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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Don't make me get the big guy on you!




    I personally feel we in the Western world will never really drop capitalism. We are so used to and like our shiny new toys we buy to placate us.

    I think we're talking past each other. Of course, our market will always be pretty free - and it should be that way, because it does indeed create growth (plus we do like our shiny things :D) - but when I say "capitalism" I mean "no economic redistribution what so ever" - and that I do not agree with, because it creates a lot of economic losers.

  2. Communism and capitalism aren't extreme ideas. They can be taken to extremes but its not like you can have comu-capitalism. T'is one or the other really and I think capitalism works more than communism. Trading for goods and most rich = most powerful has existed for a long long time. Now we just have a term for it :heh: Communism, in my opinion, is like Santa Claus. It's a nice concept but it doesn't really work in practice.

    No political idea works perfectly in real life. For that we would need perfect people - and no people are perfect. Both communism and capitalism are politically far out to the left and right, so in that sense they are extreme ideas. They're ideologies taken to the pinnacle. I wouldn't say that capitalism works any better than communism. The big, rich, and powerful are trampling down the small and poor, and inequality is wide-spread. Communism created dictators, but so did capitalism: Greed and egoism.


    (I'm probably sounding like a commie right now. :heh:)

  3. It wasn't that great when they suddenly jumped X years into the future and had Enzo and that orange whore suddenly grown up. Not happy.

    They didn't jump into the future. Times moves faster inside Game Cubes, and since they lived in Game Cubes for an extended period of time disguised as Game Sprites, they aged accordingly.

  4. She was fucking scary, when her face switched to the angry one... that whole show was pretty mental to be honest.

    Indeed, the scary mask terrified me ... especially because she always came so close to the camera. But yeah, the show was indeed weird - but that's part of its charm. :)

  5. Well to be fair, until the bubble burst in the 90's Japan loved capitalism.

    Yeah, well, I just the think the current crisis has more than proved that a non-controlled market isn't the best idea. Just like the Soviet Union proved that hardcore communism doesn't really work in reality, either. It's like that with most political ideas: They work on paper, but you can rest assured that there will most likely always be someone to fuck it up in the real world. The more extreme ideologies like communism and capitalism just create more extreme problems.



    Forgot all about that. It was so amazing. Was that the one where the people kinda plugged themselves into a virtual, surreal world?


    That was unbelievable.

    Sort of. It follows the inside world of a computer city, Mainframe, and its inhabitants, the robot-like Binomes (little Ones and Zeros) as well as the main characters, the more human-like Sprites: Bob, Dot and Enzo. They battle the two Viruses, Megabyte and Hexadecimal, as well the Games loaded into the city by the mysterious being outside Cyber Space known only as the User. Outside Mainframe is the Net and the Web with countless other systems and characters ... both good and evil.


    I loved the show, but finding DVDs of it has proven tricky.


    EDIT: I found out you can watch the episodes online. Here's the link to episode 1, part 1, if anyone's interested: http://www.blinkx.com/video/reboot-the-tearing/8OF_9fzYy68cw2vEFwyLEA

  7. Latin was the most worthwhile thing I ever did at school. I learned more about English from Latin classes than I did from English lessons.


    Learning to translate English into Latin is a great mental exercise, because you have to juggle so many things in your mind at once. Doing it makes you feel cleverer.

    Indeed, trying to translate to and from Latin and Greek is most likely the most enjoyable part of it. And it does indeed make you feel cleverer. :heh:


    I think many people don't understand how much you actually learn from the classics. Not only do you get a deeper understanding of the workings of the Roman languages and languages in general, but you also learn much about the cultural, scientific, philosophical, political, etc. roots of modern thinking.

  8. Some people collect stuff and keep them in original packaging because it increases their value. 30 years later, that item might be worth a lot, and the original, unopened packaging makes it even more valuable.


    I dunno, I do like collecting stuff, but I'm not obsessive about it. My main drive in collecting things is because I want to own them and use them, so I don't care about packaging.

  9. The words necessary wouldn't leave my mouth.

    And as the water filled my mouth, it couldn't wash the echoes out

    I wondered what these echoes were and what they were about

    But when going after them, there were no echoes left to rout

    I swallow the sound and it swallows me whole, Till there's nothing left inside my soul

    But suddenly I'm hit by a flying lump of coal

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