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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I didn't really know rokhed before. I didn't even know that he hadn't always been that way. He seemed like a nice person when he wasn't having a go about gender roles etc. Some people were perhaps a bit aggressive towards him, but to be fair he seemed to almost seek out the confrontations.

  2. This episode seemed better than the others, actually. Or maybe my humour is getting worse, I dunno. A quick rundown of the sketches:


    Pun sketches (including Dr. Wu-Man and District Nein): Quite funny, actually.

    Phil's sketch: The clipping ruined it. If he had simply gone on long enough for the chocolate to melt and then shown that, I think it'd have been funnier.

    Gay Best Friend part 1: Slow build-up, and I expected a certain punchline that never came. The current ending was not as good as I had hoped.

    Gay Best Friend part 2: Funny idea, could perhaps have been executed better, I dunno.

    Scare Clair: Funny as always, absolutely love her little laugh at the end.

    Ichi chickeri: Should've probably just kept it as the contest at the end. Still well done, though.

    Phone sketch: A little hard to discern, but when I listened properly and understood what was said, I found it funny.

    Salt joke: Not that funny when predictable.

    Sub marine: Would have been funnier if you had just stuck to the original pun.

  3. I've been feeling quite the opposite. I haven't played seriously for a very long time - and when I did, it'd be half an hour of Guitar Hero - but I truly miss it! In autumn I bought Metroid Prime Trilogy and played it for hours, yet I haven't touched it since - I simply don't have the time to really sit down and play for hours on end, at least not without feeling bad because I should be doing something constructive, and then I end up not playing at all. I got around to play a deal in the Christmas holidays, getting both New Super Mario Bros., Guitar Hero 5 and The Conduit as presents, but now I'm back in the same busy routine again. Hopefully I'll really get into gaming again when I finish STX this summer.

  4. The timeline splits (not my own theory, this has been confirmed by the Zelda people). Wind Waker is the continuation of the adult timeline in which Ganondorf has been sealed away in the Sacred Realm. Twilight Princess is the continuation of the child timeline in which Ganondorf is captured before he can do anything to Hyrule, but because of the adventures (as evident by the ending scene in Ocarina of Time in which Link and Zelda are in the courtyard, the Triforce of Courage visible on Link's hand), the three still have their pieces of the Triforce, including Ganondorf, which is the "divine intervention" that results in the Sages being unable to execute him.

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