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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. The "gaining power" thing, which he explained quite well (so absolutely nothing).

    Right, fair enough. Then it seems we're back at Tellyn as the main suspect.


    The fact that he was gaining power last night through being targeted which has now been explained by Zell himself.


    Which still leaves Tellyn as our main suspect. Dannyboy, could you stop sitting on the fence for one minute and see that regardless of what else happens Tellyn has got to go in order for us to move on and follow new leads? We know that he's a neutral at the very least, so we have nothing to lose. This is what I'm trying to drive home but there are still doubters.

    I still believe sitting on the fence is the better tactic in these games as opposed to lynching people on a hunch. I know this isn't just a hunch, but tell me: Why are you so convinced that neutrals need to be lynched? We didn't lynch Sprout when we found out he was neutral, so why should we lynch Tellyn simply because he's neutral?

  2. And he was saying that nothing in his post disqualifies that. (Not sure if that's the right wording but fuck it.)

    Exactly. My whole post can still be read as containing X-rated material! :p

  3. I guess there is a possibility. All I am going by is the PMs I get, which suggest that a maximum of two people have investigated me. I don't see how Tellyn could have found out who I was if he wasn't the blue things last night.


    I'm still struggling to see how I'm a main suspect. Dannyboy, I would love for you to tell me the "actual stuff" you have against me.

    I can't. I told you, I can't even keep track myself right now. All I know is that both yours and Tellyn's stories have been accused of not adding up. I really can't say if any of it is true, which is why I have decided for now to not vote for anyone and just see how this plays out.


    Right, due to my dad's birthday today, we're going out for dinner tonight. We're leaving in about 20 minutes, so don't go suspecting me even more because I'm away! I'll come on later tonight when I get home, and hopefully I can convince you that I'm good.

  4. I 100% believe you're good, though. My info says you and Dyson are good, and Dyson has been behaving like a goodie throughout the game, so I believe my info is correct.


    Anyway, you're right. We're currently deciding wether to lynch Tellyn or Zell. Both look suspicious, but Tellyn has the most support (in getting lynched, I mean).

    And I haven't? For once I have been very active, at least up until now, really trying to put things together and figuring things out, explaining my reasoning. I have not hesitated to vote for someone when I have found there has been enough evidence against them, but I have been cautious when I've found there hasn't been enough evidence, as trigger-happy lynchings in previous games have killed many townies.


    I don't like this focus on behaviour as explained earlier. It's simply not very solid evidence. I have even been confirmed good by you, Jonnas, and since Dyson was confirmed good by you, too, he should know the validity of your investigations.


    Anyway, I'm probably sounding even more suspicious now because of my rant, but I just feel accused on unfounded grounds.

  5. I'm still suspecting you, Dannyboy. Though less so since someone concluded that both you and me were Good through investigation. But your (constant) hesitance to lynch Tellyn and your swiftness to jump on Zell? I don't like it. It's the contrast that gets me.

    Put in that what you want, but it's nothing more than simple confused-as-fuck-ness, combined with a mind that swings between saying "Think this through, now," and "Fuck it, let's just lynch someone and see what happens."


    So yeah. ::shrug:

  6. I didn't mean you're lynching Tellyn on voting patterns, I meant you're suspecting me because of voting patterns and behaviour - or at least what you seem to deduce from those. I don't know who to suspect and what to trust anymore, but based on the discussion, Tellyn and Zell seem to be the main suspects, as they both seem to have actual stuff against them. I can't figure out how much of that stuff is true, though, as I got lost in the stream of information. I will try to catch up on it at some point when I'm not exhausted (the last couple of days have been exhausting for me in real life), but right now I'm just gonna follow the discussion and see what happens. Oh, and of course defend myself against silly allegations.

  7. Argh!


    Withdraw Vote


    Isn't it obvious why I seemingly change opinion regarding lynching? It's because I'm confused as fuck right now! I have seriously lost the thread of this mafia and cannot figure out what is right and what is wrong. I'm also tired of being suspected based on the things mentioned. This is why I mafia games where we're supposed to figure out who's mafia through people's voting patterns: Wake up call from reality - people don't always act and vote "like a mafia would" or "like a townie would". I find it to be a weak ground for suspecting someone, as people are nervous and paranoid in these games and thus act accordingly suspiciously.


    Strangely enough, nobody has actually asked me to reveal my role or prove my innocence yet. Because I will do that if you really want clarification.

  8. I think the fact that Tellyn "gains power" after being targeted by me and someone else last night (forgot who, sorry :heh:) is super worrying. The fact that there are still people not willing to make the call on this one dumbfounds me because there's no chance of backfiring here: If we're wrong, Tellyn is at the least Neutral so we won't be losing a townie.


    It's only making me more and more suspicious of those who refuse to vote at this point in time :heh


    (Also ReZ, you missed my Vote for Tellyn in your count..)

    You're right, I worried a little about the "gained power" line, too. I thought of how a neutral was turned mafia in a previous game, and that was mentioned in the write-up. Still, "gaining power" doesn't exactly sound like someone switching sides.


