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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I fell off my high horse and rolled into this rut ages ago. Sorry if I groan, sorry if I moan. Sorry if I'm not star-struck and hopeful.


    Flameboy; I don't mean this to be a competition, nor need you prove yourself. I've had pretty much precisely the same relationship experience as you - knocked flat on my back just as many times. One time I liked this girl for months, and when I finally asked her if she shared my feelings she said "aw, if only you had asked me months ago! I did but now we're hardcore friends, dewd".


    So I understand the pressure of choosing the right moment to take the step towards the answer, but I'm just saying that from the clues you passed on from her to us it never sounded like it was going anywhere.


    Dannyboy; I understand what you are saying, and that to some extent having a strong moral compass and a well-founded understanding of human nature can lead to good advice. If my epigram was Word then how would we help rape victims? How could we offer guidance to people dealing with situations utterly unfamiliar?


    While we offer the best insights that we can, I'm just saying that the advice is better coming from those who know. In between the lines I'm assaulting anyone who isn't me because they're behaving in ways I wouldn't, and I'm guilty of having an ego that needs bruising.


    But while you attempt to offer a perspective to encourage debate or shed light on new ways of thinking, so do I. My cynical realist approach is just not commonly shared - or much appreciated.


    But essentially, if and when I seek advice, I want the blunt and the cold just as much as I need the warm and the soft.

    See, it's perfectly possible to channel your thoughts and advice into a nice and constructive post that doesn't make you seem like a cynical, old git. ;)


    I understand your point completely. I myself was in a valley at the time, and your post just nagged the heck out of me. :heh: I think you're very much aware of this, but your rhetoric do have a tendency to piss people off despite your reasoning often being very sound and sensible. There's a reason I voted you as most respected member: I've come to realise I have a deep respect for your opinions and takes on life. :) But damn it, you can be provocate at times! :p We just have to keep that in mind when debating with you. ;)


    You've become quite a Mr. Negative lately, haven't you? I don't know about other people, but having not had much relationship experience at 18 years old doesn't exactly make me feel successful. Maybe that's me having a twisted view of reality, I really don't know. But seeing your peers having much more success than yourself in a field you really want to be successful in never really did a man's self-esteem any good. I guess that's my confession of the day.


    About the advice, a fresh perspective never really hurt, did it? It's not like I'm forcing people to do what I say. And I at least believe I have an idea what I'm talking about, based on what I've seen and tried to work out myself. Other people disagree with my advice, but at least it opens up for some debate which might shine some light on the advice given. How is that bad? I might learn something myself.

  3. just a tad bit now

    my posts looks more dramatic because it's on the top of the page to be fair :)


    And I'm not aiming it at any specific people. Just in general. Happened a few times on the rage thread as well.

    Just people type stuff they would NEVER say in person. Would you slag BM's death to a fan's face? I highly doubt it.

    I have more posts per page, so that's not the case for me. :heh:


    But yeah, of course we say things we wouldn't say in person (well, maybe ReZ would), but that's the beauty of the Internet. We dare be more honest on here. Still, while we speak our mind, I don't think any of us would be so insensitive as to "slag" her death to a fan's face. Heck, I don't even think we're slagging her here. We're simply expressing that while it is tragic, we can't exactly mourn every single person that dies - especially not just because they're famous. It may seem cold, but it's a fact of life. But of course none of us are gloating the fact that she died. We're simply making a bit of dark fun because we know the people on here can handle it and understand that it's not evil-spirited.

  4. Yes. Several times. The main one I remember is being shot straight in my mouth and dying slowly as the blood poured out. :) Dying in your dreams is boring though. I wake up from that like "meh"


    I want the EPIC dreams where you ride the Moon Giraffe to an unknown land of garden gnomes who fish for bathroom objects BUT on your way up you are chased by several overweight librarians who are trying to throw staplers at you but then they are taken down by the almighty one armed golden jar of obesity that can only speak in 3 different languages one of which is used so he can communicate by those who have been accidently killed by tooth brushes. Along the way you also lose your trousers and end up having spoons for legs and have to eat different varities of icecreams through your eyes. There is a hot air balloon that you fuse together with so when you speak fire comes out of your wrists. Equally you meet someone called Flengle a mysterious art dealer who sells piano's to asian dwarves because his husband left him for an unsually shaped biscuit tin named mark and not only took his only child with them but also stole his satchel of peanuts as well.


  5. wow there really are a lot of dicks on this forums....


