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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. This is all it takes to convince you to withdraw your vote?


    Chair's reasoning seems sound, and the play he made with the above posts looks good. It basically stops the mafia from being able to predict what will happen tonight, by telling people what to do, and then not to, so that it could go either way. If Chair's mafia, he's got me fooled.

    Uh, yeah? What's the problem with that? I had a sound reasoning with only small potential holes, but I hadn't considered the possibility of chair being redirected - a fairly large potential hole in my reasoning. You can't be surprised anymore that I won't vote unless I feel the case is sound.


    And I agree with you about chair. I think he's good, but he completely lost me in his ramblings. His attempt to confuse the mafia has certainly confused me. :heh: My reasoning is that the mafia would still not falsely accuse a townie at this point in the game - it's simply too early. Thus I am willing to trust him as a townie, and since he has seemingly figured almost everything out by now, I am willing to trust his info as well.


    So, do people believe Danny boy isn't mafia? He's "easy" to convince every time people give a reasoning to them not being mafia. I'm sticking with my vote. Chairdriver can thus show why he was wrong and we shouldn't lynch him the next day if we are wrong.

    You all forget to look at the quality of the excuses. I wasn't convinced by the redirection theory, but it weakened my reasoning to the point where I didn't feel sure. Besides, if you absolutely want to look at voting patterns, how the heck does my voting pattern suggest I'm mafia? If I was mafia, do you think I would switch and withdraw votes as often as I do? :heh:

  2. Making him die in prison is hardly ruthless. Of course he getting out of something. Hes missing the last 3 months of his sentance.

    They should bring back hanging. Maybe then people would be quite happy to die in prison of natural causes.

    He never let his victims die with there familys close to them. That is apart from the familys that were on board and perished together.

    See, that's a mindset I will never share nor be able to follow. It almost sounds like revenge to me.

  3. I think some of you lot need think about what you are saying, sound almost as ruthless as him.


    The judges in this land are not as ruthless as him, they show compassion for a dying person. It will be painful and its not like he's getting out of anything?

    I must say I agree more with Ell here. Maybe it's silly. Maybe it's weak. But I am against any sort of suffering.

  4. I am the gigantic blue Pokemon, Wailord. I targeted Molly, and got a message saying Molly is evil. Molly is the suspicious Pokemon, and probably not Wigglytuff (I can see no reason why Wigglytuff would be searching in the ground - I don't think it can even learn Dig...).


    And Molly has just tripped over herself by saying she blocked Ellmeister, when Zell has already claimed that he jailkept Ellmeister. What are the chances that they'd both target Ell, and only one of them would appear in the write-up? Don't you think it's a lot more probable that Molly is clutching at straws, and saw that Ell claimed to be RBed, and claimed she was responsible?




    Zell it's your choice whether to target me tonight. Don't declare what you are going to do. If you target me, you save me from my potential imminent death. If you don't, I am vulnerable to harm.


    However, if you target me, I won't be able to gather info, which doesn't really make much difference, because I'm 80% sure of who else is mafia - enough to make a strong case against them, and lynch them tomorrow.


    And EEVILMURRAY, if you are the watcher, make sure to watch me, so you can see who tries to target me. Or watch Zell, because now he'll be a target too.


    Or both of you could just do your own thing - I only aim to put doubts in the mafia's mind. (But realistically, you know what to do).


    Coolness Bears should check out not_so_tiny.


    And the psychic pokemon, you know who you are, should probably "align" themselves with whichever cleared townie (ie. Gizmo, Zell etc) you think is least likely to be attacked


    Probably Gizmo, because he's depowered now, so the mafia won't in a million years attack him, and you'll be safe.

    She said she roleblocked EEVIL, not Ellmeister.

