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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I hear your balance issues and obviously this was a problem, however in the last game people said this, so I took out investigators roles (actual investigator roles there really weren't that many for town, there were only 2) of course I guess this combined with what turned into THREE transformer roles lol (not my fault though) could have contributed.


    Also for a lot of the info I wasn't giving as helpful-a-info as previous games, as I'm sure a lot of you noticed.


    So I must admit I protest a bit that it was as unbalanced as you say. Each of the mafia (I think) were immune to at least one thing that the town could throw at them. Also I added balancing measures like the UBER town rules (like the fossils) didn't even get their uber powers for three nights, and then could only use them half the time, and Danny giving him a classicly mafia power (Rock Tomb) AND making one of his formes the same as the mafia. Blah blah.


    But like I said, there must have been a problem if everyone agrees, so once again I'll take the comments forward.


    I don't personally like the ideas of dumb cops....but maybe I will add one next time. Maybe I won't. ;)


    Finally, from the previous games some comments people had was that the non-targetting powers were boring, and almost encouraged lack of activity as they had nothing they could add, so I tried to give everyone (and I think I did) give everyone a targetting power.


    So yeah, glad you guys enjoyed it, I think it was great watching it from the outside. :)


    Look forward to the next one eh.




    My award for player of the match goes to Cube. He was doing some sick investigating.


    My award for lucky escape goes to the mafia on night one. They nearly targetted to kill Dannyboy-the-Dane.


    That would have been SICK. Lol.


    Oh and I'm actually worried about not_so_tiny, I sent him a PM asking if something was wrong a few days back but havn't heard back. :(


    PS Chair, start your mafia. I want to play one for once.

    Mafia games normally played on N-E have more investigator roles than the mafia games played on the MafiaScum forums, I think. I think many of us have grown accustomed to following investigations as opposed to figuring things out more by intuition. This is the point chairdriver has been trying to make. And I think it could be interesting, even though I know I'll probably die soon as I always seem to act suspiciously. :heh:

  2. Indeed, Nintendohnut has a very valid point.


    Also, regarding the suspicions against me, it was fair enough that I was a steel Pokémon and that steel Pokémon were evil. Those accusations were fair enough. But I'm tired of getting picked on because of my apparent behaviour. You guys must have realised by now that you cannot figure out my alignment based on your normal expectations of townie/mafia behaviour. You can't keep suspecting me because of my erratic voting patterns. I'm just a confused and indecisive person who doesn't want to lynch someone he's not enough convinced is mafia.

  3. The golden Triforce ones for me, without a doubt, even if you don't consider the fact that I'm more of a Zelda fan than FF fan. The boxart thing doesn't really work for me ... it doesn't really look good, just a little silly. The Triforces, on the other hand, look amazing in my opinion. It's a beautiful, iconic symbol that works both as a handsome cufflink and an awesome reference. In fact, I want such a pair for my tux. I want a pair now, dammit!

  4. Have had a busy week ... a very busy week. Still need to do an English assignment for tomorrow. I can't even relax during the weekend, as I'm off to a summer-camp-like thingymajigger with the political party I'm a member of. It's no doubt doing to be a lot fun, but dang it, I need some time to relax! >_<'

  5. Yes but he's partly the reason why they need the reality check. His system has built them up only for him to give them the "reality check". If they'd just been told at the start that they weren't good enough then they would have probably been ok with it.

    Ah, yes, I see what you mean.

  6. For all of you people saying that some people need a reality check, part of the reason that they are so deluded and then get so angry when he tells them otherwise, is because they've spent about 3 hours doing the crowd shots pakced together in a queue, then they've seen four different judges who have all put them through to the next round. Then after 12 hours they finally see Simon and the rest who just shoots them down on national television after they've been built up for 12 agonising hours. I'd be pissed off if I realised that I'd been put through 4 times only to have the piss ripped out of me.

