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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I tried everything you guys are saying, can't do shit, though


    She's always moving clockwise to me


    Wait, now i can see her going anti clockwise.


    This is no Optical Illusion, its a Share GIF, nothing else


    Of course it's an optical illusion. It is an image that tricks the mind into believing it's seeing something that it isn't. Our minds are telling us that the image is actually a silhouette of a 3D girl spinning around - when it's actually just an image of a 2D girl. For some reason, different people's minds see the girl spinning in different directions, but in reality she isn't spinning at all, which is why she can be percieved by some people as spinning both ways.

  2. Oh is it write? Lol.


    Wow...I always thought it was "ride". I had always pictured in my head a little kid riding home on a bike.....



    Write seems to make more sense actually....:)


    Yes, it is indeed "write". We have the exact same sying in Denmark - and in Danish there's no doubt! :p

  3. Haggis and d666, thumbs up to you! : peace:


    Gay guys are more feminine. That's a generalisation, albeit a relatively accurate one. BUT! More and more straight guys are getting in touch with their feminine side. And to label people who watch High School Musical as gay is quite simply narrow-minded and prejudicial.


    I like the High School Musical films. I like them because they're happy and cheerful and everyone burst out into song every few minutes. Are they realistic? No. Can we gain some deep psychological, spiritual, or other important truth from them? No. What we can gain from them is a holiday from the complex world of right and wrong, morals and ethics, ponderings about the meaning of life, and hectic daily activities. We can use the films to seek temporary refuge in a world where people are simple and easy to relate to and where we know a happy ending will eventually come. Don't underestimate the importance of simple feel-good films.


    That's my five cents.

  4. wait, this dosnt make sense, if your siblings, howcome you can't breath fire?



    oh thats DRAGONS. right. always get them mixed up. lost me my job as a dragon slayer.


    The epic randomness of this made me laugh! :laughing:


    She certainly holds her weaponary like she knows how to use it.....


    Well, you'd know ...

  5. Guys, have we not learned anything from the recent discussion in the sexuality thread? Gender roles are defined by society, but we don't need to adhere to them. Sure, boys/men are not often interested in cute feel-good films, but that doesn't mean they have to be gay to be interested. Males can be very much in touch with their soft/feminine side without being gay.

  6. Otherwise...I hate to point out the obvious here but Rez and I are friends in real life and he has a gf. Wasn't actually doing anything other than joke around! :smile:


    You'll soon find out that on the N-E forums, everyone has cybersex with everyone, regardless of sexual orientation and/or other relationships.

  7. Think of it like a pornography theater: Like it or not, somebody somewhere in here is masturbating.


    *Slowly zips up jeans*



    And please don't get a room. Think about those without boy-/girlfriends - this is all they have got!

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