  5. I haven't given up on the game Nintendohnut; I don't get any information so I don't have much to say. Anyway, I'm gonna have to reveal who I am:


    I am Wigglytuff. I have a ridiculous tuft of pink hair, nevertheless I am good. I can roleblock, but I've only used it once and I've never been mentioned in any of the write ups. In the early stages I find it's difficult to know who to roleblock because literally anyone could be mafia. Anyway, I roleblocked Eevil last night because I thought his tracking ability seemed like mafia.


    As for Chair's info, I don't think he's a dumb cop, he seems like a good investigator for the town. Only thing I can think is that he was redirected by mafia, or the town for that matter. Chair can I ask what night you found this information?

    Ah, redirection, I hadn't thought of that. That puts a potentially large hole in my reasoning ... ¬_¬


    Because of that, I'm going to withdraw my vote for now until we learn more.

  6. I just want to say, Dannyboy you say it seems solid enough when Chair simply says someone is evil and yet so far you have hesitated quite a bit about everything else.


    Just pointing out the slight hypocrisy I guess.


    Vote: Molly


    Raining did you target me?

    I'm hesitant to vote when I find the evidence dubious or unsolid. In this case, I think it's pretty fair to trust it. The mafia won't be bold enough to make a move like that at this point in the game. It would simply be foolish, as the town would discover it the minute they lynch, and then the mafia loses a member themselves the next day. Only in the end when the mafia is within reach of victory can they attempt something bold like that.


    Of course, there is a chance of the info being wrong (dumb cop), but often it is hinted at that the info is wrong or doubtful at best in the PM. I'm confident that Chair would at least suspect if his info was wrong and not just say "Molly is evil!"


    Thus I am willing to go with this. But I am willing to hear Molly out.

  7. Either you misquoted me or misread me, Dannyboy.

    Indeed, I would think so, too, but I can't seem to get any other meaning out of it. I read your post as saying: "I believe films etc. have a measureable quality that is not affected by any form of subjective opinion."

  8. I believe that movies (and overall art) have an inherent quality standard that is completely impartial to what the people make of it. I believe a work of art has it's own worth, completely independant of what we think of it. You believe it's all dependant on what we think and believe. I believe in observing and reporting, you believe in opinions. I've given up on trying to change the way you think, and I'm just gonna focus on settling the differences of our perspectives.



    Did you just admit yourself that the belief in an objective quality of films etc. is your personal opinion and not necessarily a fact? Haven't you thereby just underminded everything you've been trying to argue?

  9. Mhm yes they've kinda run their course but all of this has happened before and it will happen again. Look at the 70s, Labour in power and fine and good but toward the end it went off the rails and so people blindly voted in Tories because they thought it would bring about this huge change. 80s started okay and Tories did some good, but then again it went to pot and so we elect Labour again. Then after just over 10 years we're thinking 'well this isn't working...Tories?'


    Its an endless cycle.

    The same is actually true in Denmark to an extent. After a period with Socialdemokratiet (the main left wing party) in government, people get tired of their policies and vote for Venstre (the main right wiong party). Then after a while they get tired of their policies and thus vote for Socialdemokratiet etc. I'm waiting impatiently for the latter to happen again ...

  10. I declare this one the winner. Mainly due to the fact that it sounded like Aqua Teen Hunger Force, which is of course awesome.

    Indeed, that was the inspiration. :) It just popped into my head despite me having never seen the show. :p




    Because I want to see what you peeps can do with it ... and also because I just look so damn good! ;)

  11. If I was God, I'd create a pantheon of gods. Cause, God (the modern, single deity, in whatever religion) is BORING AS FUCK.


    Greek, Romancs, Egyptians etc, had it right. All the interesting mythology, the fact the gods had relationships and rivalries and stuff..soap opera.

    Worse than a soap opera. The simple truth is that the Greek and Roman gods were SICK AS FUCK! :heh:

  12. No one has seen or heard from Chairdriver since last night after some fiasco at work.




    Worried. / It's exam results tomorrow, and we're meant to be going to lunch, so lets all hope he resurfaces before then/then.

    Are you proposing something has happened to him?

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