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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Sure they are both free. but most young teens use hotmail as opposed to gmail. So hotmail has the connotations of immaturity, whereas gmail doesn't. Don't get me wrong a more professional email (such as work) is better than both, but out of the 2 gmail is better.




    Then you wouldn't get very far in the world of business.


    Also you may think you don't adhere to society's ideas and concepts, you almost certainly will do.

    I won't adhere to silly ideas. ;)


    And that's exactly why I most likely wouldn't do well in business. Because I don't like adhering to other people's ideas if I don't agree with them. :heh:


    But it's not like I'm very fussed about it. Gmail, Hotmail, I don't really care. I have both, actually, although I use my Hotmail. If I ever apply for a job in business, I'll probably use my Gmail after this conversation, since that would appear to help my chances. :heh:

  2. Yeah. People dress differently, more smartly in most cases to go to interviews for jobs, to give the impression you are professional.


    That's a superficial concept (whether or not you dress like that every day of your life or never), trying to impress through appearance of importance and professionalism. Same with this e-mail address thing.

    My point, exactly. Except you worded it better, I think. :heh:

  3. Yeah you're right. My Gmail account is no different from my free @free-webz-hosting-uk.co.uk


    EDIT: I just read my comment and that made no sense. Where is my self-destruct button?

    But it isn't different. Only in people's minds. And while that can be a factor to consider, I don't want to adhere to other people's silly ideas. :heh:

  4. Because their likeliness to vote depends on the alignment of the person? If Cube is evil, he knows those alignments and therefore acts accordingly. If not, he acts on his own impulses, which may or may not be the same as the mafia's based purely on coincidence. Whats more likely, coincidence or evil? At this point, probably coincidence, hence why I haven't voted for him. When / if more appears, maybe I will vote for him. By warning him of it now, it discourages him from doing it in future as a mafioso; maybe he'll not bother placing a vote for a good guy, which might swing it and keep that guy alive. Maybe he will place a vote for a mafioso who looks in trouble, to keep his cover. Either way it's a good thing for us. If he is innocent, it won't affect him.

    I know perfectly well the theory behind voting patterns, and I know that they do apply, but there are just an awful lot of maybes and uncertainty involved. Plus, once people start using reverse psychology, it gets even more uncertain.


    Anyway, we've had this discussion before, and I can practically see where it's going to head next. I'm not interested in clogging another mafia game with it - sorry for bringing it up again, even in jest.

  5. I'm with Sheikah on this one. I don't believe in such a thing as a list of what is "best" and "worst". Any definition of those terms is by definiton subjective. There is no divine, objective "right" or "wrong" or "good" or "bad" in this world. If there were, we'd have no experts on ethics and morals to discuss those things. We humans define what we accept as right and wrong, good and bad, beautiful and ugly. To say that something could be judged objectively is to say we need a set of guidelines to judge by. But guess who invented those guidelines. And guess who constantly discusses and disagrees on those guidelines. We do. Us subjective humans.


    To return to the topic, here is a list of my favourite actors (more may be added as I think of them):

    • Tony Shaloub (he's so amazing in Monk :yay:)
    • Johnny Depp
    • Nicolas Cage
    • Keanu Reeves
    • George Clooney
    • John Cleese
    • Rowan Atkinson

  6. First to vote = less chance of accidentally killing off your mafia mate before he gets his defence posted, distancing yourself from him should one of you be found out.:indeed:

    So trigger-happy to vote = mafia, but reluctance to vote = mafia? You just can't win, can you? :heh:

  7. Gmail more "serious" than Hotmail? Hm, one is a free e-mail service, and so is the other. And ... well, that's it. If you think there's a difference in "seriousness", you're simply being superficial. That's not to say there aren't people who'd say that one was more "serious" or "respectable" than the other, but it's still, as they say, "only in their minds". To think otherwise is just plain silly.

  8. Gizmo, if I was truly mafia, why the hell would I reveal that I could use Rock Tomb? It makes no sense to use that as an argument.


    Regarding SPAMBOT, the fact that he is new is a pretty good excuse for his behaviour. This is exactly why I don't trust lynches based on voting patterns much - because people don't always act "like they should".


