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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Could you remix it slightly, add a disclaimer that we're not some twatty chav group. To the uneducated, the "N-E Massive" might come across as something it's not.


    [i know we did "Guns Don't Kill People, Rappers Do" with slightly remixed lyrics awhile back. Good times.]

    I don't think people will think we're chavs when our first song is "Do They Know It's Christmas?" and our second song is going to be "Perfect Day". :heh:

  2. Bail out Bail out Bail out. Hehe, sorry though dude, genuinely, feel free to poke fun whenever you want at my various neuroses.

    Well, let's just say I don't always agree with your ramblings. :heh: I might try to make a comeback once in a while - though I will likely succumb to your rhetorical superiority. :p

  3. Well, you certainly must not let yourself get abused. Do not mistake "being good" for letting yourself get trampled on and taken advantage of. It's hard to say what you should do without knowing details, nor do I think we'd be much better at helping you if we knew them. You have to decide for yourself - it's your life, not ours, not your family's. You sound like you have you have a pretty good understanding of good and bad, so I don't fear that you are "turning to the dark side" by caring about yourself here. If you feel you are being treated unfairly, don't just accept it.


    Yeah, I don't really know how to round this post off. I think I've said what I wanted to say.

  4. Ive been thinking about having a name change for a while to one i used a while ago.

    If i change it and dont like it, am i allowed to change it back?

    Read the opening post. You can change your name once and then back again if you wish.

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