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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. An entertaining read. And ReZ's comment made it even better! :D


    If you are truly bothered by it, ignore him in any way possible, and if he approaches you, simply turn him down. I'm worried he might have psychological problems, though (I don't necessarily mean a psychological disorder, maybe just a heavy emotional baggage), so I wouldn't be too harsh on him. Possibly he misses love in his life (not only partner-love), but is socially handicapped. I kinda feel bad for him if that is the case. Of course, if he's simply a disturbed individual, he's a mighty funny one! Albeit very creepy ...

  2. we just weren't made for eachother. The love was there, but steadily decreased as we discovered more about eachother.

    At the moment there are a lot of women I like, but after my first relationship I've sort of forgotten what 'love' really means to me and therefore having a hard time really discovering if I REALLY love someone.

    Your situation reminds me of my own. The feelings I had for the one girlfriend I've had steadily decreased, and between the girls I'm interested in now I can't figure out if any of the feelings are actually love or simply infatuation.


    Meh it was pretty slow. I checked up and several people who have been online multiple times today have had plenty of time to check the thread and either havn't or are looking and not posting/don't care.

    I still think a warning is in place. But oh well, maybe this will actually make people participate. You're a hard as steel host, ReZ. ;)

  4. urgh I woke up this morning with my flesh tunnel embedded in my ear, and had to push it back out. >____<

    Say what?! o_O'


    Shit, i'm in a crap mood atm.


    Was at work yesterday doing a 9-7 shift when around 10 o'clock, my balls started to ache (ALOT). This continued to around 5ish when the pain became so unbearable that I had to leave work and go to hospital. They couldn't see anything wrong with them and they said it was mostly due to truama so hopefully the pain would go by today and if it didn't I should go back.


    Well. A lump has developed since yesterday, on my actual testicle. Fuck.

    Say WHAT?! :o

  5. Hum, difficult one ... let me think ...


    Right, I think I'm the excentric geek who thinks perhaps a bit too much and who has solid opinions about almost everything. I'm also known as the brainy and generally skilled one (except in sports :heh:), and, without trying to sound arrogant, I think people admire me, both for being skilled and staying true to my values. When my friends have been drunk or have had emotionals moments, they've often remarked how cool they think I am. Ironic, since I'm far from the "popular" type. I'm always terribly flattered, though. I don't really know how to handle compliments like that very well. :heh:

  6. I love music, it inspires me to do so much. Almost everything I do involves music one way or another. Also, I love movies as well.




    I would say acting. Even though I'm great at acting (or so I've been told), my dream is to be an actor.


    What is your dream and why? (This can be anything)


    My dream is to become an actor, a singer-songwriter or a writer. I write loads of things from songs to movie ideas to short stories (I might put a few up soon...) and I've always loved to act. Quite a few people have said I was great at it but I've never exactly went for it. Kinda has me thinking I should've done something...::shrug:

    I dream about many things. I dream about being an actor, a musician, an author, a stand-up comedian. The most realistic and possibly strongest of my dreams is to become a teacher of classics and English. Languages have always been a passion of mine (among many other things :heh:). It's the tool with which people have always shared thoughts and ideas, how they have communicated. With the classical languages, I can "communicate" with the past, learn about their ways of life - how they were as human beings. With English, I can communicate with most people on Earth today and in the future. It's a nice, symbolic combination of subjects, I find: Past, present, and future. :)


    If you should describe your personality in 3 words, what would they be? And be honest, not modest.

    I think my words would be intelligent, thoughtful, and kind. Or at least, that's how I want people to see me.

  7. I think Chair has the right idea in general. Technically he's perfectly correct that there's a better chance of getting mafia by lynching someone than not (obviously :p), but also games where nothing happens during the day are boring.

    I see his point, obviously, I just don't completely agree with it. And I'm not even going to discuss if there's a "right" idea or not. I think we should just leave it at that, as I think it's apparent by now we'll probably never agree. :heh:

  8. aw thats mega awesome. I noticed your dad had posted on your facebook before!


    My dad wouldn't know what the fuck facebook is =P good thing though because I don't think I'd like my parents seeing my facebook updates heh.

    Unfortunately my normally not so technological mother has also got on Facebook (gets just about everyone, doesn't it? :heh:), so now I have to think once in a while before posting something. :heh:

  9. Frankly, I'm glad we lynched someone, because otherwise the game just becomes stagnant.


    Obviously it would have been better if he had been mafia. But at least now we have a list of names of people who voted for him, which undoubtably will contain the majority of the mafia roster.




    Probably about 5/20, which is 25%, which is much better than the 0% chance of lynching a mafia member if we had sat and done nothing.

    We obviously have different opinions on these matters, and I don't find it likely we'll ever agree upon them. Thus I just think we should leave it at that.

  10. Well, if Jonnas wasn't the killer, that means there is another roleblocker somewhere who didn't speak up during the previous day phase who most likely targeted the killer.

    Either said person didn't speak at all (possibly because he or she wasn't here at all), or said person didn't mention the fact that he or she roleblocked someone.

  11. Judged by the quality of your enemies and all that ;)


    But I'm having trouble working this one out, am I the good guy or the bad guy?

    That depends on who you're asking, I think. :heh: I think we star in a film where the underlying theme is what is actually right and wrong, and whether that can even be decided completely.


    Though I of course still win in the end, as I am totally awesome. :awesome:


    Not really.

  12. I'm sure all of N-Europe's hopeless romantics will be here shortly.

    Did ya miss me? :heh:


    I've pretty much said these things before. Yeah, I miss having a girl in my life that I really love and who also loves me. I'm not the clubbing type, either, mostly going to smaller parties with people I'm close with. For the time I've decided to not worry too much about it and just live life. They do say you're most likely to find something when you're not looking for it ...


    Though I echo Goafer's sentiment somewhat: Watching happy couples eating each others faces off and seeing attractive girls everywhere is hardly making me feel better about my situation.

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