions of Immigrants, and yet there are videos like the one I posted of whole towns condemning Obama just because of the colour of his skin.


    But anyway I'm digressing. I do see what you were saying.


    Would have, would have ...


    Anyway, I completely agree: Obama for the win! He's doing pretty good at the moment. :yay:

  13. I like the positivity in this thread at the moment. Everyone is complimenting each other. It fills me with happiness. :)


    Molly, don't lie to us. You are a good-looking girl. And since it is coming from nerdy Internet guys, you should believe it even more so. The guys in here (myself included) have seen many a hot babe on the Internet, so we know what we're talking about.


    ReZ, looking awesome! :)

  14. lol, well thanks. They do keep me isolated, but for quite the opposite reason.




    Perhaps a bit harsh. Although the other day I was gonna say 'be the father of my children' to Serebii, I probably would have sounded like a desperate geek. :heh:




    Thanks nightwolf! :smile:


    It was directed as much at myself as anyone. I find it very difficult. :heh:


    You do seem to fit very well in here. You get along quite well with the members and grasp the atmosphere and mood very quickly. :)

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