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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I have been very introverted before, but I am beginning to open up. I'm not too good at meeting new people, but when around people I know and like or with whom I know I share interests, I open up and talk a lot, though at the same time still letting others talk just as much. I love debating for the sake of debating, something not all people understand. I don't keep my problems and thoughts from my friends, in fact I break some personal boundaries by coming out with personal and inner thoughts. There are still some areas of my mind that will definitely keep to myself, though. :heh:

  2. Thanks everyone!




    Lol! You never know though. Experimentation and all that.




    I love the Chair power spin too.

    Hehe, ReZ apparently wanted to see you do his (in)famous Power Spin Dance, but like most people he simply called you "chair". When I read the sentence, the idea struck me immediately! :p

  3. Yup, don't worry, that sleep jolt thing is very common. None the less unpleasant, though.


    When I listen to something magnificent and epic, if I really let myself get into it, I can give myself shivers all over. Be it an epic piece of music (like Hans Zimmer's "Chevaliers de Sangreal") or a beautiful speech (like Martin Luther King's "I have a dream"), they can really give my shivers and even bring a tear to my eye.

  4. Went to a birthday part last night at a friend's. She is also a classics student, and so the dresscode was toga ... and pink. Oh, and there's a few in here who'll love this: Another friend and I sang and danced playback to "Bop To The Top" from High School Musical. Here's a few (bad quality) pictures taken on a phone:





  5. I have been brought up speaking "rigsdansk", which is Danish without any accent, but people from other areas of Denmark tell me that I do have a slight accent natural to the area of Denmark I come from, namely the south-western part of Jutland, an accent that becomes heavier when I talk fast and with passion.


    When I speak English, I don't know if I have any particular accent. If I have, it's most likely some sort of fusion of American and British English as heard on TV.

  6. Since this got no response in the creative gallery, I decided to post it here, too.


    Hello, good townsfolk of the city of N-E.


    I do not often venture in these here boards, but thoughts that have been circling in my brain lately have brought me here.


    You see, I might be interested in trying out some music making programs for the computer, and since this is the creative gallery I thought it best to consult you fine lads 'n' lasses about the different programs on the market.


    What I'm interested in are not sales speeches, but impressions from people who have actually tried the programs or otherwise know of them first-hand.


    So if any of you have any experience with music programs, post your suggestions here. What I'd like to know about each program is:

    • How much you can actually do with the program. Do you get three different sounds to work with and that's it, or can you make majestic works of art with it?
    • How difficult the program is to use. Can a three year old pick it up and create symphonies, or do you need several years of training to be able to remake the birthday song?
    • How much it costs. Can I pick it up for a fiver, or do I have to sell my kidneys?
    • Anything else there might be of interest or worth knowing. Do I have to give up my soul to the Devil, or can prolonged use result in constipation?

    So there, I hope you great N-E'ers can be of assistance to me. Thank you. :)

  7. Do you live on a farm or something? That's a big garden!

    Haha! I live out in the countryside, so there are farms and fields around us, but that field is not part of our grounds, which only extend to the hedge. On the other side is a road (hard to see on that pic) separating our grounds from the field.

  8. Does the fact that my name was first on the list imply that my PM was the first to be received? And thus meaning I am made of complete and utter mega whynzaphon?

    Ah, but is your name a base for a collective pun? I think not. So which of us is truly most awesome, hm?

  9. I'm starting to get like that. It's been nearly a year and a half. I've forgotten how to do it.

    Oh, and another things that annoys me: When people complain to me that they haven't had good sex in a month and are going crazy from it. It's like having a wreck of a car and hearing somebody complain about their Ferrari getting mud on it.


    Yeah, I'm in a whiner mode right now. Sorry about that.

  10. How about a prostitute? Dyson's quite cheap.

    Well, I am heterosexual. Though I can't deny I might get more desperate! :p


    Anyway, it's not like I really want sex to be just with someone random etc. I actually want something with feelings. But when the other head takes over, it doesn't really seem to matter ...


    It's almost a joke. I'm a virgin. Heck, I'm only 17, for crying out loud! I shouldn't worry about this stuff!

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