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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. OK, I understand you're being reasonable, but then, in that case, where's the incentive for any paedophile to come out by choice when they know what the reaction will be?


    People will always have negative reactions. It's like saying you're an alcoholic or drug abuser. Only, in people's minds, paedophilia is alcoholism and drug abuse times a thousand plus nazism. But I could imagine some paedophiles would rather be rid of their "special" urges if they thought it through - it would make their lives so much easier and better. In that case, I think it'd be great if there were places were they could get help.

  2. You're essentially saying "change how you think, faggot, society hates you".. it's a pretty difficult task


    You could put it that way, but that wouldn't represent what I intend to communicate. We should offer help to these people, not try to control them. If necessary, medication could help them control their urges. Who says some paedophiles doesn't want to get rid of their special urges? They're not exactly making their lives easy.

  3. Krystal is meh... Nothing special...I wish they would've added a more meaningful character though... how can a chick that never in her entire life has seen an arwing suddenly can drive one professionaly ??(I'm referring to Star Fox Adventures) :s :s This actually means that anybody can join Star Fox, this thought sickens me... Why didn't Kat or Bill (Lylat Wars) join the crew?? I loved the interaction between Kat and Falco, and Bill,... Bill is just too cool...


    Final question: Why the hell would a fox chick (Krystal) be on a Dinosaur Planet???:confused:


    Conclusion: I don't like her, she softens Fox up too much and her background story doesn't make sense at all, hopefully she'll die or something in the nex SF and Fox will have to take revenge for her... That's the only good thing that can come from her... IF you know what I mean...


    I can see what you mean. I like her personality, though. (Read: She's hot! :p) But I agree that her story could have been better implemented into the Star Fox universe.


    Almost everything introduced in Adventures just didn't fit in that well with the rest of the universe due to the game being completely unrelated to Star Fox once. Still, the great difference between the original Dinosaur Planet game and the Star Fox universe taken into account, Nintendo did a nice job at actually fitting them together.


    I do like that Krystal brings love into Fox's life. It gives him a deeper personality, forcing him to think about his way and choices in life. I'd love to see Katt and Bill back, though. I really want the next Star Fox to be a great and epic adventure with a deeper storyline and both new and old characters. I want to see more of the characters' relationships with each other. If you need me, I'll be over here dreaming on.

  4. as far as i know chemical castration isnt perminant, though in terms of whats worse, taking away some ones sex drive or leaving children in potential danger, i have to say, id take away the guys sex drive.


    But seriously, there have to be less dramatic solutions to the problem. It's not an either/or case scenario.

  5. Sorry mate, you don't blame Star Fox,... you worship Star Fox, you dream about Star Fox, you think of nothing else but Star Fox, but you sure as hell don't blame it.


    TEH rules:

    1) You never EVER blame/insult/disrespect Star Fox


    2) If you somehow in an alternate reality do find a reason to blame/insult/disrespect Star Fox, see rule 1


    Dannyboy I hope now you have learnt the true value that is the masterpiece Star Fox... Now go on and spread the message !!


    Nononono, you misunderstand me! I LOVE Star Fox!


    One thing I MUST know, though: How do you feel about Krystal?

  6. Naturally, I speak Danish fluently, and I'd say I'm very fluent in English as well. Embarrasingly enough, though Danish, Norwegian and Swedish are a lot alike, I sometimes have trouble understanding the other Scandinavian languages. :p


    I'm currently doing Latin and Ancient Greek at gymnasium A-level and plan to study those subjects at university level when I'm done here.


    I'm also doing German at B-level, and though it doesn't interest me that much, I've been told it will be good to have as there are many works on Latin and Ancient Greek written in German.

  7. naked hat pics!!! how many more times must i say it?!


    People completely naked - only wearing hats?


    What kind of sick, twisted line of thought is that?! I thought you were a decent girl! :nono:


    Hats, sheesh ... What has the world come to? What's next, wearing shoes outside? Madness, I say, madness ...

  8. Yeah, one thing I greatly disagree with is the castration.


    Ditto. I find it a harsh punishment. I don't like permanent punishments. If there's one thing I've learned in life, it's that - contrary to popular belief - people can change. I don't like the idea that we're robbing them of the chance to change their ways. I know it's different when it comes to persons who have trouble controlling themselves due to mental causes, but for goodness sake let's pick an option that won't cause permanent harm. I don't like the idea of robbing people of possibilities permanently, nor do I like punishing people who have mental problems which harm their judging ability.

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