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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Man, I have a perfect picture for a non-existing superhero, but it was taken before this ... crap!


    Anyway, some of those seem hard! I should have made mine harder ... Dunno if I'll be able to do any of those! :p

  2. Well ive been in situations where there have been people i think are (thinks of the pc term) 'enemys of the peace' and havent done anything , because they havent given me reason to. A copper who may have racist beliefs isnt nessiceraly going to go all KKK and kick the shit out of every black man on the street.

    I'm not sure what you mean by "enemies of the peace" and "coppers" ...


    Anyway, some racists may be able to keep themselves under control, but I think the main problem is that there are people who have narrow-minded views like those at all.

  3. So what your saying is that only white males are racists. Try telling that to many people in zimbabwe.

    I dont think its true just because you are racist means you cant be a copper etc. Just as long as you can keep these feelings in your head/behind closed doors.

    We can't control how people feel, but we should try to educate people and teach them that racism, prejudice and hatred towards any group of people based on groundless ideas is wrong.


    And what person in power could avoid exercising his or her beliefs?

  4. I've always found the best way to combat cramp in the leg or foot is to just stand on said leg or foot!

    It's true. The last thing you want to do is stand on it, but the pain is gone the second you put your weight on the foot in question.

  5. Yeah but it had to be done or Jesus would be upset.

    If Jesus be spreadin' da message of looove, he wouldn't be hatin' on da gays, maaan!


    This sums everything up pretty well (yes, I've posted it before, but it never gets old).

  6. Oh I remembered another one... after playing quite a long song on Guitar Hero / Rock Band, right after the song finishes and the screen changes to the results bit my eyes kind of make the middle of the screen seem warped for a few seconds... it's really odd. :/


    Maybe I should try wearing glasses more often when playing games, I do have a pair but I'm only supposed to use them when I feel that i need them, come to think of it though I'm not sure if it's happened when wearing glasses as well, hmm...

    When playing Guitar Hero or StepMania for long periods of time and then looking away from the screen, I get tunnel vision/"rain" vision (when everything I look at seems to "fall downwards").

  7. I don't mind, no one wants to be in my Mafia, no one trusts me ;__;


    Also, sign me up, Chairdriver.

    Well, you just need to chill once in a while ... turn down your hyperactivity a bit. :p Anyway, I wanna try out your mafia game. If it's crazy, I'm in! :D


    But yeah, we're kinda going off-topic here, so let's just leave it at that.

  8. X-Men?! Hell yes! I love the X-Men! :yay: (Though I'm a X-Men noob. :heh: )


    So, where do I place my John Hancock?


    EDIT: By the way, both Maase and I have expressed interest in running a mafia game at some point. I'd like to do it in the summer holidays, i.e. july, if that's possible. Though Maase came first, so if he wants to go first, I'll just have to wait. :)

  9. Read about it here;





    Anyone ever get that thing where you feel like something is crawling on you(i used to get it down my back alot when I was little, and various places now) when clearly there isn't? Always bothers me for ages, cos my paranoid arachnophobia starts to look for spiders, everywhere.

    From one paranoid arachnophobic to another: I hear you, brother!




  10. All right, so the hierarchy thing is different in China. It's prefectly fine that you want to move higher up, I just got the impression it was born from some elitist attitude. :)


    I'm afraid I won't be of much help. While we can give you advice, in the end you're the one to make the decision. I can only show you the door, Neo. It's up to you to walk through it.

  11. Gah, I wish mine would come already. This last week of school is going to be a waste of time, anyway. I bet we won't learn much new and useful, anyway, and my self-discipline has hit a new low.

  12. Of course they have the right to exist. But I find it worrying that so many people are racist and homophobic and still deny the Holocaust - and that many of these people seem to gather in one particular party. You don't hear these kinds of statements in the same magnitude in other parties, which, quite frankly, does say a thing or two about the party - or at least about what kind of people it attracts. If they truly do not condone Holocaust denial, racist or homophobic views, perhaps they should consider their image outwards instead of simply evicting members in case of unfortunate statements.

  13. rather alot of evidence of the suffering exists, invluding video and photographic evidence.

    Not to mention the few people from that time who are actually still alive and can confirm all this.


    While judging a group based on a few members is not always a good idea, it is rather worrying that so many people from a party (in)famous for its strong views on nationalism and immigrants have said such things. They remind me more and more of the Danish Folk Party ...

  14. Lord no. :p

    Well, not exactly like that. :heh: But it did sound like the dream played a large part in deciding how you feel about her, which I don't find a good idea. Dreams may contain truths about our inner thoughts unknown to us, but to be fair, they also contain a lot of weird shit! :p

  15. No, I really don't. She's annoying as fuck, and her personality/affectations offend me. This dream was just a confirmation of that.


    What she's done to herself just makes me feel absolutely nothing anymore, where once I was sorry for her.

    Fair enough, it just sounded like you felt the dream had "told" you how to feel.

  16. What I don't understand is your focus on the career aspect. What exactly do you mean by this? If you get fewer responsibilities with a higher pay, isn't that a win-win situation for you? Or is the reverence of the job important to you? Please elaborate on this career aspect you're talking about.

  17. Had a dream that the girl who lives with me who has sabotaged her chances of ever coming back to school after blowing up a tiny situation unbeleivably, came back to school. She just cried the entire time, and I kept ignoring her by mistake.


    Guess that means I really don't care about her anymore? Big surprise. She has a persecution complex, that won't go away until her parents stop letting her run away from things she does/ she stops sabotaging her own recovery.




    Also had a dream I missed an exam because I was smoking outside the exam room. (Possibly same dream, different time of day)

    Be careful not to read too much into it.

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