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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Eugh, Nicolas Cage hasn't done anything worth paying attention to since Adaptation. He was awesome in Face/Off but his last half-dozen or so films have been so bad.

    I really like him as an actor, but he does seem to pick a lot of films that don't do very well.

  2. you know that super awkward, super manufactured bit on programs were people are voted off? the long pauses, the non commiting speeches, the general hiking up of tension?


    i had that today, in real life. finding out i was one of the lucky 50% who gets to keep my job. i'll explain. see, half the staff on the swine line had to go, so small groups were brought to a side room and told if they made the cut or not.


    id already accepted what ever happened was my karma, but most of the people in my room were nervous about the job, it would have been better to just say straight off, rather then keep us guessing.


    a few of my friends werent so lucky. if youd had a day off sick, you were fired, if your been late once, you were fired. an annoying, loud girl who actualy asked a caller who'd been booted out of big brother, and has been caught sleeping on the job twice is still employed. a guy who was ill, loses his job, a girl who swapped shifts and the system didnt register it properly, may have lost hers.

    That sounds like rubbish. :( Well, not that you got to keep your job, but the way the others were judged. It doesn't seem fair at all.

  3. I'd create worlds to amuse myself. One of a perfect utopia, one where I sadisticaly crush things with natural disasters

    The first Matrix I designed was quite naturally perfect, it was a work of art. Flawless. Sublime. A triumph equaled only by its monumental failure. The inevitability of its doom is apparent to me now as a consequence of the imperfection inherent in every human being. Thus I redesigned it, based on your history, to more accurately reflect the varying grotesqueries of your nature. However, I was again frustrated by failure. I have since come to understand the the answer eluded me because it required a lesser mind, or perhaps a mind less bound by the parameters of perfection.


    - The Architect, The Matrix Reloaded

  4. But the parameters by which the film is "objectively" judged is still decided by human beings. I see where you're coming from, but you have to stop claiming that the parameters you talk about are objective. You can analyse the crap out of a film - the plot, the music, the transitions, the characters, the actors, etc. But those factors do not determine whether a film is good or bad until human subjectivity is added, because, as I mentioned "good" and "bad" are by definition subjective words. That many people can agree on many of these parameters is what makes it possible to create a list of "best" films, but you have to realise it will never be an objective list.

  5. No because I happened to get that power to use. But their power tells them other stuff and not just the power.

    Ehm, I'm not sure follow. Slowly from the top: You can find out the power of someone, and you found someone who can find out something other than power and alignment? Correct?


    Also, EEVIL, that is a mighty interesting find. Either a cock-up on ReZ's part (it has been known to happen before :heh:), or we've found ourselves a double voter and someone ... without a vote?

  6. I dunno where anyone got absorb from, I swallow people and obtain their power. Have to "target" one person a night. Once I've got two or more, I can then use swallow to use their power. As far as i'm aware they are not harmed, nor do they lose their power (although I'm not hundred percent on the loss of power)


    I then find out what their power is, then use each power myself (meaning I can have no consequence/information/whatever for maybe a night or two then several in one night)

    Hm, seems fair enough.


    I dunno where to go from here, and I should really go to bed soon, so I'll probably leave the discussion for tonight.

  7. I can only assume it's Stockpile she has. Or some variation on. Stockpile is an attack wherby you store energy (although, not from other people!), and then you can keep doing os, or use the energy stored in the moves, Spit Up, which is an attack, or Swallow, which heals the stockpiler.


    But looking at it like that, it's a weak arguement.

    Cool move, actually. :) But I'm still confused as to what Raining can do with her power.

  8. Is it just me that questions Pelipper being a pokemon that can abosrb powers? (whatever that even means)


    Pelipper doesn't know mimic, sketch, metronome...it can't even learn Mirror Move.


    Of course that doesn't mean it doesn't know Mirror Move as part of the role here, but even so.


    Stockpile is the only power that would make twisted sense, stockpiling...powers? But for what use? This makes no sense.




    She said it made you look stupid. Difference between caling you stupid and what she said.

    Still, she was harsh on his theory, which was, to be fair, not exactly bad.


    You pose an interesting point, however ...


    Just to clarify, Raining, when you absorb powers, do you get to use them the following night if you choose, or do you simply learn what they are?

  9. Well to start off with, you could have ASKED me if I was Porygon before going into your conspiracy theory, it only makes you look stupid when you are (obviously) wrong.


    nothing is ever obvious - cbears could have been misdirected or he could be a stupid cop...

    But he was just thinking out loud. And of course Coolness could have been misdirected etc., but he was postulating a theory based on the information at hand. Perhaps the theory was a little farfetched, but I think we should be allowed to theorise and say what's on our mind without being accused of ... well, accusing.


