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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. The reason im not really posting much is im holding back on starting new threads. Its harder than you think :'( Or im cutting down... GRADUALLY.. No one,NO ONE, can go cold turkey!


    We always like new threads. :) I just think you should try to make threads with more power in them. No offence, but many of your threads don't have that much to say or to debate about.

  2. Which would make my statemennt true, no?


    Eh, no? If your statement is that one sex is more complicated than the other, my statement makes your statement false. It's like comparing grammatical syntax to algebra. Some people find the former easy and the latter hard, others opposite. Often, you understand your own sex better than the other, but it's entirely possible to understand both. Sexuality plays a role here, as for instance many homosexual males share more interests with the average female.


    Of course, all these are generalisations, and I personally hate categorising gender-specific traits. It's the building ground for narrow- and close-minded-ness.

  3. I'll switch you, for once the females are the less complicated ones.


    It's a common misconception that one sex is more complicated than the other. We just don't understand each other. As a general rule, of course.

  4. I think the point of the Rick Roll is that the video is everything '80s compressed into a music video. The voice, the clothes, the dancing, the music itself - it's all so '80s. People find the 80s amusing. The whole style seems to funny to many today.


    But I also think many people like it. You always feel stupid and laugh at yourself when you get Rick Rolled. But when that's said, I love the song. I love music from the '80s.

  5. Nah, this test is too simple and easily figured out. You can see from the beginning the four types of gamer you can be. From that it's just a matter of choosing the ones you want. I find a test to be better the more complex its judging mechanism is.


    ... Or maybe I'm just picky?

  6. I like the idea, but algebra is fun. (well compared to most other things you do at school.)


    Agree, algebra is one of the good things to do at school (unless you have a terrible teacher like I had last year).

  7. Controls situation sounds strange!


    Hope IGN have got it wrong, because I don't really want peoples using their feet all over my Wii-Mote!


    Why not just use the balance board!


    You really shouldn't need to ask that question.

  8. I get the concept and I understand how money works. Maybe "complicated" isn't the right word ... It's more like - How can we run out of something we create ourselves? The money has value, but we assign the money that value based on how much we've got of it. Like with everything else. And thus we create the idea of value ourselves. Then, we can run out of money and go bankrupt - so does that mean that our valuation of things is incorrect? As we create the idea of value ourselves, shouldn't we expect it to be generally balanced? I find it hard to grasp these abstract forces within the concept of value and money, and I may be completely, painfully, obviously wrong. If so, please try to enlighten me. :confused:

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