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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I bet everyone on this forum finds something annoying and can be solved with a simple PM and not derailing threads like what I´m doing.

    So I´m gonna stop now.


    A little thread-derailing is always good. It's what makes life fun. :)


    But there's a limit for everything. So we should probably stop now.

  2. I can provide providings that provide much better providings than the current providings that you provider provides.


    All you have to do is pay ninety two pounds for the first 12 moths. Then you get two pounds cashback. Then you have to pay eighteen pounds fourty two for the next 12 months. Then you have to give the cashback back. Then you will have to pay fourteen pounds fifty thereafter.


    What about insurance?

  3. Yep, but..........


    I agree, but you just said it didn't matter whether he meant it or not. Meaning it wouldn't matter if the joke was obvious or not.


    It was the most obvious thing Ive seen in my life to be honest.


    Do you....I mean....you do know who Ashely is? Have you seen him post before?


    In rokhed's defence, I was in doubt, too.

  4. but it's being mocked! The whole thing undermines the sexism in the original song. That's good satire, and the opposite of what you're talking about. You're being ridiculous.


    I gotta agree with this. I know, it seems I'm switching sides, but I'm not. There's a huge difference between meaning it and making fun of it. As Dan Dare says, it's great satire.

  5. What is up with the recent hard-on for grammar these days?

    Can you understand what I´m writing? That´s fucking great.

    Did you notice a spelling or an grammar fault?

    Go blog about it there are more interesting things to talk about then to point at other peoples faults...


    It can still be very annoying to read certain mistakes, especially if they're repeated. Don't underestimate the importance of correct grammar.

  6. "Would you like to switch to a provider who provides better providings than your current provider provides?"


    Well, that depends on if you can provide proof that the providings of this provider are better than the prodivings that my current provider provides.

  7. I think the grammar police is gonna start needing uniforms and batons, as I can tell it's gonna get violent.


    Supergrunch is obviously candidatus primus for this job. And he's tough! (Which I myself have felt today! :p)


    On topic, I wouldn't be counting too much on finding anything radically different.



    You are affected by things, and you effectively do things to others. Capisce? Normally I wouldn't shout it out, but my eyes are rolling non-stop with the repeated posts where people have so clearly ignored not one but two posts about it.


    P.S. this recession will probably last something like five years, if you ask me. Why? Because I pulled the number straight out of my arse! Isn't talking shit what we're doing in these threads these days?


    Yay. White.



  9. sorry to break it to you, but dear Ashley wasn't being entirely serious




    I had a feeling, but I know he's had bad experiences and that it has affected his current viewpoints. I wasn't entirely sure how serious his viewpoints are about the subject.


    Whatever the case, I didn't like coming off that aggressive (in fact I hate it :( ), but I just can't stand that kind of viewpoint and just felt I couldn't let it pass.

  10. Bitches aint shit but hos and tricks.


    One of life's little lessons.


    Sorry, but that is just a pessimistic viewpoint that I can't stand. You may have had unlucky experiences with women before, but saying all women are like that is just being ignorant, and I can't stand that kind of narrowmindedness.

  11. everywhere else has been infected with 4chan meme crap and I haven't noticed it here as much. :-/


    Well, there are some, but it's not overshadowing.


    Good point there, it is basically just killing time.


    But isn't that what fun is about? Gaming ... watching movies ... being on N-E ... masturbating ...


    They're all just different ways of killing time while enjoying ourselves/having fun. Nothing productive comes out of it, but not everything has to be productive.

  12. Maybe he had an idea that it was against the rules, but unless given a solid reason, he didn't see anything wrong in trying to feed a crocodile.

    Sure, he was taking a risk in his own safety, but kids also put themselves in danger all the time.


    If you're talking about stealing the lizards, then yeah, the kid needs some spanking. Taking pets from other people is just wrong and he should know that.


    Maybe he knew or had a feeling it was wrong and explored that? Children are attracted by forbidden stuff exactly because it's forbidden. Heck, many adults still are.

  13. haha I could make an argument with you or debate, but reading what you said before made my head hurt...I do have a cold after all.


    Sorry, I have a tendency to do that. :heh:


    I can't help but feel this discussion is somewhat generalised. But I guess it's impossible not to because both men and women can be so different, it's hard to make general definitions that are accurate enough.

  14. I think what bothers most people isn't if he knew it was wrong, but that she should have known it was wrong. Oh, and J7, this comment ...

    or he never saw it eating and remembered the ones on telly ate stuff.

    ... is really just pissing on the intelligence of a 7 year old. The intelligence level many of you believe him to have is more fitting for a 3-4 year old than a 7 year old.

  15. Like most in here, I game for fun. But fun can come in many forms, for example trying to achieve something special and hard in a game.


    Unfortunately, my amount of gaming time has decreased severely recently, which means it has been necessary for me to reduce my interest to a few selection of games. :(

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