    But they are still under the impression that they have talent, which they don't. And frankly, sometimes it's so painfully obvious that you're amazed they didn't realise it themselves. THAT's what I don't get. I don't really like the slaughtering of people, which is one of the reasons I don't watch the show, but they still need a reality check when it comes to their "talent".

  7. Missed a lot of discussion, it seems. I thank Paj for trusting me, even though I admit my role seems suspicious. :) (Though I'd love for people to stop suspecting my behaviour every time. It's just how I play the game and thus not a very convincing argument anymore. :heh:)


    Anyway, just for good measure: Vote: gaggle64

  8. I'm not one for talking much about personal affairs on these forums but what the heck, I feel like it tonight.


    I've had one of the worse days of my life today - found out this morning that my ex-girlfriend (who also happened to be my first proper girlfriend) committed suicide last Thursday evening due to various reasons. We haven't spoken properly for a couple of years but nevertheless it got to me - I cared for her so much at one point and now I'll never have to chance to ever properly reconcile with her and just drop her a line to see how she is.


    Most of the day I was okay, being rather shocked in the morning and managing throughout the day with it on my mind at work.


    Then this evening it just got to me and I broke down in front of my Mum, which was pretty embarrassing but she understood. It seems silly to cry about someone who I've had no true attachment to for some time but I just couldn't help it. I dunno, ugh.


    Sorry to bring down the good spirits.

    What are you talking about? I perfectly understand why it affected you. Nothing to be ashamed of there. Remember, you can always come on here for support - we're here for you. :)

  9. Had some pretty bad news tonight... My mum was seeing a specialist about the knee injury she had.. apparently its pretty much inoperable. She'll have to live with it forever. She cant straighten her knee fully, and its more than likely to become arthritic. So she's basically permanently disabled ;__;


    All they can do is inject her with steroids to help it (and even that's not a cure) and I've heard from contacts I know with PS.A that those injections are mega painful.. Urgh.

    Jesus, you must really have pissed off God or been a real jackass in a previous life. I can't see how else you can be so followed by misfortune. :(


    *even more hugs for Raining*

  10. Gah, blame ReZ for my stupid powers! :p Think it through: If I came up with those powers, don't you think I'd have them make more sense? :heh: (Sorry, ReZ.)


    Also, if I was mafia and knew about the steel thing, I wouldn't have been stupid enough to establish a connection between myself and that particular type. Gambling with reverse psychology is not something I'd try in mafia games - even less so that early in the game.


    Since we appear to have a lead, I'll Vote: not_so_tiny

  11. I dunno, they don't broadcast the British X-Factor over here, so I don't really watch it. (Not that I would even if they did broadcast it, but that's a different story.) I like the fact that he's honest about some of the auditionees, as they sometimes need a reality check, but other times he just seems unnecessarily brutal, like he's just doing it for the sake of doing it (which is kind of his role in the programme, but still). That and the fact that he sometimes seems perhaps a bit too happy about himself. But that's just the vibe I get from him - it could be wrong.


    Now, the equivalent of Simon Cowell in the Danish edition of X-Factor, Thomas Blachman ... him I really hate! He was hired to have the same "bad guy" image as Simon Cowell, but most of the time he just spurts shit. It doesn't even make any sense. He has no point, but begins rambling about stuff just to sound smart ... only to sound smart. And he is most definitely happy to hear his own voice.

  12. Went to a beach at the Mediterranean Sea down in Southern France in the holidays. It was very nice (and I almost got sunburnt :heh:), but the water wasn't warmer than the water in the ocean on the west coast of Denmark in the summertime. I was a little surprised, to be honest.

  13. I try to keep all my promises, but of course I miss some of them. I don't exactly place hand over heart and say "I swear by oath that I shall fulfil this promise of mine!" I just say, "I'll do that for tomorrow." If I know I may possibly be prevented in doing so, I'll tell that as well - I prefer to make people aware of the quality of a promise of mine. Of course, something unforseen may come up, or the task may turn out to be much more difficult than presumed. In those cases, I simply apologise sincerely to the person and hope they forgive me. It's never really a problem, though.

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