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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I am exactly like you for the second part. But I like saw because I can watch it without getting scared, unlike the other ones.

    Hehe. :heh: I don't actually have a problem with the gore itself. I can handle the graphic part of it (mostly, but I think we all have a limit somewhere, don't we?). What really freaks me out is again the psychological aspect: The thoughts that must go through those people's minds ... it just disturbs me. But again, it's also what's so fascinating about it.

  2. I'd love to be a comedian. It's my dream really.

    Just promise me one thing: Don't let ReZ write your jokes.


    But yeah, I also have a dream about doing stand-up one day. I don't really want to do it for a living or anything - I just want to try it once, even if I don't do very good.

  3. Why would a wild Pikachu have wrap?! [/disdain]

    Duh, it's obviously not a regular Pikachu. This type of Pikachu not only knows Wrap, it also knows Sweet Scent and Sweet Kiss, not to mention Mean Look and Growl.

  4. Well this is as good a place as any;


    Proof that dogs are indeed better than cats (although I do love cats...and any animal really); my dog learnt how to high five pretty quickly, probably about 10 minutes. Hold my hand up and say "high five" and she does it. The cats...still learning.


    I did like in that video "Quick, someone's coming! Act like a cat."

    Indeed, the ability to high-five is a powerful argument, though I still firmly believe cats are more awesome. I will prove it someday ... just you wait ...

  5. Movies like Paranormal Activity, Blair Witch Project, and Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County are the type of horror movies I love. Gory movies like Saw I don't like, even though the psychological aspect is interesting. The other type of horror movies are definitely the best in my opinion, as they play with the whole unknown aspect of paranormal phenomena - the creepy and scary stuff stays in the shadows, never truly revealing itself, only hinting. It's what has always been so frightening and fascinating about the unknown and paranormal.


    Still, it doesn't change the fact I'm a scaredy cat who hates watching scary movies. You know how difficulty it is both loving and hating a movie genre?

  6. I'm a huge fan of stand-up comedy. People used to cite it as one of the three things I couldn't live without. I've naturally mostly seen Danish stand-up, not so much international, though I have seen some. Eddie Izzard and Jeff Dunham are some of my personal favourites.

  7. Yep. But I seriously doubt most people delete ripped music before selling the cd it came on, so most cds you buy secondhand will probably involve copyright theft somewhere.

    Ah, yes, you're most likely right. I was only speaking theoretically, not realistically. But in such a case, you wouldn't be committing anything illegal by buying the album second-hand, would you? Only the "ripper" would?


    Also, it surprises me that it's illegal (at least in the UK or so I gather) to rip a CD. I thought you were allowed to make back-up copies of your stuff for yourself as long as you had ownership rights?

  8. For once I agree with Danny. Selling an album on is NOT the same as giving someone a copy while keeping a copy yourself. When selling an album you originally bought legally, you're passing on ownership of that item. It's like selling a car or something. No problems. But when you copy it, you suddenly both have a copy of the item, and one of the copies hasn't brought in profit for the musician - and that's illegal.

  9. Mixtapes? Just as illegal, but we all love them, and have made them, yeah?


    Buying a second hand CD off eBay? Why not just pirate. The artist doesn't get a cut this time!


    Money saved by pirating music? Do we all hoard it thinking "ha ha now I'm rich!" or does it go to other entertainment industries?

    Hang on, buying a second hand CD isn't illegal, is it? The ownership of the paid product is simply transferred, hence it's just as legal as me buying a second hand car, right? Or am I missing something?


    Yeah i will give you that. The sentances i have seen in the press have seemed totally slanted when compared to many other crimes. But then i think many crimes arnt punished anywhere near enough. But yes unless people were burning these cds and selling them at a large profit the fines imposed do seem excessive.




    My bold your not playing by the rules thats the point. The rules are simple what you are doing is illegal dont kid yourself its anything else.

    Your posts make me laugh to so filled with hope for the wide world. You just havent had it crushed out of you yet. There is time though.

    Capitalism isnt imposed on you. You are free to go to a non capitalist country thats one of the perks of this freedom you are talking about.

    There is nothing wrong with being a dreamer, is there?

  10. Well, Diageo, if we had a cloning machine, we could clone all the bread we want and give it to the poor. Though with the egoistic, capitalistic minds of modern day society, they'd quickly use the cloning machine to screw everyone up even more badly for their own personal gain.


    Isn't watching or listening to something on YouTube just as illegal, provided the copyright-holders didn't put it up themselves?

  11. I'm sure blu ray is just wonderful, but a lot of people just don't have that kind of money to throw around.


    The only reason I have an HDTV now is cause my old 14 inch box tv was broken :heh:


    my upscaling dvd player cost £60. I'm more than happy with that!

    Indeed, I feel like it's some sort of luxury that, while naturally very nice, just isn't something I can be bothered to switch to. DVDs are cheaper and still the most common format, meaning it's easier to find movies as well as players that support it. The better visuals just aren't worth it yet. This is going to change in a couple of years, obviously, as DVDs will begin to be phased out of the market. Then I'll probably switch, since Blu-ray will most likely have become much more common, not to mention cheaper.

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