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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. That's a very pretty girl. Her eyes are stunning. ;)


    On a serious note (if this can be considered serious), I got a haircut today, one which I'm rather pleased with:




    It's too bad my hair grows so long and thick so fast. It makes it hard to keep a short and "fresh" hairdo like this one.

  2. So you're arguing my point believing everyone will find Bestiality, Necrophilia and Paedophilia given enough time?


    What are you hoping for first ;)?

    No, that's not what I'm arguing. I'm arguing that it being repulsive may simply be a social norm. Whether it's okay and should be accepted in society is another discussion entirely. In the case of paedophilia, the point is not that many people find it "icky", it's that children are not at all developed enough neither physically nor mentally to engage in such behaviour. Add to that that it's often against their will and consent, and it's perfectly clear why it is and should be unacceptable in society. With beastiality and necrophilia, the question about consent is much harder to address, and so the acceptance of those rely much more on people's perception of it being "repulsive" and "okay" in regards to the norms of society. I think the main question is: "Why exactly it is considered wrong, and are those reasons valid?"


    I'm not necessarily arguing that those things are actually okay or should be. I'm not even sure of that myself. I'm merely arguing that we shouldn't forget to question our ideas and perceptions once in a while.

  3. To a very small minority. But there are always going to be a small minority for everything.


    I'm talking about the world in general. >_<

    Yes, but as mentioned earlier, 100 or 200 years ago, the whole world agreed that homosexuality was repulsive as well. Many still do.

  4. Its the same about necrophilia...that's what I'm saying. It involves exploitation, so you can't argue it might be acceptable in years to come. Nor can you say its in the same class as "fat sex".

    No, but you can argue that it may not be "repulsive".

  5. I know, it doesn't... :p


    I wrote a big paragraph about how sexual identity is integral to overall identity, but I felt like it was a pointless opposition, because I couldn't phrase what I wanted to say properly, and I hate arguments when it's obvious people aren't going to change their minds.

    Well, you may not instantly change their opinions - or change them at all - but hearing different views on something always improves understanding. :)


    Everyone can always get into a subjective and objective argument but that gets boring.


    Why don't we argue that about peadophilia or beastiality... >_>.


    Obviously I'm against all 3 of them, I'm just saying, your comment is possible to be argued for those as well.

    I never said it wasn't.

  6. I think that's a misrepresentation - there's a massive difference between something that doesn't appeal to you personally and something actively repulsive.

    Hm, what actually determines whether or not something is actively repulsive? Isn't repulsiveness often down to personal preferences as well? I mean, often we have instincts that tell us something is "repulsive", but there are always exceptions to these instances - paraphilias being a good example.

  7. No, not at all. The vandalism of the memorial site was not part of the campaign against the australian internet censorship. The actual campaign was an attack on the government to get attention and send a message, followed up by a series of IRL protests in front of major australian government buildings, including embassies on an international level. The attacks on the site mentioned in the article were not organized by the same people, and the organizers of the actual campaign were against the mentioned vandalism. The vandalism was caused by a group that's just doing stuff "for the lols" rather than actually trying to do something about censorship.


    Also Senator Conroy is a censorist, and against human rights, and anything he says should not be taken seriously.

    Then why are the two cases mentioned in the same article. (Granted, I only skimmed it.)

  8. Ok in lecture today I disagreed with the answer that the lecturer gave. So would somebody give me the right answer please.



    Well, it depends on whether the random eployee is selected among everyone, and it so happens he or she has been there 2-5 years, or if the employee is selected only between those who have been there 2-5 years. Why the 22 come into the picture, I have no idea.

  9. I care more about my hair than I want to ...


    I have no old photos online at the moment, and I'm too lazy to find any. Luckily (or not), for most of my life, I always opted for the very plain, flat, Lego-man-like hair, so it's not hard to find even not-old photos with that hairstyle.




    In the last few years, I've usually let my hair follow its natural pattern in which it spirals to the left (this pattern is also a little visible on the flat hair image above).




    It's especially visible from this top-down angle.



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