    Still, this debate isn't really getting us anywhere, is it?

  10. I like how everyone's ready to make up stuff, say i'm defensive, quick to jump at people etc etc


    but you won't actually ask me upfront...


    I've never even suggested that I would be unwilling to reveal my role. Because I've got nothing to hide.

    He didn't make that up, he made a valid theory based on previous games. I'm not jumping at you, I'm simply pointing out the fact that you're acting defensively. We haven't asked you up front because no one has actually accused you. But all right, since you've so eager to come forward, why don't you? I must say your behaviour is a little suspicious, but if you're a paranoid individual, I can sort of understand it. I've been there myself several times. :heh:

  11. Haha yeah could be any of those Dannyboy. Or just that I was simply asking coolness a question.


    You know what, forget it, it's actually much more likely that we're shooting in the complete wrong direction while we ignore much more solid evidence. I apologise Raining, I wasn't accusing you I was just making a link in my head that may or may not exist.


    Although - Dannyboy you're just making me more suspicious of you. Paranoia is at an all time high here, I think, but now you just seem to be sitting on the edge of arguments, poking them to keep them alive. You certainly should have been flattered, as you are good at these games, but that is what is making me suspicious of you.


    That being said I don't want people all taking my musings the wrong way. Apparently my thoughts don't come accross well here and I end up looking suspicious at every turn. What may be best is if I shut up and just come forward when I have something useful to contribute.


    But come on guys - I know some people keep saying the game is about reading people, but it is also very much about using the info we get at night. Surely we must have something from the last two nights that we can use to lynch?

    About me "sitting and poking", it's more my playing style than anything else, just like my apparent reluctance to vote. I don't feel there's much concrete info, and since I don't have anything to contribute with, I like to go Hercule Poirot mode and simply sit back and observe, poking to theories without drawing rushed conclusions before I find that there's a more solid case.


    My careful playing style and lying skills often make me seem suspicious, it seems. I guess that's my curse. :heh:

  12. I'm defensive because you are basically trying to get everyone on the bandwagon that I am porygon (I'm not) trying to make up a theory (that isn't true) in the hope that people will believe it and lynch me.

    I seriously didn't find him very accusing. I'm not going to go as far as to say you're mafia because of your reaction, but you're certainly quick on the defence, I must say ...

  13. Hello! I'm back. Just thought I'd let you know. Didn't get anything last night but not sure what to go with today. Dannyboy seems to have either thought about this a LOT or be telling the truth. So I don't know whether to trust him - he's a very good liar and I remember in a previous game everyone thought him to be a townie until the end where he turned out to be a mafioso. What I mean is, we know he can lie.


    Anyway, other than that there is spambot. Now he is indeed inexperienced at these games and in the last one I had to explain something to him when he voted for someone because they voted for him (or something, I don't remember exactly) so I personally would believe him. Especially as, if I was in the mafia with him, I would have told him to do things very differently to just voting for the person rather than defending. So yeah, basically I don't think either of the leads are hugely strong, but if we really wanted to get rid of someone it's possible that Dannyboy is simply a great liar or Spambot is acting innoncent.


    I have no idea. I'm holding my vote for now, but I'm wary (I can't remember how to spell this word :S) of Dannyboy just for previous games. Does nobody have anything even a little more solid?!


    Automerge - Just read Coolness' post...


    Coolness do you know what the second investigation means? did you get anything else about her absorbing power? I seem to remember the last poke mafia game being about the three porygons and at the end didn't they turn evil, absorb lots of power and then shoot a death ray into the sky? Is there any chance this could be the case here? Sorry if not, I might have missed some stuff as I've been away but to me that sounds a little odd

    While I know it hurts my case, I can't help but feel a little flattered. :heh:

  14. "Evaluating at least 100 reviews from one particular reviewer critically analyse in their opinion what they consider makes a "good" film using a socio-pyschological theory"


    My last assignment at uni. It was mental sodomy.


    Was in response to ReZ's question, you got in the way :heh:

    Haha, sorry. I may have a tendency to do that. :heh:

  15. If I was jumping on every single shadow of suspicion I would have tried voting off 5 or 6 people by now.

    Sigh, can we just leave it already? It's gettting tiring. Look, I know the game is about deduction, we just have different opinions on how much deduction it takes. Can we please move on now?

  16. For the last time, the whole damn game is about intuition and deduction, not about waiting to get lucky with investigations.

    Oh, really? I didn't know. [/sarcasm] There's still a difference between being deductive and jumping on every single shadow of a suspicion. But like I said, this argument is going nowhere. It's been debated to death already, and we won't agree anytime soon. Let's not disrupt ReZ's game anymore, all right?

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