    Gah, I still don't know whether to lynch Tellyn or not. I'm tempted, but I'm still not sure if he is evil, and I don't know if lynching a neutral is a good idea or a bad idea. Plus, I feel pressured into lynching Tellyn because of Dyson's accusations.


    By the way, how many mafia members do you guys figure there are left?

  9. Me saying that I would read the thread through and then staying online ... well, I was too lazy. :heh: And frankly, right now I can't seem to get my head around all of this, who is who, what has actually happened, what can be confirmed, etc. To those who suspect me, I really want to know your exact reasons. I know I have been very vocal in this game and speculating a lot, and while there may have been flaws in my reasoning once or twice, I hardly think that's enough to make me suspicious. If you want, I can come forward with my role and/or power, and I also have another way to prove my innocence, but naturally any of those things would benefit the mafia. Still, I'd say it's better than me being lynched because of silly suspicions.

  10. Yesterday and the day before that was good, as some friends and I visited another friend from "the clique" in her new small apartment. She has recently moved to the Danish city Aarhus where she will be studying classical philology at uni. We played Trivial Pursuit all evening, and I had a laughing fit over nothing in particular. I think I was overly exhausted. :heh: We went to bed at about 2 o'clock in the morning, stuffed together 6 people in a room smaller than mine.


    The next day we went home, but not before one of the friends and I went to a meeting in the local department of the Socialist People's Party's Youth, where the two of us and two to three other friends are the only current members. We discussed a recruiting campaign for the first day of school on Tuesday.


    Today is my dad's birthday, and so tonight we're going out to eat somewhere fancy. Tomorrow I plan on meeting up with my best friend, and tomorrow night we're both going to a pirate-themed party at another friend's.

  11. ReZ, go create thread! Do eet naw!


    I don't know if I have a talent that not many people know about. Maybe my singing? It isn't really a talent per se - it's not because I have any special skills - but I do think my singing is okay, and I don't think it's too widely known. It could also be my acting skills, which I'd say are pretty good.


    What is most important in your life? Be that a person or a lifestyle or ...

  12. I just don't want to jump on the bandwagon. As you may have noticed, I haven't hesitated when the evidence has been strong enough. I just know from previous mafia games that hunches are just as often wrong as they are right. I trust Coolness' investigations, and he says Tellyn is neutral. So maybe being reserved in voting off people based on hunches isn't always such a good idea? I could turn it around and ask you why you're constantly suspecting people - maybe you're trying to divert attention away from yourself? But that would be equally as unfounded, would it not?

    Should of course have been "bad idea".

  13. I am. I can't understand the string or M-theory but I sure like trying to, it's just so... incredible.

    I feel the same way. I'll try to find the videos, hang on ...


    Here they are:



    It's been a while since I last saw them.

  14. And you've been reserved on voting for Tellyn every day so far Dannyboy. I've been suspicious of you for a few days too with your constant hesitation on voting mafia member out.

    I just don't want to jump on the bandwagon. As you may have noticed, I haven't hesitated when the evidence has been strong enough. I just know from previous mafia games that hunches are just as often wrong as they are right. I trust Coolness' investigations, and he says Tellyn is neutral. So maybe being reserved in voting off people based on hunches isn't always such a good idea? I could turn it around and ask you why you're constantly suspecting people - maybe you're trying to divert attention away from yourself? But that would be equally as unfounded, would it not?


    Scooby Doo Origins story (TV movie for Cartoon Network). lol.

    Kitschy as it may be, I just know I'll love this! :D (Daphne in trenchcoat FTW.)


    EDIT: Holy heck, Velma's and Daphne's actresses are both one year younger than me according to Wikipedia?!

  16. Some believe that the outside force acting on our universe is actually a universe/dimension of anti-matter. An alternate reality/universe/dimension that acts in total balance with our own using the properties of anti-matter to sustain life instead of matter! This balance supposedly prevents the universe('s?) collapsing in on itself. Supposedly...


    Remembering seeing a doc about it, some of my facts might be a bit shaky so I'd recommend looking it up yourselves. In fact the LHC ATLAS experiments are to determine the existence of alternate dimensions and the mysteries of Dark Matter as well as Dark Energy which makes up 70% of the universe.


    The cool thing is if anti-matter and matter collide they are nullified so if their was a dimension of anti-matter and we collided it with ourselves it would mean the complete end of existence as we know it. Cool!


    The scientist even theorize that the hidden dimensions(as much as 6 including the 3 we perceive height, width and depth) could be the unidentified forces that give gravity it's properties.


    Check the LHC experiments here http://public.web.cern.ch/Public/Welcome.html

    The M-theory suggests there are 11 dimensions, the 11th dimension having endless possibilities of alternate universes in it. I saw a documentary about it on YouTube. I can link to it, if people are interested.

  17. For a minute there I wondered what was going to follow on from that first sentence.


    I suggest jogging. It's a hobby I've taken up this summer.

    Tell me, what in my post suggests that you were wrong in your first assumption? ;)

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