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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Beats me. Everything he's saying is all theoretical anyway. You can't prove it. Kinda like solipsism.

    It's not that the theory itself is uninteresting or not worthy of research, but what's his point? If it was discovered that atoms were made of pineapples, it wouldn't change my life any more than this does. It's great to search for the nature and truth of reality, but no matter how much we find out about it, we still have to live in it.


    To me it sounds as if he's trying to convince people to join a cult. A cult that claims to hold the only true path to enlightenment and whose members are required to give up large amounts of money and their freedom of thought (ironic, isn't it?) to get access to this path.

  2. Signature ****** I like this. It looks really cool, especially the wrinkled paper effect and the black and white theme.

    Avatar ****** A little too dark and a little too much going on. Not too visually pleasing and a little hard to discern. On the other hand, I have a feeling it's a cool motive, so it still gets three out of six stars.

  3. The historical accounts of Jesus are overwhelming. To question his existence would be like questioning whether or not Julius Ceasar existed, because they've both got around the same amount of historical sources.

    I thought so, but I wasn't entirely sure exactly how well-grounded his existence was in the historical accounts, so I was careful with my words.

  4. A.K.A Made up.


    I think I'd have a better time respecting the idea of god if he wasn't so specifically described.

    Please don't go there. This thread isn't about whether God exists or not, and if we go there - no matter how proper we try to keep the discussion - it will go wrong. Mud will be thrown, people will be offended, warnings will be issued and threads will be locked. I only joined in on this debate because it wasn't about the existence of God.

  5. Just like the Wii with its Vitality sensor, I have a fear that the Zelda games are constantly looking for a new twist or gimmick, instead of building on a system we already love and giving us a true, huge and engrossing current generation update to the series. The new way of playing, whether I have a sword or no sword, whether I use a stylus or a d-pad, whether the graphics are cel-shaded or not, whether I'm a boy or a wolf, those things are not what I really care about.


    What I really want is a mucch bigger, more expansive and dynamic, interactive world. I would love to see the announcement more like this:


    "We want to make the next Zelda a much more immersive game, longer and more story driven, with beautiful visuals and a sense of sheer awesome size in a lifelike, buzzing Hyrule (or wherever). Also, notice that Link doesn't have a sword..."

    But when we get more of the same, fanboys cry out too. There is no pleasing Nintendo fanboys.


    Personally, I don't see them taking away Link's sword. That'd be like taking away Mario's jump. Besides, reading it as "Link doesn't have a sword in this game" is really painting the devil on the wall. That girl is obviously the Master Sword, so I'm not worried. In Nintendo, we trust. I still do, at least. :)

  6. No point in rushing it, they can delay it until the end of 2010 if they want... as far as I'm concerned; if it means that the game will be even more awesome for extra development time spent on it then it should be delayed as many times as is necessary.

    "A delayed game is delayed only for a time, a rushed game stays bad forever."

    - Shigeru Miaymoto

  7. I find this discussion pointless. If God exists or not is irrelevant, as we will have to assume that he does to be able to answer the question. That being said, we cannot answer the question anyway, as it is a paradox: God is omnipotent, ergo he can do anything, including not being omnipotent. He can be dead and alive at the same time without problems - or neither at all - just as he can have any, all or no gender. The explanation for this is that God exists outside our realm of understanding and thus outside our laws of logic, making his paradoxical state of being omnipotent possible.

  8. Hate to quote the Bible to you, but hey, any strong argument needs sources:









    Those three stories led me to respect Jesus, not as the Son of God, but as the greatest moral teacher in history. In my opinion, if we were to consider those stories and to abide by their meaning, the world would be a better place. The Good Samaritan especially is an excellent story for combating racism. I seldom if ever read the Old testament- I understand some of the stories in it are pretty repulsive- and the homophobic tones of the epistles are unattractive. The Gospels, however, are unbeatable in terms of morality.


    As for history, Luke was an historian ahead of his time- he accurately names tens of historical events, places and people. But the Old testament Books provide any historian a 'reliable' (to all those who did GCSE history) insight as to what life was like in Israel thousands of years ago and helps describe Judaisms early days.


    I believe Jesus existed. I believe Mohammed existed. I believe the Buddha existed. Why? Because religions don't just start by themselves. To suggest otherwise would be ignorant.


    I'll reply to the other responses later, can't be arsed right now.

    I love these stories as well, just as I love the message of Jesus. In that sense, you could probably call me "Christian". I'm not Christian in the strict sense that I "believe in God" - my beliefs about metaphysics and the spiritual are ... nuanced and complicated (meaning I'm not sure of them myself :heh: ) ... but they are also entirely irrelevant. Much of the stuff in the Bible, especially the Old Testament, is quite fucked up and terribly immoral, but the view on love and morals that Jesus shows is one that I agree completely with.


    Also, on the purely historical aspect of things, other historical sources than the Bible speaks of this Jesus fella calling himself the son of God. Whether he is that or not, I think it's fairly certain that he existed as a person.

  9. So you're saying she's always been the sword?

    Not necessarily. I'm not arguing for it from an in-game perspective, but from a real world perspective.


    That being said, there are many ways they could implement this. The sword has always been magical - perhaps it has always had some of personality of its own which has been brought forth due to some event? Or maybe this girl has been fused with the sword due to a curse or an accident?

  10. Maybe it's me having so many lovely experiences associated with Galaxy, but I loved the hub and the storytelling. It brought so much into the game, I found. :)


    Anyway, I also call BS on that article. Seems to be written by the bad kind of Nintendo fanboy - the insatiable, constantly craving, unrealistic fanboy.

  11. I think the Master Sword should remain the Master Sword, it's been a constant to be found by the Hero throughout. Not quite sure what they're planning, but why would it suddenly be something different, isn't it best to apply that to a different sword?

    I think the Master Sword has become far too iconic for that. Obviously they wanted us to realise that she is the sword.

  12. same. fair play to her, if i followed my dreams to that extent, id be happy. her diet is attrocious though.

    Can't be healthy.


    Heh, a thought just struck me: How would she react if one told her that the Turtles are in fact actually doing ninjutsu, not karate? :p

  13. betcha they'd still go all "battle-royale" over a points system. 'specially if there was a pokemon toy in it for the winner at the end of term *nods*



    Are you kidding? Of course they would! I know I would! :D


    One of my classmates it really the biggest Pokémon and Disney fan I have ever met. It's crazy! :D


    On a more serious note, the point system can be quite serious. Anyone read "The Wave"?

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