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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Yes, he's revealed himself as Deoxys!


    Incidentally why has Raining_again only posted a vote without reasoning? I'm happy to go with it, but I am just a tiny bit nervous that she is being forced to vote.


    then again we haven't seen that power once so far this game. I suppose I'm just wondering why she hasn't said anything, seeing as all the other days where she's had info she's explained a little about it.


    Anyway, I'll Vote:Strider


    Incidentally as the only evil movement last night seemed to come from Strider, we may elliminate the final mafia member with this lynch. Hopefully, anyway.

    I wondered that, too, but seeing as Zell also targetted him and confirms it, I think it's safe to go with it.

  2. The other part of me thinks it takes the piss out of the system. Why shoudnt anyone else who has commited crimes escape (and in doing so breaking more laws) go on the run. Until they come to a point in there life where they need are ill and need the help of the NHS. Then come back get the help they need then only serve a short time before having to be released due to health reasons.

    I follow your logic, but if he was simply kept in prison without being given treatment etc., it's borderline inhumane. I don't believe as much in "punishment" as I believe in "rehabilitation".

  3. Vote: Strider

    Suspicious of Dannyboy with reluctance to vote.

    I was reluctant yesterday when I wasn't sure what I could trust. Raining_again has pointed out goons before, so she appears good and trustworthy, and we know she is the multi-elemental roleblocker. There is no reason for me to be reluctant this time.

  4. Aye, I don't think I could. I might be tempted, but I couldn't live with the guilt afterwards.


    If you could choose to solve one of the world's problems - only one, but you could be sure it would be fixed - what would it be?


    I'd probably make people "make love, not war". It seems as if most of the world's problems - or at least the difficulties in solving them - can be attributed to hate, prejudice, and egoism.

  5. I should go to sleep, I have to wake up in three hours to go to the airport, then on to Ibiza. Just syncing a few episodes of Chuck to my iPod, then I'm off. See you in two weeks, N-Europe!

    Have a nice trip, Telly! :D

  6. Misteeq (oh god i didn't just admit to that) :sad:


    also - Weightwatchers do an orange and nectarine yoghurt (its lovely actually)


    If you could chose to live with a forumer for a week, who would it be?

    Not counting the obvious female members, I'm sure I'd have a blast living with ReZ! :D

  7. Well, if I wasn't misdirected or stopped from roleblocking Tellyn, then it begs the question: who was the green Pokémon that was tricked? And in what way were they tricked for that matter?


    It appears at least, that when the write-ups mention an ally, they are genuinely allies of some sort. In Tellyn's case, he was an ally to martinist, a fellow mafia member. But are the mafia the only ones with allies? Or are there other "groups" among us..?

    I should probably reveal now that I have an ally. I am Plusle, the other is Minun, and we can communicate outside the thread.

  8. Hmm probably 2nd year of uni (I'm including uni as part of "school" :p) because it was the year where I lived like a student...allbeit with an up-to-50 hour job. Just a time of going out a few times a week, sleeping around, making memories etc etc.


    If you could be an animal for one day which animal would you be?

    Most likely a bird. I'd love to soar through the sky, plus I think birds are awesome, majestic, and made of win. :D


    If you could choose one quality in your life partner, what would it be?

  9. Protection!


    Mega powers but not able to kill anyone

    (think Orihime from bleach - but not nearly as sexy haha!)

    Much sexier. ;)


    I would most likely be a mage/technician combo with high intelligence and wisdom and speciality in practical uses of magic and technology. I would have low physical skills like strength, constitution, and willpower, however, as I am quite weak physically and cannot stand too much pressure, though my dexterity would probably be good, as I am flexible and can sprint ... though not for too long. :heh:


    My personality would be reserved and kinda excentric, but very close and loyal to my friends. I would also have a weird, possibly sarcastic, form of humour.

  10. @Dannyboy: It's not that you aren't behaving like a townie. It's that you're a good liar, while Dyson (IMO) isn't. I've seen a pattern whenever Dyson is a mafioso, and he's not following it.


    Anyway, I'm more and more convinced that Tellyn is hiding something. And if we're going to lynch someone, it's either him or someone who isn't doing much *glares at Strider*

    Oh ... uh, now I feel flattered. :blush:

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