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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. First of all, I can't imagine how can someone be born that way. I mean, allergic to everything? It's like the world rejects your existence, it's horrible.


    Second, what makes the experts think she wouldn't have this problem in the past century? Am I missing something?

    I don't quite get that, either. Would the allergy not have existed then, i.e. it is some kind of mutated string? Or would she not have been troubled by it because the stuff that causes the allergic reaction didn't exist back then?

  2. Hehe, as much as I am enjoying these jokes (great one, j7), perhaps we should stop spamming the thread with meaningless posts. :heh:


    Anyway, I plan on starting the next day this evening (at no specific time), so any remaining PMs should come at some point today.








    "Sniff, sniff!"


    He could smell his target. He had always had a good nose. Thanks to that, it didn't take him long to find his target: The white-haired woman. She was stealthily following a guy with a bright cape when the good-nosed fella did his thing. All that was left was a large egg. What the nosy fella didn't know was that he had been followed by a small group of turtles, who in turn had been followed by a blue individual when they went home.




    Having initially decided not to do anything that night, a guy kept being bothered by a mysterious little figure.


    "Come on! Teehee! Don't tell me you're afraid? Such a big guy like yourself should not just sit and do nothing, should he? Teehee! I know the perfect target!"


    Whether the mysterious little figure had some sort of persuasion ability, or if it was simply out of annoyance, he did not know, but despite his original plan he decided to go out.


    "There! That's her! Teehee!" the little figure exclaimed as it pointed towards another person.


    "That's a 'she'?" he mumbled to himself while reaching for his blaster. Before he could grab it, however, something was pulled down over his eyes, blinding him. When he finally got what appeared to be a piece of yellow cloth off his head, both his target and the mysterious little figure was gone.


    "I knew I should have stayed in tonight," he mumbled to himself before heading home. He wasn't aware that a furry person had been following the mysterious little figure that night. And when that furry person came home, another person who looked quite like him – and who was protected by a magical barrier – made sure he kept quiet the next day.




    Meanwhile, the person pointed out by the mysterious little figure had run away, but was being followed by another girl who kept trying to kiss her. This came to an end, however, when the stalker was also blinded by a yellow piece of cloth. Thanking in her mind whoever it was that had saved her twice this night, she followed the footsteps of some pointy shoes. They led her directly to her target. She aimed and fired, and her target was left stunned on the ground. Here, a long-eared fella quickly came huffing over and investigated the stunned target, though she didn't really give it a second thought. She was more focused on the fact that she had even survived the night. As she walked home, she once again thanked her saviour in her mind, though what she didn't know was that a tech-geek had been analysing this cloth-wielding saviour.




    Later, a tall man followed by a young boy with a shield approached the large egg.


    "I can't believe how easy this is," he said to himself with an evil smile. He clenched his fist, focused all his power in it and struck the egg, breaking the shell and killing the trapped person inside.


    Nintendohnut is dead. He was Impa, a loyal servant to the Royal Family of Hyrule who could investigate people with her Sheikah ninja skills. She was good.



    Day 2 begins now.


    19 players remain. 10 is the majority.
















    Paj Meen Ah





  3. No Lynch (11): mr-paul, not_so_tiny, Mundi, Ellmeister, jayseven, Cube, Jonnas, Eenuh, MadDog, ReZourceman, Vicar

    MadDog (1): chairdriver


    11 is the majority.


    Majority has been reached!




    And so, after some random accusations and talking back and forth, the town finally decided to call it a day without lynching anyone.




    Night 1 begins now.


    Send in your targets for the night, folks!

  4. Raining just came up with a great idea: How about a news thread?


    Also, I think it's important that we keep a very open policy about threads and their contents (no, I'm not arguing for pornographic threads, you dirty minds). I only think we should lock a thread if it breaks rules. If it's simply uninteresting or generally badly made, let it die its own peaceful death.

  5. Reading through this thread has me in stitches. :laughing:


    Though seriously, I think this is really worth to discuss. I think the leaders of this forum should really sit down and make a common consensus on what kind of threads will be tolerated. What are the criteria for a proper thread? What about threads of randomness - should they be locked?


    wooooooooo!!!! lets all migrate to the pornhub forums instead!

    PornHub's got FORUMS?!


    *runs off to try to score a web chick*

  6. Right, here we go. My first mafia game. I trust you all know the rules. :)


    A few pieces of info:


    I'm not keen on forcing people to participate. I probably won't kill people off if they don't participate, but naturally I urge you all to participate actively. The game gets so much more fun. :)


    I won't be keeping strict time limits on lynching and PM-sending, either, though I won't wait forever for one person. I'll give you all a reasonable amount of time to send in your PMs - after that the next day will start. If discussion dies out in the day phase for a longer period of time, I will end the day.


    Anyway, enough of my rambling. Onwards with the game!




    It was just another quiet and peaceful summer day in Nintendo Land. The Mushroom Kingdom blossomed with all its flowery beauty, Hyrule Market Town buzzed with the voices of busy people, and in the headquarters of the Galactic Federation a joyful mood could be felt as a new partnership with the Cornerian Forces were about to be signed. People gathered to watch the first rounds of this year's F-Zero Grand Prix, all the while a young angel enjoyed the view from heavenly seats. Little did anyone know that the peace was about to be severely disturbed – perhaps for good …


    An enormous blast echoed through the whole of Nintendo Land. Everyone's attention quickly turned to the source of the blast, the top of Mount Nintendo, on which a fiery ruin had replaced what had been the official Nintendo HQ mere seconds before. When the rescue team finally arrived, the dead bodies of beloved people like Satoru Iwata, Reggie Fils-Aime and Shigeru Miaymoto were all that met them besides a small letter. The letter was made with cut-out letters from magazines and newspapers and read the following:


    We have had enough! We will no longer put up with being treated this way! From this day onwards, we assume control of Nintendo Land, and everybody who tries to stop us will be dealt with swiftly and mercilessly!


    Many were scared by the letter and the apparent force of the attackers and dared not protest, but a number of individuals found it impossible to stand by passively. Their sense of righteousness was too strong and thus they each decided to combat this new threat and to restore peace and order to Nintendo Land once again.


    Now the fate of Nintendo Land rests in the hands of 20 individuals. Let the battle begin!




    Day 1 begins now.


    20 players remain. 11 is the majority.

















    Paj Meen Ah





  7. ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Wait....whens it start. Im not gonna be available this weekend so if its this weekend then skip my application. :(




    or delay the mafia. megaphalol.

    Well, since you are the last applicant and the game is actually ready, I plan on starting it now (well, as soon as I get the roles sent out and so on). But even if you're away for a day or two, it's not really a problem. Personally, I have a few days with exams left plus a week's vacation from July 3rd till July 12th. So yeah, I won't be keeping strict watch with participation, though I of course urge people to participate as much as possible. :)


    Anyway, should I sign you up?

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