    Not even to do with the death of BM but the level of disrespect between members here is astounding. It's alright having a bit of a laugh, but

    you gotta love the childish tag teaming going on between members that think they are mature adults. I've seen this happen A LOT lately with different members aimed at different members.


    She is quite a well known actress too you know so the thread is valid and get over it. :)


    Beyond that I'm only seen a handful of movies she was in sin city being one of my favourites of hers. I'm useless with actors so I had to look her up to see who she was but I defo know her to see her.

    Really? I knew we had friendly banter, but I wasn't aware we were tag-teaming or being disrespectul.

  6. Dunno if you can use it, but here's some small biological facts about cats' ears that I quickly googled: http://cats.about.com/od/felineanatomy/ig/FormandFunction/CATEars.htm


    I am pleased to know I am not the only who literally views every girl I talk to as a potential partner. Or, well ... I'm nor pleased per se - more like relieved that I'm not the only desperate guy around here. Just try to be yourself and see if she's interested. Be kind, make her laugh, all that stuff.

  7. Perhaps more times than I would like. But as once spoken by the great Zelos Pretty boys die young anyway. I think in one dream I was shot through the eye, and then I fell somewhere. Normally if I do die in a dream it's taking the bullet for someone or something along those lines.

    Provided you thereby save someone good or innocent, it's really the best way to die, is it not?

  8. http://music.uk.msn.com/news/articles.aspx?cp-documentid=151448415&ocid=today


    Simon Cowell was so 'genuinely impressed' with the couple who started the RATM campaign, that they offered them jobs!!! LMFAO!

    I'm actually impressed by him. I know he's probably doing it mostly for publicity, but still, he could have just bitched and moaned about it like many other people in the X Factor camp. At least he seems to have gotten the message - unlike some others ... It's of course unfortunate for Joe, but that's the X Factor people's fault for getting his hopes up too high. If he really is a good musician, he should be able to get a career up and running with or without the no. 1 spot. If he's nothing more than a novelty like many other winners, he'll be forgotten just as fast.

  9. @ Flamey, sorry to hear that :( I too have been there, please don't do what I did which was to ask again a few months later.


    Hypothetical situation. Say you're in a wine shop on a Sunday afternoon, we'll call it Majestic. There's a hot guy walking around browsing and picking up wine, you keep passing each other and sharing a ''lustful glance''. I am actually laughing as I type this. Anyway. How do you start talking to him without sounding completely desperate? He should have talked to me, I am no good with this stuff. Again, alone, forever ;)

    Well, (and this is again from someone without much experience) you could always try making a joke out of it. That way you can pursue it, but also dismiss it as a bit of fun as a way out. If I was the guy it happened to, I know I'd appreciate both outcomes (though naturally one more than the other ;)).

  10. In my dreams that center on pain and death, the central focus has always been the idea that you can't feel physical pain in a dream. This has been expressed through funny dreams in which I have been thrown through the air and slammed into a drawer or literally been run over by a car, but just laughing because I couldn't feel anything. One time I had a lucid dream (undeniably the coolest dream of my life ... well, at least it's up there with my erotic dreams) in which Jafar from "Aladdin" was chasing me through my old school grounds (current school grounds at the time). At some point the absurdity of it all dawned on me and, having just recently been reading about lucid dreams, I realised it was a dream and that I could then attempt to control it, which I did. I think it changed, but I only remember it ending at that point. Whether anything came after it, I don't recall.

  11. I've experienced practically the same as you, even down to the things she said to me. Still, it's the "best" sort of rejection you can get. As tough as it is, you gotta move on and find another. Plenty of fish in the sea, she doesn't know what she's missing and all that. :)


    Oh, and on the chocolate thing: If people can't find something fitting for me, I always welcome chocolate! :D I think I'm addicted to sugar, cookies, cake, sweets etc. But I like it to be quality stuff, though. ;)

  12. Seriously? People actually like that piece of crap? Don't get me wrong here, the money it raised for charity was a good thing. However it's a patronising piece of crap that really deserves to be archived and forgotten about.

    I know I'm sappy, but I just can't help loving charity songs and the like. I know it's patronising, but hey, it's still better than not helping at all, is it not? Spreading the love and all that. :) (I feel like I belong in the '60s or '70s. :p)

  13. Name a good one!! :weep:

    John Lennon - Happy Xmas

    Paul McCartney - Wonderful Christmas Time

    Wham - Last Christmas

    Band Aid - Do They Know It's Christmas?




    Then there are all the classic Christmas songs which are constantly being remade. For instance, I am in love with Celtic Woman's rendition of Carol of the Bells:


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