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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Whenever I watch something like this, I always try to keep an open mind. I've watched 30 minutes now, and so far the actors are all right (except Link, he's not very good at acting, and they sometimes mumble or don't speak loud enough) and the costumes are pretty good. The strong points are the filming and the effects - those are often messed up in amateur productions. The weak point is the story/script - like why was Saria his foster mother, and what about that guy in the woods? Plus the dialogue is not very natural at times.


    All in all, though, I they've done a pretty good job considering it's an amateur production. :)


    Oh yeah, and I LOL'ed at 26:35! :laughing:

  2. (Dunno if this is the appropriate forum, nor if it's even worthy of its own thread, but I thought it might. Feel free to move and merge as you wish.)


    Anyway, remember the Legend of Zelda fan film, The Hero of Time, that we saw a trailer for a few years back? (No, not IGN's April Fools joke.) Well, having gone off the radar for quite some time, it is now finally done, clocking in at over 100 minutes. There is a link to it here (on a Danish site):




    The official site: http://www.theherooftime.com/

  3. I wasn't being negative at all and I'd thank you not to judge me as such.

    Sorry, I believe I misinterpreted the tone of your post. I can see it came off worse than intended. No harm meant. :)


    Nor to jayseven or Oxigen_Waste, for that matter. I love you all, really. Apologies if my humour was misplaced. :)

  4. That's not very fair. We can't all be lucky enough to be flooded with gifts from our happy family.


    Where does the tradition for opening presents on Xmas Eve come from?

    I don't really understand the relevance of your first comment ... I mean, it's true, but what has it got to do with my post?


    As for the second comment, I really don't know. Where does the tradition of opening presents Christmas Morning come from? :heh:

  5. I think it's about bonding with it. You don't just get a pet and expect it to improve your life. It's about wanting to have a pet, a (possibly) fluffy new family member with which you exchange love. :)

  6. How do you know what you're getting? Doesn't that defeat the point of having it wrapped and such?


    I've heard the phrase 'I've got you something. I hope you like it.' I hate hearing this - like it's my fault and I'm difficult to buy for. Either way I'm not expecting much but then I don't need anything.


    I'll settle for no arguments. Actually, I'd be ecstatic if that were the case - because it's not going to happen.

    Shush, Mr. Negative! You and J7 (and possibly O_W) should form a group or something. :p It's not that I know what I'm gonna get - it's that we Danes open our presents Christmas Eve! Hence the "possibly because some of you don't get your presents until tomorrow" comment. ;)


    EDIT: I just realised Dazz was talking in the future tense, so your comment was most likely aimed at him.

  7. Since it seems no one has posted one yet (possibly because some of you don't get your presents until tomorrow), I thought I'd create this year's present thread.


    The title is self-explanatory: What did you get for Christmas this year? Ecstatic or pissed off? Post your presents and thoughts here.


    As for myself, I've so far gotten the following:


    - New Super Mario Bros. Wii

    - Dan Brown's "The Lost Symbol" in Danish

    - A large, illustrated edition of Dan Brown's "Angels & Demons" in Danish

    - A new set of bed sheet, pillow and duvet cover in Japanese style matching a set I already have

    - Party stuff: Flashing Rudolph nose, snowmen antennae thingy, and musical ties


    So yes, I'm very satisfied. :)

  8. While I never managed to get through the previous before giving up, I did manage to sit through this one. But maybe I'm just more bored right now.


    I still think your main problem is that, like you say, you write down the things that come to mind. Well, DON'T! Because as soon as random humour is written down and rehearsed (not to mention delivered badly ... sorry), it stops being funny. Looking at what seemed to work, I'd say a show in which you display your randomness towards strangers would work perfectly. Or maybe a show with segments like the Phil sketch. Because simply reading your jokes doesn't work. Your forte seems to lie with acts of randomness.


    All in all, still not very funny. Although I must say that the N-E comments segment was really funny to me.

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