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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. It's a shame mainstream Protestantism dominates the States. The Roman Catholic Church has never conflicted the theory of evolution, which is obviously important to me as a keen scientist.

    According to Wikipedia, they didn't exactly embrace, either. I don't think you can just claim that Protestants don't accept the theory and Catholics do. I think it's a highly personal question whether Christians and other religious people choose to accept the theory or not.

  2. That video is so painfully ridiculous to watch - to the point where it's almost funny. In a very tragicomical way.


    I think the thing that truly bothers the shit out of me is that these people aren't arguing with any form of sense. If at least they actually knew something about politics and had formed their political opinions based on reasoning, I could perhaps accept their capitalistic views, even if I'd never agree with them. But they don't! They don't know a flying fuck about anything, and they don't even use common sense or logic. I'm not even asking for political knowledge here, I'm asking for them to use their friggin' brains! But they don't. Instead, they come up with contradictory, far-out arguments that anybody with half a brain could shoot down. I wonder how they even formed an opinion in the first place. Racism? Roll of a dice? My mind cannot comprehend it.

  3. Like because groups of (young?) men would cause trouble. Of course there is NO MENTION of this on ANY of their websites.

    A weak argument at best, if you ask me. Also pretty sexist, actually. If it also applies for all-females, it kinda destroys the point, doesn't it?

  4. Ok, what I'm going to say is widely off-topic, but the more I think about what I'm thinking, the more I think that I must be missing something:


    Why are so many Americans against the Health Care reforms planned by Obama?


    Now, I have never been to America, and I have met very few people who have or who come from there. My current knowledge of the system is that America is one of the only developed countries without a universal health care system. I also understand that, unless you can afford it, you just do not great treated. I've heard horror stories of where people who have needed treatment have decided against, because they do not want to impose any kind of debt on their family. I find that shocking.


    Can anyone elaborate on this a bit more? Is there a particular reason why they're against a service like the one we have here? In my head, I think I understand it all perfectly, but I'm just baffled why they're so against it. Which makes me believe that I'm missing something.

    Many Americans are very, VERY focused on their capitalistic ideals of economic freedom. They are proud of their hard work and do NOT want to have to give money through taxes to the sick and poor, who - in some Americans' opinions - only have themselves to blame for their problems (a very narrow-minded and naïve opinion, if you ask me).


    I am just as baffled as you are, especially since Denmark is pretty socialistic, even with the "liberalist" party in government (though not socialistic enough, if you ask me :heh:).

  5. Mhm Ellen is indeed great. And their wedding looked really nice. Try and find the episode of Ellen when Portia is on, its almost too sweet.


    And interestingly Ellen has recently been selected as the 4th judge for American Idol which has caused all kinds of opinions (although mostly because of her lack of musical experience and her comedy) but I remember she was once blamed for Katrina because she was hosting something that year (Oscars, Emmys...something) by some religious senior (can't remember who). Just wonder if she'll be continued to use as a scapegoat simply because she's gay.

    ... You gotta be kidding me, right?

  6. I did feel the series suffered somewhat when they killed off Bob.



    I think that's what happened, anyway.


    Seriously, I've been looking to see if that's what happened. It was so long ago. I can't remember if he died or just disappeared or something...

    He was sent to the Net, but he returned eventually.

  7. Thinking about it, two Danish magicians went on TV and said they could perform the same feat (though Brown wasn't actually mentioned, which I found weird). They had a bunch of little tiles with all the numbers face down. Without looking, they picked seven (the number of numbers in the Danish lottery) and put them in seven separate bags - still without looking at them. Those bags were locked in a safe which was then welded shut. Unfortunately, I never managed to find out if they actually did it. :(


    Talking to everyone you see (especially at a theme park) is just epic. At the theme park we saw some people repeatadly.


    Jessica (Named as Phil asked if I even knew her name and I said yes, Jessica) *the one who predicted me* saw her about 5 times.


    Monica (from Friends) the train driver. Her attractiveness was commented on to her by Brad and I (seperately) I asked if we could be friends (or something like that) and thus she became Monica.


    The Chavs (dunno how we got to know them) but saw them twice.


    The chick on tin can game.

    See, this is just something I find incredibly hard to do, despite me really wanting to be able to. I wish everybody was more open like this. :)


    Oh, and by the way, partially thanks to your Mafias and general influence, I have picked up my Pokémon games again. :)

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