    Ellmeister, I have so far only used Reflect, hence why I've posted steel a few times. I've used it on night 1 and 3, but didn't on night 2 because I forgot to post steel in the day phase. I've since learned from ReZ that I stay in steel mode until I change mode, meaning I don't have to post steel every day to keep using it. I haven't quite worked out when my other powers would be good to use. I don't see why I silencing anyone would help the town, and a silence + roleblock is a pretty harsh deal for a protection, I find.

  9. But...nothing similar to Regigigas appeared in the writeup. I'm still not confident.

    Well, I've never managed to find myself in the write-ups, either. And I know the powers may seem "evil", but please don't judge me on that. We've seen good silencers in ReZ's games before, for example.


    And in fact, is silencing really a power that townies have? Feh. The odds are against me here but I don't want this to be left alone in case you really are a mafioso with a powerful night power.


    And it seems silly to have a townie that can't be killed unless it's by lynch, unless your power can only be used every other night.


    I dunno. For now I'll Change Vote: No Lynch but I'm not confident that you're all you say you are.

    ReZ's roles don't always make perfect sense, though, to be fair. (No offence, ReZ. :heh:) And please note that there have been good silencers in past games. About the role's powerfulness, you have to remember I'm an Ãœber.

  10. I think he means that calling pepsi coke or calling a vaccuum cleaner a hoover is fine since there isn't really a difference. But calling an Xbox a Playstation isn't since there is a big difference.

    I must say I don't like any of those examples. A Hoover is a vacuum cleaner, but a vacuum cleaner isn't necessarily a Hoover. Keep it right, folks.


    Why, yes, I am in fact a perfectionist. How did you figure that out?

  11. Yeah, gonna keep my vote personally until you release more info. I don't buy it.

    Well, I'm not even sure you'll believe me if I reveal everything, but since I can basically protect myself from any nightkills, it's more important for me to survive lynches.


    I am Regigigas, the Über Pokémon of the town. I have three different modes that I activate by typing either steel, rock or ice in the day phase. Steel mode makes me reflect all powers. Rock mode makes me able to use Über Rock Tomb which roleblocks and silences, but also protects my target. Ice mode lets me use Ice Beam which simply silences my target.

  12. ok, so, somthing rather odd happened last night.


    ive got a mate at work, hes an odd guy, but thats what i like about him, totaly comfortable to be himself, even if outhers dont understand.


    any way, i was chatting with him, he says how hes not been in alot of relationships, mentions a girl a few years back, and a guy more recently. quickly dropping in "but that dosent make me bi" now, call me old fasioned, but dosent that make you bi?


    im also very confused in my love life. i like a girl, but ive no idea why. we arnt well matched, i dont really stand a chance and im stupid to try it. what am i doing?

    Newsflash to the dude: What he says is the definition of bisexuality. Unless he was never actually attracted to one of the persons mentioned.

  13. Somewhat related - when I worked at Waitrose we weren't allowed to say "No problem" because it "Creates a problem"



    I can explain that. It's psychological. It's like in a crisis situation, you are not supposed to say "there's nothing to be afraid of". Using negations of bad words has the opposite effect on the brain, as it subconsciously ignores the negation and focuses on the bad word, be it "problem" or "afraid" or whatever.


    The Chinese actually use the same word for lend and borrow and they often make this mistake when speaking English.

    Like in Danish.


    I dunno if I have any pet peeves that are not common ...

  14. Man I hate that. Also the incorrect use of borrow. "Can you borrow me a pencil?"


    If anyone ever phrases it like that to me I refuse to give it to them.

    I probably wouldn't, either. :heh: Well, most people I know are Danish, and we have the same word for "borrow" and "lend", so that's a fair excuse if they're not good at English.

  15. Just did an assignment for Thursday and was satisfied with myself ... until I noticed that an up-until-now undated assignment had been dated for the day after tomorrow. I really hope it's a mistake, as I know I'll have a lot of regular homework tomorrow, and it seems weird it's already for Tuesday.

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